Imagery for Genealogy: From Camera to Ancestral Quest in Four Easy Steps

Do images frustrate you? Too many acronyms? Hard to find stuff once it’s on your hard drive? This video is an introduction to a class I teach about imagery for genealogy. It shows, very simply, the process from taking a picture until that image shows up in the right place in Ancestral Quest (AQ). Obviously I’m taking the simplest, easiest path, but it works.

You can read the transcript of this video by clicking here. The transcript is not exact, but pretty close.

This is necessarily a very brief overview, and is intended as a classroom introduction to the subject, with the rest of the class devoted to answering individual questions and helping people through the process. The class also expands on each of the four steps, such as different sources of imagery, different ways to get the image into your computer, and different ways to use the images in AQ. AQ can include images not only in scrapbooks, but also as images of sources such as census records.

In the video, I only deal with JPEG images. There are many image types, but JPEG will do. In a future class, I’ll discuss using FastStone Image Viewer as a way to manage and fix your images.

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2 Responses to Imagery for Genealogy: From Camera to Ancestral Quest in Four Easy Steps

  1. Art Womer says:

    Very nice and easy video to follow. As usual, you did it again!

    Art Womer

  2. Erin Siggard says:

    Really nice tutorial! Everything was done clearly and slowly enough to feel like I could digest it or stop at any time to do the step and then start again for the next step. Great job!

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