This site has information on a variety of topics that may be useful to you. I add blog entries on interesting things, such as new ham radio stuff, cool places to visit in the Colorado San Juan high country around here, wildflowers, and more.
Travel Videos and Photos. I love the “high country” around here in the San Juan Mountains, our little corner of the Rockies. I have a couple pages that index some of the rides, including featuring some printable GPS tracks that show how to get to some of the more spectacular places. The first is an index to roads around here I’ve traveled on my motorcycle and side-by-side—and the second is a more recent indexing effort called Great Places to Ride. Many of these posts include GPS track-based maps you can print and use (the usual caveats apply). You can also look at my many posts and videos by clicking on the Motorcycling category.
Amateur Radio. I have a page devoted to ham radio. Also, for the past couple years I’ve been putting up training videos for those who wish to get their amateur (ham) license. I’ve completed the Technician series and the General series, and am currently (2014) working on the Amateur Extra series. Out here in western Colorado the area is pretty sparsely populated, so it’s hard to get people together for classroom-type training. It’s possible to do self-study in many ways; the best by far is to use the ARRL-created study manuals. My videos are halfway between self-study and classroom; each video introduces a section in the ARRL manual. The key idea is that I introduce the section, not teach the whole section. I try to provide information that will make studying easier. My goal is to help you become a true ham radio operator, not merely a license holder. There are many Internet sites that will teach you the test, but my philosophy is that I want to teach you how to be a ham, a different thing entirely from teaching the test! I’ve had good success with these videos. Many, many people have written via comments on YouTube and on this site that the videos work for them. This makes me most grateful, as I put them together simply because I love ham radio and want to share the hobby.
My Fantasy and Science Fiction Novels. To see my publishing site, check out The site sells my own fantasy and science fiction books plus an outstanding book written by the staff of the local Ridgway Railroad Museum, plus others by local authors. Oh, you can see my Amazon author page here.About this site. I’m using the “2010” theme from WordPress, a nice default template that came out in, appropriately, 2010. They now have more themes, but I’ve gotten used to the 2010 theme. Further, I’ve modified 2010 using a “child theme,” which took me quite awhile to figure out. All page and post addresses are “permalinks,” meaning the URL won’t change, so feel free to reference these pages by URL.
Please Comment! Please enjoy the site! Make liberal use of the search function. And, leave comments—I see them all and try to respond when I can. If you want to contact me directly without leaving a public comment trail, you can go to the About Page where there’s a contact form.