Sanborn Park Wildflowers


The Mule's Ears are in bloom! Here's a whole field full of them.

While exploring side roads along Sanborn Park Road, Forest Road 530, I chanced upon many wildflowers. Here are some samples.


Here the purple and the yellow intermingle.


Here the purple ones are so plentiful they look like a purple carpet.


I couldn't resist asking this guy if I could take his picture standing in the purple wildflowers. He declined to take my picture.


Here's an interesting little flower. Each of those tightly folded orange things is about an inch to an inch and a half long. Many were not yet open.


Here's one of the orange flowers that has opened. What a delicate little thing! The opening is about the size of a dime.


Here the purple stuff mingles with the Mule's Ears.


Technically along Dave Wood Road rather than Sanborn Park, here are some wild roses, a light shade of pink.

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2 Responses to Sanborn Park Wildflowers

  1. Jayna Sheats says:

    Hello Dave, I don’t know if this website is still active 12 years later, but who knows – I re-connected with a childhood friend that way after many decades once before.

    I grew up on the opposite side of Horsefly Creek from Sanborn Park (in a place called “Ute”, which Google will still locate approximately), and I was a ham at the age of seven (K0RTI). Long since discontinued, but your post was a nice “blast from the past”.

    Jayna Sheats

  2. Loretta says:

    You were brave to be that close to a male bovine! Nice pics.

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