Nanowrimo, or more officially, National Novel Writing Month, is an Internet happening every November. The idea is to write a 50,000 word novel entirely in the month of November. I’ve been participating for several years. In fact, the Broomstick books found their genesis in the 2005 Nanowrimo, and the 2013 Nanowrimo brought The Berki Blunder. And, did I do it in 2014? YES! I made it across the finish line today, a day early.
Mind you, 50,000 words is several hours at the computer every day, which is why only one new Amateur Extra video was posted this month. I’m looking forward to finishing the book and polishing it off. It will probably be available sometime in the spring of 2015. The story? It’s called The Capricorn Conundrum. A ship has come from a planet around the star system Alpha Capricorni, and is intent on colonizing earth. Except they find that it’s already inhabited. Do they turn around and go back? Or do they wipe out all the earthlings so they can claim earth as theirs? That’s the Capricorn Conundrum!
By the way, what did I win? Well, the privilege of downloading a PDF certificate and writing my name on it. And the ability to purchase a winner’s tee shirt. Well, what I really won was getting an idea on paper. The contest provides the incentive to make it happen.
Congratulations Dave, we missed you, welcome back.
My daughter has been enjoying (and simultaneously cursing) NaNoWriMo for several years. I know the amount of dedication it requires, so we’ll give you a pass for November! Look forward to more Extra-class videos when you catch your breath. 73 de N0WKR!