Wildflowers in San Miguel Canyon near Norwood, Colorado

Aster in San Miguel Canyon

Aster in San Miguel Canyon

Gateway, CO, was my destination on Saturday, September 3rd, 2011. My Labor Day weekend street bike ride took me west from Ridgway, along the San Miguel Canyon, up to Norwood, to Naturita, and thence to Gateway. A rest stop in the canyon, nearly to Norwood Hill, revealed many wildflowers—amazing, really, considering it’s September, but not amazing considering the amount of rain we’ve had this summer. Enjoy the flowers!
Purple flowers

Continuing the theme of purple....

Yellow flower

These look like Goldeneye

Odd yellow flower

I'm pretty sure this is a form of Goldenrod, though which variety I can't tell from the flower book.

Yellow flower

The closest the flower book comes is a sort of gumweed, though the match is far from exact. The flower shown here has a much more uniform middle.

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