This almost monochromatic image captures birds doing what they do: sit on powerlines! The picture was taken from Pahgre Road, south of Montrose.
I’m coming off a bad sinus infection, but what infected me this evening was the need to ride! I threw some throat lozenges into my vest and donned my gear and headed up Ouray County Road 4. I checked some new roads to see where they went and took some GPS tracks. Then I gassed up in Colona and then took the Lower Powerline Road (here and here) north to Kinikin, then looped back up past the water tower and down to Pahgre. I grabbed some pictures on the way. The one at the top of the post was taken from Pahgre in a very rural area after the sun went down—the picture only shows a fraction of the birds.

I was attracted by the lines you can see running through the field. They contrast nicely with the trees.
The picture above was taken on Ouray County Road 2. The land belongs to the State Wildlife Division, but parts of it are still actively farmed for hay. This field was recently cut and gathered, leaving these nice rows behind—I guess I was going for the abstract here.

In the very distance you see the Sneffels Range. Somewhat closer are the McKenzie Buttes. The valley is the Uncompahgre Valley generally along Pahgre Road, south of Montrose. I was facing almost directly south.
My favorite time of day is in the evening when the just-setting sun bathes everything in orange. The picture above was taken from the road that goes from Kinikin down to Pahgre past the water tower. It’s a composite of a few images put together into a panorama by Adobe Photoshop Essentials 6.
Altogether I had a delightful ride! And I never did use any of those throat lozenges.