Colorado Western Slope Repeaters

Open VHF/UHF Repeaters in the Uncompahgre Valley

If you know of more repeaters, simply use the comment form below.

Repeater name Location Frequency tone
Montrose Flattop 146.79- none yet
Cedaredge Cedaredge 147.195+ none
Waterdog Waterdog peak (part of linked GMRA system) 447.200- 107.2


  • Waterdog repeater is part of a linked system and is generally used only for emergency services. Al, WA4HND, in Grand Junction, notes that we can use the repeater for perhaps five minutes before transitioning to another frequency. Always check to see that the repeater isn’t in use for an emergency. (“This is KEØOG. Is this repeater being used?”) The reason is that often during search and rescue or other operations, the repeater is silent, sometimes for minutes at a time.
  • Montrose and Cedaredge repeaters can be used for ragchewing.
  • I have a radio tuned to the Montrose repeater 24×7 and will hear a call if I’m in the study at the time, usually in the evenings or on Friday or on weekends (sporadic)

13 Responses to Colorado Western Slope Repeaters

  1. Robert Clark says:

    There are 3 steps to building a radio repeater. Step 1: Prepare design drawings. Step 2: arrange and install according to the drawings. Step 3: test and use.

  2. robert saunders says:

    Hi Dave.
    I’m a new technician in Montrose. If I want to listen and call using the Flat top or Cedaredge repeaters with no tone do I just dial up the frequency and monitor and when silent make a call and have an output frequency monitored to hear a reply? Do I have to choose between a CTCSS/DCS operation? Its hard being ignorant.


  3. Greg Culbreath says:

    Ricky says, “I hear 146.610”. That is the Sinbad Desert Club repeater on Abajo Peak just west of Monticello UT. It’s just 10 miles from my front door. I myself hear the San Juan Connection? repeater on Uncompagre peak, but have yet to try and work it. Might be a GMRA machine?
    Greg C.

  4. dcasler says:

    Try listening on 147.195. That’s the local Cedaredge repeater.

  5. Ricky L. Lopez says:

    Hi guys,

    I bought a CCrane radio that is supposed to pick up 2 meter ban radio transmissions just to listen for fun. I live in Cedaredge on Cedar Mesa and I ave picked up some transmissions on 146.610, but recently just static. What do I need to do????


  6. dcasler says:

    Hi Stephan, sounds like you’re having fun with ham radio. I don’t drink, but I know Colorado Boy makes great pizza! 73, Dave

  7. Stephan Snydstrup says:

    Hi Dave,
    I,m a new ham, got my technician license in October of 2018. I have watched many of your videos on u-tube, the ones on antenna’s helped me a bunch. Took your advice and joined the ARRL, also got a membership to my local club WCARC out of Grand Junction. I joined the GMRA also, I found it funny that when I joined the GMRA Al never mentioned to me that it’s primary use was for search & rescue. Keep the video’s coming, they help me a lot. I see your in Ridgway, my friend Daniel owns the Colorado Boy brewery. It would be great to have a beer with you, i’m assuming that you partake. Thanks!

  8. Dale L. Salisbury says:

    been in area for 1 wk now,at last i found 146.79 but no reply to my radio test etc.?
    will be here for a while, hope to wk some of you guys. will be putting up 30& 40 dipole this wk end,

    hope to work cw back to club members in Ohio, also came out with 3 el. beam , hope to put it up this fall. I,m old navy radioman (peace time) retired 15 yrs ago from over the road 18/
    wheeler driver,my age 77, been ham 60 yrs this Dec. 73,s Dale K8NDM

  9. The event is july 20-24th. It is a very large all national all Toyota FJ Cruiser event. The wife and I are very excited to see the sights and hit the trails. the pictures i have seen are absolutely amazing.

  10. dave says:

    Seth, there aren’t many. Those that I know of are listed on my repeater listing page. From the high country you may be able to hit the Montrose repeater. There are some low-power solar-powered repeaters in the high country that operate only in summer. I’ll ask our club president and see what I can learn. When is the event in Ouray? I’d be interested to join.

  11. Dave,

    I found your website while looking for repeaters in your area. I am a Ham radio operator and off road enthusiast. I will be attending the FJ Summit in Ouray in July. I would like some information on which repeater if any would provide the best coverage for this trip and the trails that the summit will be offering, so I can share this information with other hams who are attending the FJ summit as well.




  12. dave says:

    No–it’s a standalone repeater located on “Flat Top” just north of Montrose, Colorado.

  13. Roger Vargo says:

    Is the 146.790 repeater reachable via Echolink?

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