Publishing on Amazon’s CreateSpace

Here are the slides I presented last night describing how to publish on CreateSpace. Clicking on the slide will bring up a rather large PDF file; please be patient while it loads.

Here are the slides I presented last night describing how to publish on CreateSpace. Clicking on the slide will bring up a rather large PDF file; please be patient while it loads.

Here are the charts I presented yesterday. The occasion was a class at the Montrose (Colorado) Public Library. The first several charts discuss the pros and cons of self-publishing and the benefits and limitations of CreateSpace. The rest of the charts follow the entire process of uploading and publishing a book. The example is The Capricorni Conundrum, now in proof stage, which is slated for an April, 2015, release. NOTE the PDF file download is large at 8.5 MB, so this could be a slow download if you do not have a fast link. Click on this link: Publishing with CreateSpace. (The file will not appear on your screen until it is completely downloaded.)

Please note that although I publish several books on CreateSpace, I have no other attachment or affiliation with them. This post also appears at

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