Pinion Ridge Wildflowers

Lichen on Pinion Ridge, taken not far from Point A

Lichen on Pinion Ridge, taken not far from Point A

See this post for the GPS maps of Pinion Ridge with the lettered points. Here are the wildflower pictures I took. The one above is of cool lichen that grows everywhere on the rocks. The following picture shows the rocks at the edge of the ravine.
Dramatic, lichen-covered rocks on Pinion Ridge near Point A

Dramatic, lichen-covered rocks on Pinion Ridge near Point A

Here are several wildflowers I found. I have a book that names lots of Colorado wildflowers, but I can’t identify a couple of these.
Orange Paintbrush

Orange Paintbrush wildflowers on Pinion Ridge

Purple wildflower

I can't find an identification for these. These little purple flowers, each about an inch long, almost appear as though they're succulents, although this is a pretty arid place.

Dinky little blue flowers

Dinky little blue flowers on Pinion Ridge. Each blossom is only a quarter-inch in diameter. I can't find any identification for these in my wildflower book.

Small yellow wildflower on Pinion Ridge

Small yellow wildflower on Pinion Ridge. The closest ID I can make is Whiskbroom Parsley, although the leaves aren't really developed enough to tell.

I finish with this interesting view of lenticular clouds. The winds aloft must be blowing might fast!
Lenticular clouds over McKenzie Butte, taken from Pinion Ridge

Lenticular clouds over McKenzie Butte, taken from Pinion Ridge

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