Can you power your station from the sun? Absolutely! This video explains solar power from the panels and batteries to charge controllers and sizing.
You can see a list of Ask Dave videos by clicking here. You can ask a question by clicking here. You can go to my YouTube channel by clicking here. And the tip jar is available by clicking here.
Dave, I’d prefer you show it directly from YouTube, but if your meetingplace is like ours, there’s no good Internet, so go ahead, do what you need to do to show the video. If anyone asks, give them the YouTube URL to find it for themselves. Good luck with your meeting! 73, Dave
I am visiting and was invited to hear a presentation by Wayne Gilbertson WA7IGI at the Verde Valley ARC that included your video. I was hooked and wish I had read my QST’s more. I would very like to present your video to my Radio Club next weekend (I return to VK land on July 1) and ask your permission to down load video. Thank you for an excellent presentation. 73
From one Dave to another! VK2AYD
This is the best demonstration and informative video th at I have yet to see Dave, GREAT job as usual!!!