Taco Bell: The Boys’ Choice

Loretta and I have dinner with "the boys." From L -R, me, Brad Boyd, Nick Boyd, Wyatt Yarnell, Justin Cain, and Loretta Casler. Photo by Brad and Nick's mother.

Loretta and I have dinner with “the boys.” From L -R, me, Brad Boyd, Nick Boyd, Wyatt Yarnell, Justin Cain, and Loretta Casler. Leramy Carner, who had a scheduling conflict, was unable to be with us. Yes, my arm is still in a sling. Photo by Brad and Nick’s mother.

Five weeks after breaking my arm in a motorcycle accident, I made good on a promise to the five young men who rescued me. I’d promised I’d take them out to dinner at any Montrose restaurant they chose. I mentioned the Stone House, one of the most upscale restaurants in town. Well, the boys consulted among themselves and chose Taco Bell, so that’s where we went!

Again, my hat is off to Brad and Nick Boyd, Leramy Carner, Justin Cain, and Wyatt Yarnell, five tremendous young men! And congratulations in advance to Justin, the youngest of the group, who graduates from high school this coming week on May 19th.

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