Ask Dave Episode | Content |
Ask Dave Episode 295 Erecting the EFHW-8010 End-fed Half Wave Antenna and Initial Testing |
We erect the MyAntennas EFHW-8010-1K end-fed half wave antenna that covers a small portion of the 80 meter band, plus all of 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12, and 10 meters (but not 60m). I also show SWR results, which show this antenna will work with a rig that has a built-in tuner that can tune up to 3:1 SWR. A future video will cover on-the-air performance. |
Ask Dave Episode 294 HamPi Ham Radio Software for Raspberry Pi from W3DJS |
Dave Slotter, W3DJS, today releases version 1.0 of the HamPi image for the Raspberry Pi computer. It has all sorts of ham-related software, including fldigi and wsjt-x (and many others). I interview Dave about the new release. You can get the new release for yourself at Direct Download Links: US Callsign Alpha Prefix download here: US Callsign Kilo Prefix download here: US Callsign November Prefix download here: US Callsign Whiskey Prefix download here: All other Prefixes download here: Note, you can get the Balena Etcher program here: |
Ask Dave Episode 293 Unboxing the Radioddity GS-5B Dual Band FM Handheld |
We unbox the Radioddity GS-5B Dual Band FM Handheld. See |
Ask Dave Episode 292 Unboxing the MyAntennas EFHW-80-10 End Fed Antenna |
Oggies have been urging me to try the MyAntennas EFHW-80-10 antenna, so I purchased one with channel funds. It looks solid and I will put it up this coming week. See Let’s open the box! |
Ask Dave Episode 291 NOISE on your Radio! Part 2 of 2 |
Here is the second part of the Noise presentation, as given to the Rochester Amateur Radio Association. For the first part, see |
Ask Dave Episode 290 Noise on your Radio! |
This is part 1 of 2 of a presentation I made to the Rochester Amateur Radio Association (RaRa) on 3 June 2020 on the subject of noise (QRN) and what can be done about it. It’s a nice survey of noise sources. Ask Dave #291 will cover the second half of the presentation. |
Ask Dave Episode 289 Measuring Output Power with an Oscilloscope |
An Oggie asks, “can you measure transceiver output power with an oscilloscope?” Absolutely! I show you how. |
Ask Dave Episode 288 AM and Single Sideband Signal Spectra |
Let’s look at actual spectra of AM and SSB signals using the software-defined radio. |
Ask Dave Episode 287 Creating an RF Output on the ICOM IC-7300 with the RadioAnalog PTRX-7300 |
The RadioAnalog PTRX-7300 is an add-in for the Icom IC-7300 that creates an RF tap for RF receive that can be used to drive a software-defined radio (SDR) receiver, in this case the SDRPlay RSP1A. In the video I install the device and demonstrate it. See |
Ask Dave Episode 286 Stay at Home Video: AM & FM Modulation |
Oggie Eric Mills asked for an explanation of AM and FM. Here’s a look at both using an oscilloscope. |
Ask Dave Episode 285 The New FCC Seal |
A look at the recently-announced FCC seal and its predecessors. |
Ask Dave Episode 284 Icom IC-7300 Voice Keyer (works for many other radios too) |
Let’s look at how to record voice messages (such as a CQ) that are available to you at the touch of a button–literally, along with the Contest Console for ICOM from SOTABEAMS. |
Ask Dave Episode 283 MFJ Duplexer–Two radios, one antenna, or vice versa |
A look at the MFJ-916B duplexer with SO-239 connectors (also available with N connectors and also available with an outdoor version). You can use this to connect a 2m radio and a 70cm radio to share a single, dual band antenna, or use it with a dual-band radio to connect to a separate 2m antenna and 70cm antenna. Interesting device! |
Ask Dave Episode 282 Stay at Home Special: Adding an HF Linear Amp to Your Station |
Let’s talk about adding an HF linear amplifier to your station. |
Ask Dave Episode 281 Stay at Home Special: Upgrading my Station Clock to 4-line Display |
I upgrade my GPS-tethered station clock from the default 2-line display to a 4-line display. I need to upgrade the clock firmware and am looking for suggestions. is the way to contact me. The display comes from Adafruit: |
Ask Dave Episode 280 Stay at Home Special: Setting up the Icom IC-7300 for CW |
In response to a viewer suggestion during last night’s live stream, let’s set up the IC-7300 for CW. See for info about the reference station. |
Ask Dave Episode 279 Stay at Home Special: Ordering the PTRX-7300 SDR Tap Point for the IC-7300 |
The Radio Analog PTRX-7300 device creates a tap point in the popular Icom IC-7300 which you can use to feed a separate SDR receiver to get a better panadapter screen. I used channel funds at the suggestion of several Oggies to purchase it. In this video I describe it, and when it comes I will install it and report on it. |
Ask Dave Episode 278 Reference Station Power Distribution West Mountain Radio 4006U |
This reference station video describes the power distribution device, a West Mountain Radio Rigrunner 4006. I do the unboxing, open the unit up to see what’s inside, and install it. |
Ask Dave Episode 277 Stay at Home Special: ADS-B on your SDRplay Radio |
This is a direct follow-on to Ask Dave #275 about making a sleeve dipole for 1090 MHz. In this video we download the necessary software so the SDRplay radio (in this case, RSP1A) can receive and display ADS-B broadcasts from aircraft. |
Ask Dave Episode 276 Stay at Home Special: A Simple Microwave Coaxial Sleeve Dipole for ADS-B |
Subscribe: Ask Dave Playlist: Tip Jar: |
Ask Dave Episode 275 Stay at Home Special: My Station Layout |
In response to viewer questions, here’s a video about my station layout at KE0OG. |
Ask Dave Episode 274 Stay at Home Special: A Look at PL-259 and SO-239 Connectors |
Let’s look at the misnamed “UHF” connectors, the PL-259 (the plug) and the SO-239 (the socket) used extensively in the USA for RF transmission and reception. I show a variety of examples of each. |
Ask Dave Episode 273 Stay at Home Special: Dealing with Measurement Error |
My Samlex SEC-1235M, which is the reference station power supply, had a meter that was reading a little off. Here’s what I did, with some commentary about measurement error. |
Ask Dave Episode 272 Stay at Home Special: Install Icom IC-7300 Driver and FT8 on New Computer–Works! |
A previous video, #267, describes menu settings on the IC-7300 to prepare it for digital modes. This video covers in great detail downloading the Icom driver for the USB connection between my new Win 10 computer and the IC-7300. Then we download and install WSJT-X, then set it up to work with the radio. After a couple sample FT8 QSOs, we download the WSJT-X user manual |
Ask Dave Episode 271 Stay at Home Special: Installing a UHF/VHF Mobile in my Home Station |
Installing the Anytone D578UVIIIPro UHF/VHF Mobile Radio in my Home Station; the process can be used for any mobile radio |
Ask Dave Episode 270 Anytone D578UVIIIPro 2m/1.25m/70cm Mobile Ham Radio Features |
I cover the many features of the Anytone D578UVIIIPro 2m/1.25m/70cm mobile radio available from The list goes on and on. The video includes explanations of many of the features. |
Ask Dave Episode 269 Stay at Home Special: Survey of VHF/UHF FM or FM/Digital Radios |
Here’s a survey of what’s on the market in terms of VHF/UHF (2m/70cm) radios, either just FM or FM plus some form of digital (D-Star, C4FM, or DMR), with prices. |
Ask Dave Episode 268 How to shorten your wire antenna without cutting it |
In response to a viewer request, here’s how you can shorten a pre-manufactured wire antenna such as the MFJ-17754 without cutting it or doing anything irreversible |
Ask Dave Episode 267 Stay at Home Special: Setting up the Icom IC-7300 for USB Connection to Radio |
I’m setting up a new computer and will load fldigi and WSJT-X to use with my IC-7300 (the HF reference radio). This video shows the needed settings on the IC-7300 itself. See |
Ask Dave Episode 266 Stay at Home Special: MFJ-17754 Antenna Part 2: on 40m |
This continues #265 in which we started the review of the MFJ-17754 20/40m trapped dipole wire antenna. Today we cover tuning 40m and add some comments on the antenna. |
Ask Dave Episode 265 Stay at Home Series: The MFJ-17754 40/20 Trapped Dipole |
We review the MFJ-17754 40/20m trapped dipole wire antenna and do the first part of the tuning, that of the 20m band. Another video will cover the 40 meter band. The antenna as sold is deliberately too long, so you will definitely have to tune it before use. |
Ask Dave Episode 264 Another Look at the4 Alpha-Delta DX-EE Antenna |
As promised, here’s another look at the Alpha Delta DX-EE 40/20/15/10m dipole antenna. I thought we might use this as a reference antenna because of its shortness, but it turned out to have narrow bandwidth on 40 meters, so those who want to do both SSB and FT8 can’t do it with one antenna. In this video I retune the antenna to cover the SSB portion of 40m. |
Ask Dave Episode 263 The KE0OG Reference Station Web Page |
Introducing the web page where you can find the current state of the reference design. See |
Ask Dave Episode 262 Solar Power at KE0OG |
I give a tour of my current photovoltaic (solar) power project that powers my station (when I’m not using the reference power supply, of course). |
Ask Dave Episode 261 Bad Computer Build Symptoms |
T LOOKS LIKE THE OFFICIAL (FOR NOW) VERDICT IS IN. THE PROCESSOR AND MOTHERBOARD ARE INCOMPATIBLE! Thanks for the many comments from yesterday’s video. Here’s my response, providing all the things I’ve tried and the results Keep those comments coming! |
Ask Dave Episode 260 Computer Build Fail! |
did something new today. I built a computer! Fail! Leave a comment with suggestions! |
Ask Dave Episode 259 Stay at Home Special: Anytone AT-D578UVIIIPro Power Tests |
We test the power output of the Anytone AT-D578UVIIIPro mobile radio, which has four power output levels on 2m (1, 10, 25, 50 watts), two power output levels on 1.25m (1, 5 watts), and four power output levels on 70cm (1, 10, 25, 40 watts). Results? The radio does pretty much what it says it’ll do. See the radio at |
Ask Dave Episode 258 Stay at Home Special: Times Microwave’s Connectors and Tools |
Times Microwave LMR-400 is a popular premium coax used by ham radio operators. Do you know they have house-brand PL-259 all-crimp connectors and the tools to go along with them? I didn’t either! Let’s look at those tools and put on one of the connectors. Very slick. This is another stay-at-home special for you. Enjoy! ( |
Ask Dave Episode 257 Stay at Home Special: Requirements for Technician Reference Station Home/Mobile Rig |
While we’re all stuck at home, let’s look at the requirements for the base/mobile station for the Technician part of our reference station. I go through the requirements we’re looking for in a 2m/70cm radio, including a discussion of DStar, C4FM, and DMR. Please comment on this video! |
Ask Dave Episode 256 Stay at Home Special! First testing of Anytone D578UVIIIPro DMR Mobile Radio |
A first look at the Anytone AT-D578UVIIIPro 2m/1.25m/70cm mobile radio from ( We prepare the power cord, plug it in, and download the programming software. |
Ask Dave Episode 255 Stay at Home Special! Unboxing the AnyTone AT-D578UV III Pro DMR/FM Mobile Radio |
In another “stay at home” daily special, we unbox the new AnyTone AT-D578UV III Pro DMR/FM Mobile 3-band radio. It covers the amateur radio 2m, 1.25m, and 70cm bands. Take a look! You can learn more about the 578 and purchase the radio from BridgeCom Systems. You can also see the radio at |
Ask Dave Episode 254 Stay-at-Home Video: Installing Anderson PowerPole Connectors |
Ugh–we’re all stuck at home. Let’s talk about ham radio to lift our spirits. Today I install some PowerPole connectors on the power leads for a radio that’s been sent to me for test. I show a trick or two in the process. Today we’re sponsored by Toboa Energy Resources, at |
Ask Dave Episode 253 National Stay At Home Special! Replacing a bad PL-259 Connector |
Since we all need to stay at home anyway, let’s fix up the station! I need to review a new mobile radio, and the connector on my VHF/UHF antenna went bad, so I put on a new crimp-type connector. Watch the step-by-step procedure. |
Ask Dave Episode 252 Reference Station Antenna Redux: MFJ-2010 OCFD for 40, 20, 10, 6m (#252) |
The MFJ-2010 off-center-fed dipole (OCFD) looks like a much better candidate for the reference station antenna. This video looks at is features, its history, performance across bands, a sample QSO, and a comparison with reference station requirements. The antenna is available from MFJ directly, from HRO or DXEngineering as well as others. |
Ask Dave Episode 251 Building the v6.1 Micro BITX from India |
I build the new version 6.1 uBITX HF QRP SSB/CW transceiver fromm in India. For an extra US$50, they include a case, another extra US$10 to ship via DHL, for a total of US$210. It came quickly and took me only an hour to put together. The power output varies from band to band. I look forward to using it as a QRP rig. |
Ask Dave Episode #250 Reference Station: A simple 20-foot mast |
Part of the Reference Station series: How to build a simple 20-foot mast to hold up wire antennas. You can create a mast from this reference design or adapt as you see fit. |
Ask Dave Episode 249 Radioddity GA-510 Dual-Band FM-only Handheld with 10 watts Review |
Review of the new Radioddity ten-watt 2m/70cm handheld FM-only ham radio. Nice little radio, easy to program. Comes with two batteries and programming cable. |
Ask Dave Episode 248 Oops…the Alpha Delta DX-EE can’t be the Reference Antenna |
Oh dear, I was excited when my Alpha Delta DX-EE antenna arrived from DX Engineering. Great, I thought, up it goes. Well, then came the testing. The results clearly show that this antenna does not properly cover 40 meters – only about 20% of it without a wide-range tuner. So it can’t be the station reference antenna. See the details in the video. I’ll keep working on it. |
Ask Dave Episode 247 Testing Grounding (Earthing) with the DLG DI120 Ground Earth Resistance Tester |
This is both a review of the DLG DI120 Ground Earth Resistance Tester and an explanation of how it works. You can see the meter on Amazon at |
Ask Dave Episode 246 Ham Radio HF Unity Gain Antenna Survey |
A Necessarily Incomplete Survey of Amateur Radio HF Unity Gain Antennas–a look at the many, many antennas used in ham radio that have about the same gain as a good dipole. I select the antenna to be used in the Reference Station. |
Ask Dave Episode 245 Reference Design HF Radio: Icom IC-7300 |
Continuing with the reference station development, we discuss power supplies and select the Samlex SEC-1235M as the reference station power supply. This video also looks at the MFJ-4225MV and the PowerWerx SS-DV30. |
Ask Dave Episode 244 Reference Design HF Radio: Icom IC-7300 |
Introducing the concept of a reference station design, which will include all elements of both the Tech and General reference station. The first element of the reference HF station is the Icom IC-7300. The video explains the concept of the station reference design. |
Ask Dave Episode 242 Extensive Ground System at N6GR |
Brad Rich, N6GR, walks us around his Alamogordo, New Mexico, ground installation to see the extensive lengths he went to in order to create a very good ground system for his new ham shack and tower. |
Ask Dave Episode 241 YouTuber’s panel at Quartzfest |
This is the YouTuber’s panel at Quartzfest 2020, January, 2020. Participants are Kevin Loughin, KB9RLW, Bob Brodovsky, K6UDA, Randy Hall, K7AGE, Jeri Ellsworth, AI6TK, Dave Casler, KEOG, and (via recording) Callum McCormick, MMCX. Each has his or her own YouTube channel which can be found by searching on their name and callsign. |
Ask Dave Episode 240 Review of CyberLink PowerDirector v.18 Video Editing Software |
Once in awhile I look at the tools I use to bring these videos to you. My key tool is CyberLink PowerDirector v18, part of their larger Director Suite of software, available by subscription for $129/year (which I recommend) or by purchase. While it has a big learning curve, it is outstanding and stable. Closing music, “We Wish You A Merry Christmas,” is from the YouTube music library. |
Ask Dave Episode 239 Review of new SDRplay RSPdx Software-Defined Radio |
SDRplay, a maker of “black box” SDR radios, has just introduced its mid-range RSPdx to replace its RSP2 and RSP2Pro receivers. Here I take a look at all three radios in their current lineup, the RSP1A, the RSPdx, and the RSPduo, with emphasis on the RSPdx and its new low-band capabilities. |
Ask Dave Episode 238 Review of NexGen “Woody” Hotspot |
I review and demonstrate the NexGen ( “Woody” hotspot, good for DMR, D-Star, C4FM, and P25. Its key feature is that it’s “plug and play.” I demonstrate this in the video. Great device, built on a Raspberry Pi and MMDVM. |
Ask Dave Episode 237 ICOM IC-7610 Intro and Features |
At last, here’s the first ICOM IC-7610 video, an introduction to the radio that describes its many features. It’s a fantastic HF transceiver in the $3K price class aimed at serious contestors. Additional videos will follow in due time. |
Ask Dave Episode 236 MFJ-1846 Hex Beam Fights Mother Nature and Almost Wins |
A combination of heavy snow and an ice storm turned my MFJ-1846 Hex Beam into a Hex Tangle. But after the ice melted, the antenna sprang back to normal…mostly. See the pictures and test results! | Ask Dave Episode 235 Using the SteppIR BigIR for the ARRL Sweepstakes |
I used the SteppIR BigIR during the ARRL Sweepstakes and found the antenna to be a good performer. |
Ask Dave Episode 234 Adding three SteppIR Radial Kits to the BigIR Antenna |
This video shows the laying of the 12 additional radials for the SteppIR BigIR vertical antenna. Note these are in addition to the 28 or so radials already in place, leftover from the old Butternut antenna. Conclusions are listed at the end. |
Ask Dave Episode 233 SteppIR BigIR Vertical Antenna Receive Comparisons |
We look at the receive capabilities of the SteppIR BigIR Vertical antenna. For 40 meters, the comparison antenna is my homebrew dipole. For 20 meters, the comparison antenna is an MFJ Hexbeam. The BigIR does well. |
Ask Dave Episode 232 SteppIR BigIR Vertical Antenna Installation and Testing |
This is my second video about the SteppIR BigIR vertical antenna. This video covers the installation and initial checkout. The antenna looks great! See Many thanks to Brad Rich, who came up from Alamogordo, NM, for the installation, to my wife for her help with the guys, and to my assistant, Lauren Cook, for videography.< |
Ask Dave Episode 231 NVIS Overview |
NVIS is Near-Vertical Incidence Skywave propagation. I came across this from an old General training video of mine. It’s not in the new (2019) syllabus, so I had to chop it. It seems too good to throw away, though, so here it is–a quick and dirty look at NVIS. |
Ask Dave Episode 230 SteppIR BigIR Concept and Unboxing |
My new station antenna is a SteppIR BigIR vertical ( This video explains how it works and shows the unboxing. Lots of parts! |
Ask Dave Episode 229 Review of TONOR TW820 Wireless Microphones |
Available at Amazon ( Use DavidCasler as a discount code) are the TONOR wireless microphones. The box comes with two wireless interview-style microphones and one receiver that can handle each mic separately or mix them together. I compare them with my usual Sennheiser wireless lavaliere microphone. Listen for yourself and compare! (Microphones provided by TONOR for review.) |
Ask Dave Episode 228 MFJ-1234 RigPi Station Server Connection Part 2 |
This is part 2 of a look at the MFJ-1234 RigPi Station Server (RSS). I connect everything from power off until it’s working with my Yaesu FTDX-3000. The ‘3000, like many modern radios, has a built-in sound card, and this is the setup for that. If your rig has a built-in soundcard, you may find this particularly helpful. |
Ask Dave Episode 227 Review of MFJ-1234 RigPi Station Server Part 1 |
The MFJ-1234 RigPi Station Server (RSS) connects your ham radio to the Internet so you can use it from anywhere. This is Part 1 that takes a look at the RSS and discusses the hardware and how it will be set up to go with my Yaesu FTDX3000 radio that has a sound card. Part 2 will look at the various screens and how to use them. |
Ask Dave Episode 226 CAIG DeOxit Cleaning Chemicals for Electronics |
CAIG makes many chemicals designed for cleaning electrical components, such as coax cable connections, switches, potentiometers, and so on, including the famous DeOxit D5 contact cleaner. They have a new GOLD series. I’ve done two previous videos on DeOxit products, |
Ask Dave Episode 225 Soviet Union (Russian) Military Radiotelegraph Key via Finland |
Jouni Hiltunen, OH2GVD, sent me this old Soviet Union (Russia, for those of you too young to remember the cold war) military radiotelegraph key. Fascinating device! I examine it in considerable detail. Many thanks to Jouni! |
Ask Dave Episode 224 Review of GQ Electronics GMC-320+ Geiger Counter |
I review the GQ Electronics GMC-320+ Geiger Counter (Amazon: Nice little unit at nice low price. I also give an overview of radiation in general. I got the idea from Kevin Loughin’s video at |
Ask Dave Episode 223 Upcoming Videos and Channel Update |
Lots of videos coming! Here’s an update. |
Ask Dave Episode 222 Elmering with YouTube: Forum from Albuquerque Duke City Hamfest |
Here’s a Forum I presented at the 2019 Albuquerque Duke City Hamfest about how to Elmer using YouTube. Gives an overview of what you might want to share on YouTube and how to go about it. |
Ask Dave Episode 221 Fun with SWR: Presentation I gave at Albuquerque Duke City Hamfest |
Fun with SWR, a presentation I made at the Duke City Hamfest on 21 Sept 2019 in Albuquerque. I go through the charts from Ask Dave 28 |
Ask Dave Episode 220 Review of Comica CVM-WM100 (H) Wireless Microphone |
Review of a handheld interview-type microphone useful for creating YouTube videos. See It’s the Comica CVM-WM100 (H) Wireless handheld microphone. Nice mike, tends to high frequencies, needs a windscreen (not supplied) to avoid plosives, or you can just hold it down below your mouth. This is the kind of mic you see TV newspeople using. |
Ask Dave Episode 219 Youth in Amateur Radio: Interview with MTCC Waves |
Sit back and enjoy this interview with the youth of MTCC (McDowell Tech Community College) and their Elmer, KX4HM. Listen for ideas about why youth can become passionate about ham radio and respond in a comment! |
Ask Dave Episode 218 Review of Retevis RT46 FRS Walkie Talkies |
Review of Retevis RT46 FRS (Family Radio Service, not amateur radio) license-free short-range walkie talkies. Nicely executed, inexpensive. To buy on Amazon: |
Ask Dave Episode 217 Review of CW Morse Paddles with weighted base |
CW Morse ( makes a variety of inexpensive, 3D-printed Morse code keys. They’ve now added paddles for iambic keyers to their line. This review looks at one of their newest paddles, and reviews a bit about Morse code timing, standard (up and down) keys, sideswipers (cooties), Vibroplex bugs, and then Curtis-style iambic keying. This is a great key and can be obtained from |
Ask Dave Episode 216 Knot for Coax Strain Relief |
Here’s a handy knot you can use to tie to coax to allow strain relief at coax connections on your antennas. I saw this in QST some time ago but can’t remember the name of the knot. Does anyone remember? Please tell me in the comments. |
Ask Dave Episode 215 40m Dipole Construction and Troubleshooting |
Recent antenna troubles led to the need for a 40 meter dipole. This video goes through all the steps in lots of satisfying detail as well as some troubleshooting. I end up with a fine, functional dipole. |
Ask Dave Episode 214 Radioddity GD-73 DMR Handheld Review |
The new Radioddity GD-73 DMR handheld is an unusual radio. It’s 70cm only, 2 watts, with a permanently-affixed antenna. This review goes through its features, describes programming and firmware upgrade, and wonders what market this radio is aimed at. You can order the radio directly from Radioddity at |
Ask Dave Episode 213 RigExpert AA-230 Antenna Analyzer Unboxing and Initial Review |
Unboxing and initial review of a popular antenna analyzer, the Rig Expert AA-230 Zoom. Very nice analyzer with many positive attributes. More videos will follow about this amazing instrument. |
Ask Dave Episode 212 Review of AlexTune mag loop antenna tuning aid |
The AlexTune will soon be available from DXEngineering. Alex of AlexLoop gave me this magnetic loop tuning aid at Dayton. It’s a small LED bulb that glows when the antenna is tuned properly, which I demonstrate on 20 and 10 meters using the Xiegu 5101 and the Chameleon P Loop. |
Ask Dave Episode 211 Photos and Commentary: NVCON Nevada Reno hamfest July 2019 |
Come with me to attend the Nevada ham radio convention, held at the Boomtown Casino/resort in July 2019. The hamfest included manufacturer’s booths, seminars and presentations, and a swapfest. Great event! |
Ask Dave Episode 210 Chameleon Antenna Factory Tour |
We join John Miller of Cameleon Antenna ( to tour their assembly facility in Sparks, Nevada. John shows us through the area, highlighting several HF antennas that Chameleon Antenna sells online. John will be exhibiting at the Nevada State Amateur Radio Convention on July 19th and 20th at Boomtown outside Reno, Nevada. |
Ask Dave Episode 209 2 Meter Band Explorations |
This band-exploration video looks at the amateur 2 meter band. We walk through the band. I talk about frequency coordination and band plans. I also discuss the latest panic about whether we’ll keep the 2 meter band. |
Ask Dave Episode 208 Bluetooth for Anyone D878UV+ Handheld Radio |
Bluetooth is now available in the Anytone AT-D878UV Plus radio. Note this requires the bluetooth board in the radio–it’s not just a firmware upgrade. This video adds more commentary on the radio’s programming software, plus explores the bluetooth capability in detail. I had difficulties getting it to work. Anytone has duplicated the problem and is looking into it. Bridgecom Systems provided me with the radio, and offers extensive training and support to those who purchase their Anytone radios through them. See |
Ask Dave Episode 207 Antenna Modeling a Modified Dipole with EZNEC 6+ |
Let’s do some antenna modeling. An Oggie asked me to model what happens if you attach a half-wavelength wire to the end of an existing dipole. Let’s have some fun with antenna modeling software. This video tracks the actual modeling in EZNEC and shows what happens when we change parameters. Fun with modeling! |
Ask Dave Episode 206 Lots of accessories for the Anytone AT-D878UV+ |
Bridgecom Systems ( sent me an Anytone AT-D878UV+ with quite a few accessories. We unbox the radio and take a look at the accessories. A future video will explore the new Bluetooth capabilities (that’s what the “+” means). See Ask Dave #184 for previous review of Anytone AT-D878UV (with GPS but without Bluetooth, This is a great radio and is available in the USA from Bridgecom Systems. They recently received more stock and offer 2-3 day free USPS Priority shipping. |
Ask Dave Episode 205 On-the-Air QSO with Youtuber Kevin Loughin |
Youtuber Kevin Loughin, KB9RLW,, and I had a lengthy single sideband QSO on 40 meters on June 13th. We invite you to listen along. Kevin’s video of this same QSO is Enjoy! |
Ask Dave Episode 204 About Bridgecom Systems: Repeaters and Anytone Handhelds |
Bridgecom,, makes repeaters of all types for both amateur and commercial use. They also sell Anytone handhelds in the US. I interview Daniel Kochanowicz from Bridgecom Marketing. |
Ask Dave Episode 203 QRP Labs Clock Kit and GPS Receiver Kit |
This kit replaces my old station clock, which I managed to zap, with a new one with its own dedicated GPS receiver. The kits, from, are something you can put together in one evening. Note you will need a source of 5v power. The video is devoted to constructing the two kits and showing the finished product. |
Ask Dave Episode 202 Dayton Hamvention 2019 Photos and Commentary |
Photos and commentary from the 2019 Dayton Hamvention held at the Greene County Fairgrounds in Xenia, OH. At nearly 30,000 people in attendance, it’s the largest ham radio gathering in the world. I visit lots of the vendors and tour the swapfest area. |
Ask Dave Episode 201 Icom IC-7300 HF/6m Radio FT8 and Review |
This continues on from #200, and shows using FT8 on the IC-7300, some updates responding to comments on #200, and my review of the radio. |
Ask Dave Episode 200 Icom IC-7300 HF/6m Radio Walkthrough |
Here’s a walkthrough of the Icom IC-7300 radio. This very popular transceiver is a capable, very modern software-defined radio with a traditional interface. Well, sort of traditional. It comes with a full-color touch-screen interface. I’m impressed! |
Ask Dave Episode 199 The HF Radio Marketplace–How Much Do They Cost? |
A fellow club member loaned me an Icom 7300. Before diving into videos about that specific radio, here’s a video that sets the scene by looking at the currently offered HF radios and how they fit pricewise and by function.I’ve put a copy of the chart at The next couple of videos will focus on the 7300. | Ask Dave Episode 198 Fifine Condenser Microphone K669B Review/Test |
Here’s a cool, inexpensive USB microphone, the Fifine (pronounced fine-fine) model K669B, available on Amazon for $29.99 ( I used it to record most of the video, and compared the Fifine mic with an M-Audio Producer USB and also with my Sennheiser lavalier wireless mic. The Fifine is a nice mic for your computer at a remarkably low price. |
Ask Dave Episode 197 MFJ-2104 Octopus HF Antenna Review/Test |
At last, now that we’ve had some good weather, here is the review and test of the MFJ-2104 Octopus Antenna. It came with 8 hamsticks for four bands, 80, 40, 20, and 10. The video shows the process we went through to tune it, and I show the results of testing. It performed remarkably well. Enjoy the video! | Ask Dave Episode 196 Deer vs MFJ Cobweb: Deer Wins |
Here’s a summary of winter antenna damage at KEOG. A deer got tangled in a guy rope on my MFJ cobweb, yanking it down and pretty much trashing it. In the video we look at the damage and decide the antenna is probably fixable. I’d love to talk with the deer and suggest alternate routes to take in the dead of night. Thanks to Julian Wonneberger for handling the camera. This was his first time and he did well. |
Ask Dave Episode 195 APRS (analog and digital) with Anytone D878UV |
This is the promised follow-on video to my review of the Anytone D878UV DMR handheld (see This is my first time to use DMR APRS and I walk you through how to set up the radio for digital APRS. The radio is also capable of analog APRS. Dive in! |
Ask Dave Episode 194 Review of v1.3 of SDRuno software with scanning |
SDRuno, the “house brand” software for the SDRplay family of “radio spectrum processors” has been updated with scanning capability. This review explores and demonstrates that capability, including an idea for scanning the bands for activity by looking for FT8 activity. It’s a nice update. My RSP1A and SDRuno are a permanent part of my station. |
Ask Dave Episode 193 Review of FA-VA5 Antenna Analyzer Kit |
This is a remarkable antenna analyzer at a remarkably low price, about US$189. It’s available from (you’ll need to let Google translate for you from the original German. There’s some soldering involved, but the build is pretty simple. I do raise some questions about the harmonic output content and whether that affects the accuracy of the readings, but otherwise you have a great little vector antenna analyzer that works standalone or with PC-based software. |
Ask Dave Episode 191 History of Digital Modes |
Here’s a talk I gave for a San Jose-area ham club via Zoom. This talk is recreated from the charts. Join me for a pleasant 45 minutes (or so) going over our digital past. Feel free to use this presentation for club meetings and so on. Enjoy! |
Ask Dave Episode 190 Review of BTECH UV-25X2 Mobile 2m/70cm FM Radio |
Fellow club member and ham Matt Goetsch loaned me his new (BTECH) UV-25X2 VHF/UHF Mobile Transceiver for review. It’s a 25-watt mobile rig that ticks off all the boxes for a straightforward FM radio. Easily programmed either via the front panel or via CHIRP, it’s capable of up to quadruple watch. The programming cable is available separately. You can buy the radio on Amazon for $115 at |
Ask Dave Episode 189 My Week at Quartzfest, 2019 |
I recently attended the week-long Quartzfest special ham radio operating activity, held near Quartzsite, AZ, every January. It’s a low-key hamfest attended this year by over 1,000 hams. It’s held in the middle of the desert, so you have to bring everything with you; we attended in our travel trailer. Get the full report by watching the video! |
Ask Dave Episode 188 Unboxing and Setup of Yamaha 2KW Inverter Generator |
I’m down in Quartzsite, AZ, at Quartzfest, an annual ham gathering of several hundred attendees assembled a few miles south of Quartzsite. It’s total boondocking: no services, no nothing, total dry camping. I needed a generator, hence the Yamaha 2000iSv2. It’s a 2017 model, but new in box (NIB), that was for sale for around $900. I never had a chance to set it up before going, so I set it up at Quartzsite. Nice little generator! |
Ask Dave Episode 187 Thumbs Down for Olywiz HTD-825 70cm Handheld |
I’m not impressed by the Olywiz HTD-825 radios (they come as a pair for $50 on Amazon). These 2 watt 70cm handhelds come without a programming cable, are not FCC certified, are only 2 watts, only work on 70cm, but I give them a review. For the same money you can get two Baofeng UV-5R radios which will give you more power, 2 meters, direct frequency entry, and so on. These Olywix radios are exactly the ones that the FCC Enforcement Advisory is aimed at. I rarely give a radio a thumbs down, but here’s one. Enjoy! |
Ask Dave Episode 186 Quartzfest Prep: All about solar panels, controllers, and batteries |
Let’s take a close look at the solar panel/controller/battery combo I’m taking to Quartzsite in a couple weeks. I describe panels and their characteristics, controllers plus the ZampPower ZS-30A model I bought just for Quartzsite, and batteries I use in the ham shack. This is a nice beginning tutorial on solar photovoltaic power. |
Ask Dave Episode 185 The J-38: the Classic Morse Code Straight Key |
The J-38 Morse code (CW) straight key is a classic. It’s been around since World War II and deserves its reputation as one of the best straight keys ever developed. Let’s take a closer look! |
Ask Dave Episode 184 Review of Anytone D878UV FM/DMR Handheld Radio |
The Anytone AT-D878UV FM and DMR handheld radio is cool and feature-rich. It’s pretty high end. It incorporates GPS and APRS. It has four power levels and plays nicely with our “local” (80 miles away) repeater, W0BX. The memory is humongous. The manual is written in actual English and is lucid and helpful. If you’d like to buy one, here’s the URL: |
Ask Dave Episode 183 Further Testing of MFJ Octopus at Quartzfest |
At last, a snow-free place to test the MFJ Octopus. That and another sainted ham gifting me 20 of mast, and I had it up for initial tests and even made a QSO on 40 meters. *Update! Ken Mixon, KC6WOK, and his wife, Kathi, KD6CAF, are the identities of the sainted souls who gifted me the mast!* Getting the thing up is really awkward for one person, so further testing will wait until I have a couple willing assistants. Quartzfest is held annually in January outside Quartzsite, AZ. An interesting and laid back venue. |
Ask Dave Episode 182 Unboxing the MFJ-2104 Octopus Antenna |
MFJ sent me their MFJ-2104 Octopus Antenna, a four-band dipole with screw-in elements for 75m (the voice portion of 80m), 40m, 20m, and 10m. This is built on a project in Dec 2007 QST by N1GY. The device uses any pairs of hamsticks on any band from 75 to 2m/440cm to create the four bands. It fits on a 1-inch mast. I’ll put it up and test it in a future video. |
Ask Dave Episode 181 Review and test of Buddipole Deluxe Antenna |
This is the testing and review of the Buddipole Deluxe antenna available at I paid for this myself (not a freebie). The unboxing can be found at Bottom line: it seems to be a great portable antenna. I had an SSB QSO, several FT8 QSOs, and two CW QSOs, all with 100 watts on 20 meters. The antenna is solidly constructed (very much so) and is recommended for portable use. |
Ask Dave Episode 180 Unboxing of Buddipole Antenna Deluxe Package |
We unbox (unbag) and examine the Buddipole Deluxe Package. The Buddipole is a portable HF/VHF antenna that works from 40m up to 2 meters. Specifically designed for field portable work, it’s solidly built and well accepted. This video looks at all the components and how they will fit together. A future video will erect the antenna and test it against other antennas. |
Ask Dave Episode 179 Review of MFJ-566 Keys–Low Price, High Performance |
MFJ recently announced two new Morse Code straight keys, the MFJ-566M with a metal base and the MFJ-566P with a plastic base. These small, 3D-printed keys are priced right (under US$30) and have a nice “feel” to them. I purchased the MFJ-566M and put it through its paces. I also compare it to a classic World War II-era J-38 straight key. CW is great. Welcome aboard! |
Ask Dave Episode 178 Should You Join the ARRL? |
I’ve said many times that folks need to support the ARRL, and have made the claim that new hams should consider joining “mandatory.” In this video I review some of the ARRL’s history, past controversy, and present benefits. I look forward to your comments. Please visit our sponsor at |
Ask Dave Episode 177 Review of Geochron 4K World Clock |
Antennas are amazing devices, and height above ground affects the antenna radiation pattern. How high should a dipole be? I say a half wavelength! Why? Watch and find out! Thanks to sponsor LCSC Electronics, |
Ask Dave Episode 176 How High Should a Dipole Antenna Be? |
Antennas are amazing devices, and height above ground affects the antenna radiation pattern. How high should a dipole be? I say a half wavelength! Why? Watch and find out! Thanks to sponsor LCSC Electronics, |
Ask Dave Episode 175 Review of CyberLink PowerDirector 17 Video Editor |
Normally I do ham-radio-related videos, but once in awhile I like to look at the tools I use to create them. CyberLink just came out with version 17 of its prosumer video editor, PowerDirector. This thorough review walks through its many capabilities and shows how I use it. |
Ask Dave Episode 174 FCC Bombshell on Chinese Handhelds |
NOW CLOSED TO FURTHER COMMENTS. The FCC has issued a Public Notice called an “FCC Enforcement Advisory,” Number DA 18-980, dated 24 Sept 2018. It essentially makes worthless nearly all Chinese-made UHF/VHF ham radio handhelds imported into the country over nearly a decade that can also transmit outside the ham bands (which is nearly all of them). Watch this video for details and an interim update. |
Ask Dave Episode 173 PART 2 Review of Baofeng/Radioddity UV-5RX3 Handheld |
Here’s PART 2 of the review of the Baofeng/Radioddity partnership radio at for $49.99. Nice little radio. See for PART 1. |
Ask Dave Episode 172 Review and commentary for Retevis RT3S DMR/FM handheld |
This longer-than-usual video dives into the Retevis RT3S 2m/70cm DMR/FM handheld radio (at Amazon at While describing the programming software, I dive into an explanation of DMR contacts, groups, channels, and zones, showing what information goes where. Nice little radio! |
Ask Dave Episode 171 Dave and Trevor Answer Vexing Questions |
This is the last Dave/Trevor collaboration for 2018. Topics addressed include grounding in a mobile environment, FTDX5000 issues with WSJT-X, wifi from, Motorola DMR programming software, time constants, our local DMR repeater, settings on a Baofeng using Chirp, scanning on the RD5R, VHF vs HF using power meters, and using FSK. |
Ask Dave Episode 170 Dave and Trevor Look at Power Supplies and More |
Dave and Trevor look at Ask Dave questions about supplying a radio with battery power, a voltage booster from TGElectronics, supplying multiple radios with one power supply, ground loops, Commercial FM Radio on the RD-5R, multiband J-poles, wattage of a signal after it is transmitted (I should have said “inverse cube law,” listening on an UV8000E, programming software, using a BITX40 on 20 meters, RF noise reduction, and using an ICOM 7300 with an amplifier. And check out our sponsor at |
Ask Dave Episode 169 Dave and Trevor Answer Antenna Questions |
Dave and Trevor address viewer questions about antennas, including how often to replace coax, antenna mast separation, coax selection, HF antenna recommendations, suburban antenna installation, dipole antenna placement, 40m antenna gain, balun on a folded dipole, and antenna height and radials. You can send questions to |
Ask Dave Episode 168 Dave and Trevor discuss antennas |
Dave and Trevor answer more Ask Dave questions, about cobweb antennas, a DIY antenna, the effect of roof construction materials on the performance of attic antennas, the Ultimax DXtreme antenna, hi vs lo impedance antennas for SWL, folded dipoles, and the MFJ-1984 antenna. Check out our sponsor, and |
Ask Dave Episode 167 Dave and Trevor Answer Ask Dave Questions |
Dave and Trevor pick up with more Ask Dave questions, including on the Zenith Transoceanic, the use of RIT, HAM as an acronym (it isn’t), and more. And thanks to, LCSC electronics, for sponsoring this episode. |
Ask Dave Episode 166 Dave and Trevor answer Ask Dave Questions |
Dave and Trevor are back with more Ask Dave questions, this time focused on some “getting started” items. Also, LCSC Electronics is joining Ask Dave as a sponsor. You can find them at and Check them out as a source of components for your next project! |
Ask Dave Episode 165 Antenna Questions and Recommendations |
Dave and Trevor are back, answering viewer questions about antennas and related items. You can pose a question at |
Ask Dave Episode 164 Review of the Syma X56W Drone |
This is a little different from my videos and is a review and demo of the DoDoEleph Syma X56W quadcopter drone. It costs about 10% of what my DJI Spark cost, and you get what you pay for. If you’ve got lots of room with no obstructions, this can be a fun drone to fly. Although there are trimmers on the controls, it’s hard to have absolute control of the X56W. An interesting and fun toy. |
Ask Dave Episode 163 More on the J-pole Antenna |
A close look at how the J-pole antenna works with special attention to how it’s fed. Lots of nice diagrams. Discussion of using quarter-wave transmission line stubs. The end-fed dipole as a special case of the J-pole. |
Ask Dave Episode 162 Retevis RT45 FRS Radio Review |
Retevis sent me a pair of their RT45 handheld Family Radio Service (FRS) radios to test. FRS radios make great short-range radios for administrative use in a field situation. They’re only $30/pair, so a great price. Note these are not ham radios, but I’ve seen them used to good effect along with ham radio at special event sites. Use to get to the Amazon page. There’s also a discount code you can use, 4LQ2AK44. Retevis has an Amazon store at |
Ask Dave Episode 161 Performance Test of MFJ-1846 Six-Band Hex-Beam Antenna |
Performance results of MFJ-1846 Six-band hex-beam antenna. The antenna shows great directionality and ample gain. The SWR doesn’t quite cover the 20 meter, 10 meter, or 6 meter band, but does cover 17, 15, and 12 meters. I also look at the Hy-gain AR-500 antenna rotator. On the air performance on 20 meters was spectacular. |
Ask Dave Episode 160 Hy-gain AR-500 Antenna Rotator and erection of MFJ-1846 |
This video focuses on the Hy-gain AR-500 antenna rotator, showing the parts, what it does, and so on. Also shown is the completion of the MFJ-1846 six-band hex-beam antenna. Learn about rotators and why they’re necessary. Special thanks to Mike Bergman for help erecting the antenna and to his wife, Amy Bergman, for footage of the actual antenna “walk up.” |
Ask Dave Episode 159 What I discovered by modeling the MFJ -1846 Hex Beam |
I describe the status of erecting the new MFJ-1846 six band hex beam, plus I show G3TXQ’s EZNEC+ model of the antenna and what it has to say about gain, beam pattern and SWR on each band, 20, 17, 15, 12, and 10 meters. (Hint: good things!) |
Ask Dave Episode 158 Dave discusses companding, testing, grounding, and 6 meters |
Ask Dave returns with Dave and Ask Dave Editor Trevor Oman to discuss companding, testing the Pixie, digital contesting, grounding, and 6 meters. |
Ask Dave Episode 157 Dave Answers Technical Issues |
Dave answers viewer questions along with Ask Dave Editor Trevor Oman. Questions are under the heading “technical issues.” |
Ask Dave Episode 156 Ask Dave about antennas |
Dave and Trevor look at viewer questions about antenna topics. |
Ask Dave Episode 155 Exam questions, manual, and getting started |
Trevor Oman, the Ask Dave Editor, again joins Dave Casler to answer questions about the exams, license manuals, and getting started. |
Ask Dave Episode 154 Equipment Recommendations: Ask Dave |
Dave and Trevor answer viewer questions focused on equipment recommendations. |
Ask Dave Episode 153 Dave Answers Troubleshooting Questions |
Dave and Trevor answer questions from Oggies about troubleshooting. |
Ask Dave Episode 152 Assembling the MFJ-1846 Six-Band Hex-Beam Antenna |
Watch the time lapse photography as I assemble the MFJ-1846 six-band hex-beam antenna. I also explain how hex beams work. |
Ask Dave Episode 151 Ask Dave #151 Addresses Troubleshooting |
Kevin Oman, our Ask Dave Editor, and I discuss several questions related to troubleshooting. |
Ask Dave Episode 150 Ask Dave: Recommendations |
Dave Casler and Trevor Oman answer more questions from viewers looking for recommendations. |
Ask Dave Episode 149 Interview with coax expert Ray Nelson, N1MPD |
Enjoy a half hour conversation with coax expert Ray Nelson about coax connectors of several different types, including some you may never have heard of. |
Ask Dave Episode 148 A close look at the MFJ-1708SDR T/R switch |
Want to use your SDR as a panadapter while you’re operating your transceiver? The MFJ-1708SDR lets you do that by connecting the SDR antenna while your transceiver is receiving, and then grounding your SDR antenna while transmitting. I show several tests including actual operation. It’s pretty effective. |
Ask Dave Episode 147 Dave answers troubleshooting questions |
Dave and Ask Dave Editor Trevor Oman get together to ask and answer viewer questions about troubleshooting. |
Ask Dave Episode 146 Dave answers questions about power supplies |
Join Dave and Trevor discussing Ask Dave questions related to power supplies and other issues. |
Ask Dave Episode 145 Dave answers questions about getting started |
Dave and Trevor take a look at Ask Dave questions having to do with getting started. |
Ask Dave Episode 144 Dave Answers Equipment-Related Questions |
Join the Q&A about equipment-related issues. |
Ask Dave Episode 143 Ask Dave questions answered |
Trevor Oman, the Ask Dave editor, poses reader questions to Dave Casler, KEOG. |
Ask Dave Episode 142 Ask Dave Questions Answered: Connections |
Dave answers Ask Dave questions under the heading “connections.” See if you find answers here. To submit a question, send to |
Ask Dave Episode 141 Digital Hotspots for DMR, D-Star, and C4FM |
Digital hotspots make it possible for you to participate in your favorite UHF/VHF digital voice modes without having to have a nearby repeater. I use the SharkRF Openspot as an example to show what can be done. |
Ask Dave Episode 140 Ask Dave Answers Troubleshooting Questions |
Trevor Oman and I address troubleshooting questions in this Ask Dave video. |
Ask Dave Episode 139 Reviews of QCX Case, battery, Mastrant Rope, Zastone X6 |
Join me for some quick reviews: a 3D printed case for the popular QCX radio kit, a cool, lightweight battery from Bioenno, guy rope from Mastrant, and the Zastone X6 “walkie talkie.” |
Ask Dave Episode 138 Ask Dave Antenna Questions #3 |
Dave addresses several antenna questions. |
Ask Dave Episode 136 Ask Dave on Antenna Topics |
“Ask Dave” answers Oggies’ questions on antenna topics. Send your questions to or use the form at |
Ask Dave Episode 135 Using the MFJ-1788 Mag Loop Antenna Horizontally |
I test the MFJ-1788 in a horizontal position on my rooftop. The performance is great on 20m. I used an MFJ Cobweb antenna as the comparison antenna. |
Ask Dave Episode 134 Ask Dave: Antenna and Analyzer Questions |
New Ask Dave format with Dave Casler and with Ask Dave Editor Trevor Oman, takes on questions about antennas and analyzers. |
Ask Dave Episode 133 The Dayton Hamvention |
My trip report to the world’s biggest ham radio convention, the Dayton Hamvention. |
Ask Dave Episode 132 Review of SDRplay SDRduo Two-Tuner SDR Radio |
SDRplay has done it again with an outstanding and technically sophisticated software-defined radio that even at $280 is still a bargain. The video compares this with the previously-released RSP-1A. Have fun with software defined radios. And do serious experimentation, too! Covers 1 kHz to 2 GHz, and no, that’s not a misprint! |
Ask Dave Episode 131 The Remarkable Retevis Ailunce HD1 DMR Handheld |
The Ailunce HD1 DMR 2m/70cm handheld is quite a radio. You can order on Amazon at You can also purchase it directly from Ailunce at There will be future videos on this radio covering FM performance, DMR performance, and programming. Nice rig! |
Ask Dave Episode 130 Ask Dave Addresses On Air Bullying |
New approach to the mountain of Ask Dave inquiries: I’ve brought on Trevor Oman, a film school student at BYU, to take over the area. Here’s our first video together! Ask Dave Editor Trevor Oman, Sound by Loretta Casler (first efforts both). We address on-air hazing and bullying and how to respond. |
Ask Dave Episode 129 Slogging to recovery: status of the hiatus |
While the health issues continue, here’s a status of the things in work that should appear in videos soon. Thank you all so much for your support and kind words! The link for the HD1 should read |
Ask Dave Episode 128 The Mighty Rhombic, the King of Antennas |
There was a time, back in the 1930s and 1940s, when the rhombic antenna was the king. A remarkable antenna that had phenomenal directivity and an extraordinarily low elevation angle made it the antenna of choice for point-to-point HF links. Here’s a little history, plus an exploration using EZNEC+. Phenomenal antenna! |
Ask Dave Episode 127 Radioddity GD-77S versus GD-77, an Odd Radio |
Even Radioddity says the GD-77S, a version of the GD-77 but without the keyboard or display, is not really intended for the amateur radio market. It programs just like the GD-77, and will even use a GD-77 code plug, but you cannot program it from the front panel–only via PC. Learn all about it! |
Ask Dave Episode 126 Good but inexpensive Morse Key and Iambic Paddle |
Here are two inexpensive but nicely constructed Morse keys. Both are 3D-printed. One, from, is a set of iambic paddles for $30 (but note oggies can get $5 off!). The other is a straight key from, available for $22. Both prices include shipping inside the USA. See them in action. I take apart the paddles so you can see what’s inside. I also compare these to the JJ-38, the J-38, and an old railroad key. |
Ask Dave Episode 125 Review and Tutorial on Radioddity/Baofeng RD-5R DMR Dualbander |
Two Chinese companies, Radioddity and Baofeng, have teamed up to bring you the US$75 dual-band FM/DMR radio housed in the old UV-5R package. The video provides additional material to help understand DMR, and shows how to program the radio, and includes a sample QSO. Order the radio using this link:, and a small part of your purchase price supports Ham Radio Answers! |
Ask Dave Episode 124 Review using DMR of Diamond A430S10 70cm Beam Antenna |
DMR (digital mobile radio) has come to town! Well, to Grand Junction, Colorado, only 80 miles away. I need a 70cm beam (yagi) antenna! This video reviews the Diamond A430S10 10-element beam antenna. It come assembled and requires no tools to set up. And it performs! I’ve included some sample DMR QSOs using the new repeater. |
Ask Dave Episode 122 Power Supplies for Hams and Makers! |
Let’s look at power supplies used for today’s ham radio equipment used in your home station. Several examples and tips. |
Ask Dave Episode 121 Soldering 101 for Makers and Radio Hams |
Let’s talk about an oft-requested topic, soldering. See all sorts of soldering devices and learn how it’s done with lots of tips and techniques. |
Ask Dave Episode 120 Build a Low Cost Code Practice Oscillator |
Here’s a really inexpensive, yet thoroughly serviceable Morse code practice device complete with a (rudimentary) key. This is only $18 postpaid in the US from the Four States QRP group. Build along with me and you’ll have the perfect companion to our Saturday code practice sessions held at noon US Eastern Time (5pm UTC). |
Ask Dave Episode 119 Test Equipment: Multimeter, Power Supply, Oscilloscope, Signal Generator |
Here’s an overview of test equipment in use at the KEØOG ham shack: Rigol DS1054Z digital oscilloscope, Rigol DG1022Z Function (signal) generator, TekPower TP9606BT Multimeter, and the Pevono PS305 DC Bench power supply. This is the first appearance of the Pevono on Ask Dave. Links: Rigol scope, Rigol Sig Gen, Multimeter, and bench supply Thanks to my wife, Loretta, KBØVWW, for videography. |
Ask Dave Episode 118 Review of MFJ’s new Xiegu X5105 HF QRP Deluxo! |
Review of MFJ’s newest radio. MFJ is the sole importer of the new Xiegu X5105 160m-6m QRP SSB/CW/AM/FM radio with built in rechargeable battery and an amazing antenna tuner. I had lots of fun with this radio that MFJ loaned me. Sadly, now I need to send it back! In the video I go through what the radio can do, with a tutorial on the menu items. |
Ask Dave Episode 117 Deciphering Decibels Tell All for Ham Radio |
Decibels got you down? Are dBm and dBW giving you headaches? Is it confusing when sometimes an antenna gain is given in dBi and other times in dBd? Watch this tell-all to learn about decibels as used in ham radio! |
Ask Dave Episode 116 Review of Alpha Loop and Buddipole Buddistick |
Hey Oggies, Oggie Rodney Johnson, KAØUSE, loaned me his Alpha Loop antenna and his Buddipole Buddistick. Both antennas are pretty good out away from buildings in low noise environments. I would give the nod to the Buddipole. Check them out! |
Ask Dave Episode 115 SDRplay RSP-1A and SDRuno Gen Coverage RX |
Wow! What a combo! The SDRplay is so much more than yet another SDR dongle, but has gobs of capability and up to 14 bits digitization. It makes an outstanding general coverage receiver, or a great panadapter to go with your HF rig. And the price is right, too! |
Ask Dave Episode 114 MFJ Extends its Cobweb Antenna to 40 Meters |
Ask Dave 71 reviews the MFJ cobweb antenna, covering 20 through 10 meters. MFJ recently came out with a modification kit, adding 30 and 40 meters. This video covers construction notes and performance. Great antenna and a keeper! |
Ask Dave Episode 113 New All-band SSB/CW Micro BITX Now Available | now offers the uBITX (micro BITX) HF radio, an all-band QRP rig that operates both sideband and CW, for the truly remarkable price of US$109, postpaid from India. The main board comes assembled and tested. The buyer supplies a chassis and some peripheral parts. Give it a try! |
Ask Dave Episode 112 20/40 Two Band Dipole Modeled |
Preparing to build a two band 40-meter, 20-meter dipole by calculating the trap design and modeling the result in EZNEC+. Building the model, trying the model at various heights. I’ll build the antenna in an upcoming video. |
Ask Dave Episode 111 On-the-Air Review of QRP Labs QCX |
Randy, K7AGE, suggested I review the QCX from a more on-the-air sense. This video includes a complete narrated CW QSO as well as much more information about the QRP Labs QCX radio. Did you know that QCX is actually a valid Q-signal? Find out what it means! |
Ask Dave Episode 110 Decoding Antenna Modeling Charts |
By request, here’s a video explaining what antenna modeling charts mean. Using EZNEC as a start, we take a look at its graphical outputs, including SWR charts, antenna views, and azimuthal and vertical radiation pattern charts. I also propose that subscribers, fans, and visitors to this channel be called “oggies,” made up from the “og!” channel logo. What do you think? |
Ask Dave Episode 109 Review of QRP Labs QCX QRP Radio |
Unboxing, building and using the QRP Labs QCX single-band, 5-watt QRP radio. This advanced technology radio borrows ideas from software-defined radios. The final amplifier is Class E. It’s relatively easy to build, although probably not a good first kit. I really like this radio and hope it continues to sell well. |
Ask Dave Episode 108 Review of Sofirn SP32 LED Flashlight |
Here’s a solid LED flashlight with 5 levels of light that would make a great addition to your go bag. You can buy on Amazon here (be SURE TO USE COUPON CODE SHDPD8NO for 15% off): |
Ask Dave Episode 107 Soldering and Desoldering |
I’m a terrible desolderer, so I asked all of you for suggestions. This video sums those up with special recognition of early viewers who recommended Fakko desoldering tools. See how it’s done: solder suckers, copper braid with flux, etc. NOTE: This video released simultaneously with Ask Dave #108. |
Ask Dave Episode 106 Which is better: Vertical or Dipole? |
Vertical or dipole? Which is better for you? Antenna modeling software (EZNEC+) helps answer the question! |
Ask Dave Episode 105 The Intrepid World of QRP |
QRP seems to be enjoying a resurgence with new kits coming out that are fundamentally different from kits just a few years ago. Lots of cool digital features previously found only on expensive radios. This video looks at my decades-long experience with QRP. And Technician class hams might find this particularly interesting. |
Ask Dave Episode 104 Everybody’s Trying the New FT8! |
FT8 is the newest weak-signal mode from Joe Taylor, K1JT, and friends. It operates very much like JT65 but is four times faster and more automated. Learn a little about the history of digital modes and conversational vs bare essential modes! Two sample QSOs! |
Ask Dave Episode 103 The Hartley and Colpitts Oscillators with Demo |
The oscillator is the fundamental building block of radio. I build a Hartley oscillator using a circuit from ARRL’s “Hands On Radio.” I walk through how they work and demonstrate the shortcomings of the approach and why it’s so difficult to build a really good oscillator. I end with a few words about how modern techniques are different. |
Ask Dave Episode 102 Modeling the Simple Inverted Vee Antenna |
What can we learn about the Inverted Vee HF single-band antenna from the EZNEC+ model? Lots of things, having to do with height above ground, the amount of spreading, and using a metal pole as a mast. Tune in for full details! |
Ask Dave Episode 101 Modeling Common Dipole Variations |
Viewers queried me about what happens when you shorten a dipole by letting the ends hang down, or have to put up a dipole that can’t be in a straight line, and I was also curious about the effect of my aluminum masts on horizontal dipole performance. EZNEC+ to the rescue. The video shows that modified dipoles can work quite well. |
Ask Dave Episode 100 How High Should a Dipole Be? A Look at Antenna Modeling |
How high should a dipole be? What happens if it’s too low or too high? We turn to EZNEC antenna modeling software to see that the old rule of thumb of one half wavelength is correct. But there are lots of things going on! Learn about modeling and dipoles in this video. |
Ask Dave Episode 98 Review of CyberLink PowerDirector v16 |
Description – PowerDirector15 Here’s an out-of-cycle video describing the video editor I rely on heavily in the production of the Ham Radio Answers and Ask Dave videos, as well as the Tech, General, and Amateur Extra training videos. Note: I am a CyberLink “Most Valued Professional” and they provided this $100 product to me for free, as they have for the past several years. My next ham radio video will be on Wednesday as usual. |
Ask Dave Episode 97 The Coax Connection: Interview about bad coax with Ray Nelson, N1MPD |
My second interview with coax expert Ray Nelson, N1MPD, covers how coax can go bad, primarily due to water entry. We talk about the proper method of waterproofing coax connections, and how to spot the poor quality coax that masquerades as the good stuff. MPDdigital is at |
Ask Dave Episode 96 Become a Volunteer Examiner |
Ham exams are administered by volunteer examiners, and you can become one yourself! Find out how to help. |
Ask Dave Episode 95 Review of Pracomm SML-1000-1 HF Loop Antenna |
Roberto Arranaga, KX4CY, felt that commercial small HF loops were too expensive, so he’s made his own for sale at which has an interesting tuning method using a wide range tuner (such as the MFJs). I tried it and it works! And the price is right, too, at US$199 (introductory) plus S&H. |
Ask Dave Episode 94 Rigol DG1022Z Arbitrary Function Generator |
My new Rigol DG1024Z Arbitrary Function Generator, or more normally, a signal generator, looks like a great addition to my test equipment. Caveat: this is not sponsored. I paid for it using tips, and I intend to use it to make videos for you to watch. It provides sine waves and other functions up to 25 MHz. You’ll see this more in upcoming videos. If you purchase this using the following link, it won’t change your price, but a small amount will support my Ham Radio Answers channel |
Ask Dave Episode 93 Review of Radioddity GD-77 DMR Tier 2 Handheld |
The Radioddity GD-77 is their 2nd Generation DMR Tier 2 radio and it looks like they’ve done a fine job. It’s a solid, useful radio, and I recommend it. If you’d like to purchase it and support Ham Radio Answers at the same time, use this Amazon link: |
Ask Dave Episode 92 Exploring the Yagi, Log Periodic, and Phased Array Antennas |
Discusses the difference between Yagi antennas, log periodic antennas, and phased array antennas. Also, I’ve picked up a sponsor, JLC Printed Circuit Boards, This is the first time I’ve had a company sponsorship! Thanks to my wife, Loretta, KBØVWW, for reading the short advertising copy. |
Ask Dave Episode 91 Stuff You Need to Know to Set Up Your VHF/UHF Rig |
Using CHIRP as our guide, let’s look at all the different stuff you need to understand before you set up your VHF/UHF handheld or mobile. We look at frequencies and offsets, CTCSS tones, simplex vs duplex, and much more. Thanks to Joy McLemore Rabins for the question that led to the video. |
Ask Dave Episode 90 Review of MFJ -9232 QRP Mini Loop Tuner |
This week’s video takes a close look at the MFJ-9232 QRP loop antenna. Given sizes of components and all, it is rated to handle no more than 25 watts. It can be used both indoors and out. This is a great little adjunct to those who want to play with (er…I mean “study”) loop antennas. |
Ask Dave Episode 89 Review of MFJ-1984MP End-Fed Multi-band Antenna |
This turned out to be one weird antenna. It’s an end-fed multi-band antenna that’s best used in a portable environment. I had to get MFJ’s help to figure out what was going on; I provide all this info in the video. This is the summer of antennas! I learn new things every day! (I skipped a number–#88 is coming)./td> |
Ask Dave Episode 87 MFJ-6120 Zepp and MFJ-6220 Collinear Review and Test |
These are both 20 meter single band wire antennas (also available for other bands). This video reviews the “how it works” followed by tests for each, and explains how I got the Zepp to work. I particularly like the collinear (and, yes, it’s spelled with two L’s), which performs significantly better than my station vertical. |
Ask Dave Episode 86 Making and Using a Simple 40-m Dipole |
I’m often asked how to make a dipole. In this video I use materials on hand to build a 40-meter amateur radio dipole. I hung it on the antenna test rig I built this past week, and it works great! Lots of work, though. Although dipoles are available for far less than $100, I made this one for zero! |
Ask Dave Episode 85 Setting up to Test Wire Antennas |
I have several wire antennas ready to test, but needed a couple masts. This video describes how I used chain-link-fence top rail together with pulleys and guy rope to set up the “test range.” This is an easy technique you can use to set up a dipole when there are no ready supports. |
Ask Dave Episode 84 Four MFJ wire antennas: Unboxing |
MFJ sent me four wire antennas for evaluation. They are the MFJ-1984MP, MFJ-9232, MFJ-6220, and MFJ-6120. This short (a record for me!) video is the unboxing. Scroll down for more. |
Ask Dave Episode 83 The Coax Connection: Interview with Ray Nelson, N1MPD |
Here’s a new approach. For the first time on an Ask Dave video, I’m focusing on an interview! In this case it’s with Ray Nelson, N1MPD, who with his wife own USA Coax (, or, or mpddigital). Ray’s an expert on coax and on the many types of connectors available, and his business caters to both amateurs and commercial users. Learn about coax! |
Ask Dave Episode 82 Adding 20 meters to the QRP Labs Ultimate3 WSPR TX |
I moved my little QRP Labs Ultimate3 WSPR transmitter from 30 meters to 20 meters, which involved building the kit for the 20 meter low pass filter. Follow along as I step through the process, stopping for a moment to really detail how to wind toroids. It’s now up and works: check for ke0og on |
Ask Dave Episode 81 Unbox the Radioddity GD-77 |
Unboxing the not-yet-released Radioddity GD-77, their “try again” DMR Tier 1/Tier 2 radio. I describe many of the promised features. It’s both analog and digital, and operates on both 2 meters and 70 cm. I should have the programming software soon. It comes with a programming cable. |
Ask Dave Episode 80 Testing the NEW GD-55+ for DMR |
Here we are again, looking at the Chinese Radioddity GD-55+. The PLUS indicates they’ve made mods to solve the Slot 1/Slot 2 controversy. My testing indicates they’ve certainly gone a long way. They now cleanly transmit in only one time slot at a time. I leave it to others with more sophisticated test equipment, and as we have no DMR repeater near here, others can test for compatibility with standard DMR repeaters. I suspect I’ll get lots of comments! |
Ask Dave Episode 79 My Station Antenna, Butternut HF-9V |
Here’s an answer to a question I’ve been asked many times: what’s my station antenna? The answer is a Butternut HF-9V, a ground-mounted vertical with radials. This video explores how I have my antenna set up. |
Ask Dave Episode 78 Unbox and Test FD-094B HDTV RX Antenna |
Hams can use the PremWing FD-094B HDTV receive-only antenna for 2 meters and 70 cm. It’s surprisingly effective, giving me several SD and HD channels from Grand Junction, about 70 miles away as it bends over a couple mountains. You can find it at Amazon at |
Ask Dave Episode 77 Review and test of Iso-Tip 7700 Portable Soldering Iron |
I’ve never used a portable, rechargeable soldering iron before. This one surprises me: it heats quickly, charges quickly, and has easily interchangeable tips. Pretty cool, really. |
Ask Dave Episode 76 Unbox and Test MFJ-849 Digital SWR Meter (AD #76) |
Here’s a look at an MFJ-849, a nice digital power/SWR meter that MFJ sent me. It works well and has solid quality. It also requires no button pushing to get forward and reverse power and SWR because they’re all shown at the same time. Nice little rig. |
Ask Dave Episode 75 2017 MARC Field Day Photos AD#75 |
Come enjoy Field Day with us! Here are some slides showing Montrose (Colorado) Amateur Radio Club’s Field Day event. The purpose of Field Day, held at the end of June, is to practice using our radios “in the field,” such as for emergency events. |
Ask Dave Episode 74 Unbox and Test of W6LVP Receive-Only HF Loop (#74) |
Here’s a great receive-only HF antenna good for stealth scenarios or just putting a receive antenna in a much quieter place. This antenna is the direct cost and performance competitor with the MFJ-1886. The W6LVP loop is better at stealth and ships in a much smaller box. |
Ask Dave Episode 73 All About Baluns (Ask Dave #73) |
I get lots of questions about baluns. This video explores baluns and gives demos. A balun is a device to convert a balanced transmission line to an unbalanced transmission line and vice versa. |
Ask Dave Episode 72LMR-400 Coax Cable and Connector (#72) |
I’m new to Times Microwave LMR-400 coax cable, often considered the best in ham radio (and rather expensive). I purchased 500 feet for future antenna projects. Learn with me as I attach a PL-259 connector! |
Ask Dave Episode 71 Review of the MFJ-1835 Cobweb Antenna (#71) |
Here’s a review of the MFJ-1835H (high power) cobweb antenna. It has a very small footprint and can be a great stealth antenna. I found myself really liking it. Join me for unboxing, assembly, and testing. If you have limited space for an HF antenna, this may be one to look at. |
Ask Dave Episode 70 Review of Chameleon P-Loop Magnetic Antenna (#70) |
Here’s my review of the Chameleon P-Loop magnetic loop antenna. I show some use cases for which this antenna is particularly suited. The video provides lots of info about the antenna. Thanks to all who participated in my tests last Saturday! |
Ask Dave Episode 69 Help me test the Chameleon P-Loop (#69) |
Give me a hand testing the Chameleon P-Loop. I’ll have it set up under portable conditions on Saturday, May 27th, from 10 a.m. to noon US Mountain Daylight Time. I’ll be calling CQ on phone around the bottom of the US General band, meaning 7.175+ and 14.225+. |
Ask Dave Episode 68 QRP-Labs Ultimate3S WSPR Kit Assembly and Review (#68) |
Michael Lloyd, NE5U, sent me several kits from QRP-Labs. I put together the various subkits required for the WSPR auto beacon. Interesting project that you might want to emulate! It took some real doing to get the right instructions and understand the programming, but it works well and I plan to keep using it permanently. Thanks, Mike |
Ask Dave Episode 67 Review of MFJ-1886 Rx-only Antenna (#67 MFJ) |
From unboxing to mounting and testing, this is a great little antenna. Its receive performance matches that of a more traditional vertical as well as MFJ’s 1788 loop antenna. Watch unboxing through testing. MFJ sent me this antenna for review–thanks! |
Ask Dave Episode 66 DM-R5+ and GD-55 DMR Radios Revisited (#66) |
Last December I unboxed the Baofeng DM-5R+ and the Radioddity GD-55. Soon after several repeater operators said these radios were banned from their networks. This video looks at why that is so and how the radios don’t meet current American practices and technical requirements. |
Ask Dave Episode 65 MFJ 1788 Loop Antenna Fixed (#65) |
After several videos and disappointments, the MFJ-1788 Hi-Q Loop Antenna didn’t work on 40 m. Now it does! I took it apart to discover that the big capacitor was not fully meshing because of a mis-set limit switch. See how it works! |
Ask Dave Episode 64 Another Try Fixing the MFJ-1788 – Fail! (#64) |
My MFJ-1788 Loop Antenna is having issues on 40 meters. This video looks at a failed remounting attempt, plus at a viewers successful approach. I’ll keep plugging on this antenna! |
Ask Dave Episode 63 Review of MFJ-1788 Mag Loop Antenna (#63) |
This video reviews the MFJ-1788 magnetic loop antenna, which purports to cover 40 meters through 15 meters. It doesn’t cover all of 40 meters, and 40 meter performance is poor, but 20 meter performance is indistinguishable from a good vertical. MFJ has given me suggestions for 40m, which I will address in a future video. |
Ask Dave Episode 62 How To Attach Crimped Coax Connectors (#62) |
To test the new HF loop antenna, I need a long piece of coax. In this video I mount the connectors. |
Ask Dave Episode 61 The Alpha-Delta Transi-Trap Lightning Surge Protector (#61) |
In setting up an apples-to-apples comparison between my vertical and the MFJ-1788 loop, I’m running the coax through the same type lightning surge protector as used on my vertical. This video explores the Transi-Trap and describes how it works. |
Ask Dave Episode 60 Cleaning a Heathkit Coax Switch with Deoxit (#60) |
My old, long-dormant Heathkit coax switch will be part of the setup I use to test two loop antennas: The Chameleon P-loop and the MFJ-1788. This video shows everything coming apart, how to use the Deoxit, and how it all goes back together. |
Ask Dave Episode 59 Unboxing the MFJ-1788 Loop Antenna (#59) |
I’m always on the lookout for antennas that might help those with deed restrictions or living in apartments. The MFJ-1788 is a small 3-foot-diameter HF loop tha covers 40-15 meters and will handle 100 watts. This unboxing video shows what comes with it and peeks inside at how it works. |
Ask Dave Episode 58 BITX-40 TX Audio Response Tests |
Using the function (signal) generator put together in episode #57, we test the transmit audio response of the BITX-40 to discover that rolloff occurs around 2 kHz. Watch to see how it all works! |
Ask Dave Episode 57 Unpacking and Testing the XR2206 Function Generator |
Let’s unpack and then test a remarkably inexpensive kit for a sine/triangle/square-wave 1Hz to 1MHz kit. Dirt cheap and works. This video covers only unboxing and then testing. |
Ask Dave Episode 56 DeoxIT demo on an LED flashlight |
CAIG Products, which makes DeoxIT, asked me if I’d like to try some. Soon it was at my door (to be clear, “mailed” is used in the generic sense–it did NOT come via USPS). The demo makes an old LED flashlight work reliably again. |
Ask Dave Episode 55 Experimental video: FARN plus channel updates |
Okay, so this is an experiment. It’s April 1st, hence time for a Fake Amateur Radio News video. Also, I wanted to pass on some info about my channel, so I added “infomercials.” It seemed more fun than a “state of the channel video.” Tell me what you think. |
Ask Dave Episode 54 Assembling the Chameleon Loop Antenna |
This is the Chameleon CHA P-LOOP 2.0. This video shows that it indeed fits in the canvas bag, and also shows assembly in an unhurried way so I can give tips and helps. |
Ask Dave Episode 53 Unboxing of Chameleon CHA P-LOOP 2.0 HF Loop Antenna |
This loop might be the solution for the many hams who’ve written me asking about antennas for covenant-restricted communities and high-rises. I unbox the Chamelion CHA P-LOOP 2.0 HF loop antenna. |
Ask Dave Episode 52 Solar Power for your Ham Station |
Can you power your station from the sun? Absolutely! This video explains solar power from the panels and batteries to charge controllers and sizing. |
Ask Dave Episode 51 A Simple Look At a Basic Amplifier |
One of the basic building blocks of radio is the amplifier. Let’s look at the theory behind a simple transistor amp, breadboard it, and test it! |
Ask Dave Episode 50 BITX-40 Fix for Galloping VFO |
The BITX-40 Raduino-based VFO has a horrible habit of galloping up or down the band at the most inconvenient times. This simple mod fixes the problem. |
Ask Dave Episode 49 Review of BITX-40 SSB QRP Rig Operations |
Previous videos explored aspects of building the BITX-40 SSB QRP rig. This video explores the operations aspect. Fun little rig! Ashhar Farhan photo courtesy Nagasai Nath. |
Ask Dave Episode 48 Assembling the BITX-40: KE0OG Kwickie |
This is the third videos about my BITX-40 kit, a QRP, SSB, 10-watt, kit from The basic kit is only $59, and comes with assembled circuit boards. This video covers connecting all the other components. Many thanks to K7AGE for introducing me to this! |
Ask Dave Episode 47 DX and the Radio Amateur |
What’s DX? How does it work? Is it something you want to do? Give it a try! This video tells how. |
Ask Dave Episode 46 From Data Modems to Sound Cards |
We use sound cards for lots of digital modems. Why? This episode explores the history behind creating the tones we put on the air. |
Ask Dave Episode 45 Understanding Oscillators |
Where do radio sine waves come from? From oscillators! This video delves into a simple audio phase-shift oscillator to see how they work. Included is a look at a breadboarded oscillator on an oscilloscope. |
Ask Dave Episode 44 Using Anderson Powerpole Connectors |
What are Anderson Powerpole connectors? They’re really popular for 12VDC power connections. This video explains how they work and shows how to mount the connectors properly for amateur radio. |
Ask Dave Episode 43 Overcoming “New Ham” Frustration |
Are you a new Tech and can’t find folks to talk with? This video provides several suggestions that can increase your satisfaction with your new hobby. |
Ask Dave Episode 42 How to build a J-pole with twinlead |
The Amateur Radio Supplies 2m/70cm Dual Band J-pole kit is the subject. This video takes you through the entire build process including testing. |
Ask Dave Episode 41 How to get on JT65 |
JT65 is one of the most popular amateur radio digital modes. This video walks you through setting up the software and getting on the air. |
Ask Dave Episode 40 Symbolism in the FCC Seal |
The FCC has a seal as well as a logo. At the request of a viewer, this video explores the symbolism in the seal. |
Ask Dave Episode 39 Kit Building for the Radio Amateur |
What kits are all about and how to decide if one is for you. |
Ask Dave Episode 38 Using CHIRP to Program your Handheld Ham Radios |
Use your programming cable with CHIRP software from I show how to download memories, change them, and upload. Also how to transfer from one radio to another. |
Ask Dave Episode 37 Baofeng, TYT, Wouxun Programming Cable That Works |
Frustrated trying to get the programming cable to work with your Baofeng, TYT, or Wouxun handheld radio? Watch this for an approach that works, using the Powerwerx cable. |
Ask Dave Episode 36 How does a J-pole antenna work? |
Find out how a J-pole antenna works |
Ask Dave Episode 35 RF Connectors |
This video examines the most common RF connectors: PL-259, SO-239, BNC, SMA, and Type N. |
Ask Dave Episode 34 WSPR – Weak Signal Propagation Reporter |
This video is the fourth in a series about propagation beacons. The Weak Signal Propagation Reporter is a system designed by Joe Taylor, K1JT, a Nobel laureate, to study HF propagation. You can participate both by listening and transmitting. |
Ask Dave Episode 33 PSK Reporter: How You Can Be Part! |
The PSK system can show you where your signal is being received, and all the signals that you receive, all nicely plotted on Google Maps. And if you are already set up for digital modes, it’s likely that your digital mode software already has the capability to participate! |
Ask Dave Episode 32 The Ham Radio Reverse Beacon Network |
The amateur radio Reverse Beacon Network offers the opportunity to see where in the world your signal is being heard. The RBN listens for CQs on CW, RTTY, and PSK-31, and will tell you which reverse beacon listener heard your signal. |
Ask Dave Episode 31 International Beacon Project |
A network of beacon stations scattered around the globe is available for you to use. This video describes specifics and shows how to use it. |
Ask Dave Episode 30 Antenna Types and Terminology |
This video explores amateur radio HF antennas, looking at various types of interest to those new to the hobby. It also provides a brief overview of gain antennas. |
Ask Dave Episode 29 Ham HF Bands: Introduction |
This video looks at the amateur radio high frequency (HF) bands and describes each. This helps hams new to HF to understand what bands will work best for them. |
Ask Dave Episode 28 Standard Wave Radio Demystified |
This video explores SWR in some detail. |
Ask Dave Episode 27 Sample PSK-31 QSO |
A sample PSK-31 QSO with annotations and descriptions. |
Ask Dave Episode 26 Installing FLDIGI for amateur radio digital modes |
FLDIGI installation and connections to your radio. |
Ask Dave Episode 25 How to Set Up Your Station for Digital Modes |
Walks through how digital modes are created using sound cards and shows the components you’ll need for a digital station. |
Ask Dave Episode 24 Radio Time is UTC |
Shows how to use Coordinated Universal Time for your logging and QSL cards. Also a short history of GMT and UTC. |
Ask Dave Episode 23 How and when must you identify? |
Here are the basics for when and how to identify your station on the air, including calling and answering CQs, contests, and DX. |
Ask Dave Episode 22 What to look for in an HF radio |
Are you looking at HF radios, new or old? What features are important? |
Ask Dave Episode 21 Exploring Waterfall Displays |
Learn what waterfall displays are in digital software or on software-defined radios and how to use them. |
Ask Dave Episode 20 How Much Does a General Upgrade Cost? |
Once you have your Tech, how much does it cost to get your General license and equip an HF station? |
Ask Dave Episode 19 How Much Does Ham Radio Cost |
How much does it cost to get into ham radio at the Technician License level? |
Ask Dave Episode 18 Logging your HF contacts |
All about logging, both on paper and using the computer |
Ask Dave Episode 17 Power for your Amateur Radio Station |
Linear and switch-mode power supplies. Using batteries to power your radio. Allowable voltage variations. |
Ask Dave Episode 16 Troubleshooting HF Setup Issues |
Explores things that can go wrong while setting up an HF station for the first time, and how to remedy them. |
Ask Dave Episode 15 Emergencies and You: Are You Ready? |
Readying yourself and your station to participate in disaster communications in a meaningful way |
Ask Dave Episode 14 Anatomy of a CW QSO |
Here’s what a CW QSO actually looks like, especially for newcomers to CW. You don’t need to know CW to learn from this video! |
Ask Dave Episode 13 The CW Renaissance |
CW is coming back! Here’s what it is, where it is, how to use it, and how to learn it. |
Ask Dave Episode 12 Radiosport! |
This video addresses the age-old question: “I got my license. Now what?” Specifically, for those who enjoy goals and measurable objectives, the video covers contesting, DXing, operating awards, and CW proficiency. |
Ask Dave Episode 11 Antenna questions |
This Ask Dave episode addresses three common antenna-related questions. The first has to do with how to hang the coax from the center insulator in a dipole. The second deals with the inadequacies of rubber-duck antennas. The third has to do with materials for center insulators. Be sure to subscribe to receive notice of upcoming videos. |
Ask Dave Episode 10 Mailbag |
Peter Greene, KG7VXX, asks about radials for vertical antenna systems. Dick Jubinville, W1REJ, asks about how remote coax switches can work without a control cable. And Bill Smith, N5XVT, asks about finding info on old rigs. |
Ask Dave Episode 9 Assigning Amateur Callsigns |
KG7KCH, Pete, asks how amateur callsigns are assigned. |
Ask Dave Episode 8 Station Grounding |
Ask Dave Episode 8 is about station grounding. |
Ask Dave Episode 7 HF Antennas for Difficult Situations |
This episode explores HF antennas for those with less-than-ideal situations. The video includes three case studies. |
Ask Dave Episode 6 The Amateur Radio Marketplace |
This episode of Ask Dave sorts out the amateur radio marketplace – who the suppliers are, the big retailers, and so on. This can help you know what to buy and from whom. |
Ask Dave Episode 5 How to Use a Manual Antenna Tuner |
This episode shows how to use a manual antenna tuner on HF. |
Ask Dave Episode 4 Zero-Beating CW Signals |
Here’s the fourth installment of Ask Dave, which focuses on a CW conundrum: how to tune a CW signal with your HF receiver so that the other station can hear you easily. The process is called zero-beating, meaning making the signals match in tone. |
Ask Dave Episode 3 Setting Up Your Home Station |
Covers your home station from power through the coax. |
Ask Dave Episode 2 A Tour of the 20-meter Ham Band |
This week’s installment is built around a response to a question from Justin Smith, AF7QN, who asked about calling CQ and where to listen for a response. That question sparked this tour of the 20-meter band for the new General or Extra, or for those hams who might like to try something new. |
Ask Dave Episode 1 Antenna Analyzers |
How to use an antenna analyzer |
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