Site Upgraded to WordPress 3.0 and 2010 Theme

Wordpress logo

WordPress is now at version 3.0 and has a new default theme called "2010." You can click on the image to go directly to the site.

Upgrading WordPress is a royal pain given my ISP somehow has things set up so WordPress can’t directly update it. Fixing it is way down in the gory details, in the nethermost regions of the Linux operating system that powers the site. So, I have to hand-delete the old stuff and then hand-post the new stuff. Fortunately Ipswitch WS_FTP 12 Pro is up to the task—it just takes time. Now both my sites (this one and Mt Sneffels Press) are now updated.

Just for kicks, I tried out the new “default” theme that WordPress provides. I thought it had some interesting possibilities, so I set about tweaking it to make it behave. To change the generic picture in the header, I had to upload one of mine and rename it to look like one of theirs (it’s now fern.jpg and doesn’t look anything like a fern) so the system would take it.

The big thing I didn’t like about 2010 is the size of the fonts used for posts and pages. I scoured the various style sheets and found that tweaking line 466 of style.css, which is found in the 2010 theme directory, did the trick. Here’s the old value: font-size: 16px; line-height: 24px. The new values are font-size: 14px; line-height: 2opx. That brought the font down to something reasonable.

Let me know if you like (or dislike) the new site theme by commenting below.

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