(You may have been directed here from www.ke0og.net) You’ve landed on my ham radio home page. I’m KEØOG, an Extra-Class ham radio operator. I’m active on HF, 2-meters, and 440 MHz. I use this page as an index to ham-radio-related material on this site.
What is ham radio? Watch this video from the Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB)
Current Geomagnetic Conditions for HF Bands
This chart shows various geomagnetic indicies and what the sun looks like now. These indicies show what HF propagation is like right now. You can use data like this to help you find a good HF band for operations. You can refresh this page to get the latest data.
Courtesy Paul, N0NBH, www.hamqsl.com
Becoming a ham radio operator
- The three amateur (ham) radio license classes. Some background material on license grades, the difficulty of the test, and the operating privileges.
- Videos to aid your self study for your ham radio Technician Class license: Technician Class Ham License – On-Line Help for Your Self Study, which you can also access directly from
. The purpose of this series of videos is to talk you through the self study you’ll be doing with the ARRL Ham Radio License Manual. There’s one video for each section of the book, on the theory that it’s easier to study if someone’s given you a little overview. - A similar set of videos for General Class
- A similar set of videos for Amateur Extra Class
- Randy Cassingham’s intro to ham radio
- How much does it cost to become a Technician Class (entry level) ham?
- How much does it cost to upgrade to General or Extra Class and get on HF radio?
- What do I do once I become a ham?
- Wouxun KG-UV3D: Inexpensive Dual Band HT
- BaoFeng UV-5R+ ham radio — incredibly inexpensive dual-band handheld
- Programming the Wouxun KG-UV3D and the Baofeng UV-5R+
How I do it (which will be different from the way you do it, but it’s sometimes nice to have something to compare to)
- Using a rubber stamp to turn a spiral-bound notebook into a logbook.
- My new Yaesu FTdx3000. I review my new FTdx3000. Great radio!
- New addition to my shack: Oak Hills Research OHR100A 5-watt (QRP) CW 20-meter-only transceiver. See my notes and review here.
- Ten-Tec Jupiter: My 2001 review
- Ten-Tec Jupiter: what I think of it after ten years
- The 12 vdc system at KEØOG
- Hy-gain 14-AVQ—My First Amateur Radio HF Antenna
- The MFJ-993B IntelliTuner
- HF Antenna Repairs
Getting the 80-meter Loop Back in Shape
- Creating antenna masts using chain link fence top rail
- My single point ground
Getting on HF with your General Class License – a look at station necessities
- Ham radio 40-meter dipole: your first antenna
- Ham radio power supplies: 12 vdc (or 13.8 vdc)
- ICOM 9100—New HF/VHF/UHF Radio
- Kenwood’s Ham Radio HF Lineup
- Yaesu’s Ham Radio HF Rig Lineup
- Icom’s Ham Radio HF Rig Lineup
- Tuning HF SSB Signals. Tuning HF voice signals (SSB) can be a little daunting the first time around. Here’s a video that shows you how.
Special Techniques
- Packet Radio
- APRS (and motorcycling) with pictures of my APRS tracker
- APRS vs handheld GPS location discrepancies
- Using the Wouxun KG-UV3D with TinyTrak4 APRS unit. Provides costs for each item.
- Using the Baofeng UV-5R+ with TinyTrak4 APRS unit
- APRS: Making UI-View and Weatherlink Cooperate
- Interfacing the Byonics TinyTrak4 (TT4) with various handheld radios. Pays special attention to JP8.
- Software-Defined Radio
- A presentation I gave at the Nov, 2013, meeting of the Montrose (Colorado) Amateur Radio Club on software defined radio, specifically the FiFi.
- Fox Hunting (hidden transmitter hunting)
- Byonics PicCon Fox Controller
- Circuit diagram for hidden transmitter hunting (my Fantastic Fox Finder), circuit by Dave Sharpe, KIØHG
- Hidden transmitter hunting links and sites
- HF Digital Modes
- The JT-65 digital mode: my first QSO. (For some background, see this YouTube video in which Joe Taylor, Nobel Laureate, discusses his invention of JT-65, JT-9, and other digital modes.)
- Information on DSTAR at dstarinfo.com.
Computer Issues
- Cool QSL cards from www.hamtoons.net. Jim is a cartoonist and can make colorful custom QSLs just for you. Here’s the one he sent me. He’s got a cool website worth looking at.
N2EST is a cartoonist and makes custom QSL cards. This is the card he sent me.
- App to create azimuthal maps based on where you live. Reader Rob, M6KOT, provides this link for those who want to make an azimuthal map based on your location. An azimuthal map shows the direction (azimuth) from your station to any place on earth and is handy if you want to know where to point your beam.
- Logging and QSLing for the Radio Amateur in the Electronic Age (narrated slide show). I gave this presentation on 20 Feb 2015 at a meeting of the Montrose Amateur Radio Club held in Olathe, Colorado. I added a narration to cover the main points and put it on YouTube.
- A list of things to bring next year for Field Day!
- Chronology of ham radio history, used for a presentation given at the Montrose Amateur Radio Club.
- Radio Frequency Interference in your Ham Shack: A Case Study
- A close-up view of an Electro-Bug Jr., apparently made in 1927
- ACP 131 lists all Q and Z signals. This is my old copy from when I was in the Air Force. I’ve put high-quality scanned, text-selectable pages here.
- An SET is a Simulated Emergency Test. I tried one out for the first time, and here are my notes to myself. They may help you be prepared too!
- Bob Schaeffer, KJØG, recalls early history of Montrose Amateur Radio Club
- Communicating is a critical element of preparedness (link to news article)
- Trebuchet for Punkin’ Chunkin’—Royce Seymour’s (AAØJD) 2010 PieceMaker at the Olathe (Colorado) Punkin Chunkin event
- And here’s Royce’s 2011 entry at the Olathe (Colorado) Punkin Chunkin event!
- Emergency Communications: Alternatives to Ham Radio
- NVIS Links from Dave Coombs, KØEUS
- Ham4Ham, a site set up by John Borchers, KC3ASE, for those interested in software development for ham radio.
On-the-air Activities on the Colorado Western Slope
- VHF/UHF Repeaters (voice)
- Standard packet radio, as found on 145.01 MHz
- APRS (Amateur Packet Reporting System), as found on 144.39 MHz
- The Montrose Amateur Radio Club (direct link to club website)
- 2010 Field Day with the Montrose Amateur Radio Club (photographs)
- 2010 Montrose Amateur Radio Club Field Day (video)
- A Montrose Amateur Radio Club antenna repair party. We repaired and upgraded the antennas for Field Day use.
- 2014 Field Day with the Montrose Amateur Radio Club (video).
- Near Real Time F2 Layer Critical Frequency (useful for NVIS propagation prediction—if the freq shown on the website is a bit more than the NVIS frequency you want to use, you’re in business. If less, well, try a lower frequency.
LDS (Mormon) Church ham-related activites
- Our monthly “First Sunday” net (anyone can join) Net more or less permanently in hiatus
David…I am thinking about getting a ts590sg and I would like to know if it is possible to
hook up a SB220 tube amp and SDR running at the same time? I have a Hermes that lasted one year and the SSB stopped transmitting and I really like Thetis software…so I guess I need to upgrade to TS590… thanks ..al WU4X
I just wanted to thank you for your videos.
I just passed my Extra exam October 1st 2022.Your videos helped a lot.I knew nothing about Ham radio as of 10 months ago.I passed my tech March 2022 the general June 4th 2022.
Thank you again KF0IPQ
Cherokee ks.
I am an american retired to the Philippines, I been hear sense 2007.
I was looking foreward to being DX ,but todate I have not made any
contacts at all.
Not one! I know about the sun spot cycle but dam!
My gear at present: SX-110, MFJ -9020 & 9420, G1M and a Yaesu
FT-757 SX2 not the gx2.
Its is a 10 watt unit.
I tryed many antennas with all poor responce, what can I do?
Dave, there was a question on tonights live stream about using a surpliced microwave antenna for 2 m. I believe you were mistaken in stating that an old DIRECTV antenna could not be used for 2 m.
Take a look at this from John Portune, W6NBC:
Hi my name is Ethan Harwad. I am new to cb and I am am trying to put new channels in to my BTECH uv-25×2 radio and I can’t figure it out. I was wondering if you could help me out?
Hi Dave
I git my novice license in 1982. (KB4BIH)
I worked a lot of cw. I also listened to nets and people talking on other frequencies.
I was then inactive for quite some time. In the 90s I found my intrest agan and helped my wife get licensed.
I was wondering about 20m. Back in the day 20m was refered to as 2 gallon alley. I have
searched on the internet and haven’t found anything referencing 20m to this. Just wondering if you had any thoughts on this.
Greg. N4IA
Excellent videos and info. Thank you very much! From Pittsburgh Pa/ the home of the worlds first commercial radio station- KDKA 1020khz.
I don’t know enough about that rig to really say. It’s designed to have two separate antennas. You can check in the manual to see if there’s a menu item to just use one antenna jack.
Yes, you need radials. It sounds like you’re referring to the HF6V antenna by Butternut, now DXEngineering. If the base is elevated, then you need two radials for each band, each tuned to 1/4 electical wavelength. The antenna will not work without radials.
Richard, I replied separately. Right now I’m not taking speaking engagements. Maybe later this year.
Good afternoon Dave,
I am the hamfest chair in Longmont, CO. Would you like to speak at a short forum on
April 2nd? We would love to hear from you, subject, your choice!
Dick Paige
Kj4fef Rich Hi Dave I would be lost with out your website. I have a Yaesu ft991a and would like to hook it up to my mfj uhf,vhf,hf vertical antenna I see duplexers out there but would this be the proper way too hook up the radio. I also have heard that you should use a diplexer the only ones i can find are for cable TV. 73’s Rich kj4fef@hotmail.com
Dave really like your videos thank you. I have a question. I now have same antenna you mention you have, Butternut HV 6 Vertical about 40 feet at top / at base abt 20 feet, with Kenwood TS 590 and 100 watts. This time I installed the counter poise on this antenna without the 4 radials comes with antenna. It is mounted on a metal post beside my drive way back yard and into my station on 2nd floor my home apron 30 feet apart.
In my earlier years ( Novice in West Virginia 1978) I had earlier versions same antenna mounted on top our house up abt same as now did very well got WAS and WAC as novice with CW. With a 100 watt Tempo One rig. But using the 4 wire radials came with antenna.
Now I am General class, in Toledo Ohio wondering which is better the counter poise or the radials ? Can use radials and counter poise ? I seem remember better results when I was Novice – is it just current conditions air waves. Id like work DX again but dont hear a lot even out Canada and were very close. Heard a station from South Africa last week evening but couldnt get through pile up and obviously worked Africa before getting my WAC I have everything well grounded and measurements good SWRs.
A little frustrated, I just purchased the ZS6BKW/G5RV dipole thinking putting it up in spring.
Can you give some insight / feedback
Thanks. Gary Swann KA8AUJ
Look at the ARRL book on Grounding and Bonding. https://www.arrl.org/shop/Grounding-and-Bonding-for-the-Radio-Amateur-2nd-Edition/.
Just listened to your Learn About SWL video on YouTube. Great job! Im just. Getting into ham radio after a quarter century and am playing catch. Although I knew everything you taught, I was impressed with style and content.
To your continued success in Elmering.
Dave, I have a question regarding grounding. I have listened to several of your videos regarding the subject of grounding. However, I have read that an additional grounding rod attached to your radio equipment is a no ,no. I have the ground that is attached to all electical outlets in the house. Their point was that an additional grounding rod attached to your equipment was against National Electrical Codes. Is this true? If so why? I thank you in advance for your comment.
Dave, they are available now on the ARRL website at learn.ARRL.org. Look under the “On the Air section. You must be a member of ARRL to get to these. The page on my website at http://www.ke0og.net/general has updated links to take you to the right place, but you need to login to learn.ARRL.org first.
There are RF relays. But I think what you need to do is put in two traps instead. Trap design is an advanced technique, but there should be info on the Internet.
I am wondering if there is a special relay that should be used if one were to shorten an antenna remotely. I have a bunch of 12 VDC car relays and have modeled an antenna in MMANA that should suit my purposes for everything above 40 meters and higher frequencies, but for 80 meters, I really need to use 2 additional elements on the antenna. Also due to the distance, is there a way to insure enough of the DC is left by the time it travels to relay?
Dave, are the general class license video’s no longer available on you tube?
I was disappointed to not find them today; i was using them to study for the exam but only am halfway through. I’ve found they are most helpful.
Thank you Dave.
FYI, I am a new ham, who recently landed near Grabouw, S. Africa & am living in a home on a farm that used to have a rhombic antenna. This once was an international broadcast transmitter site. Some antenna poles are still standing. I would tell you more, but I better get to work on my first rig. 73s!
Aaron, the lightning arrestor should be attached to the ground rod physically and electrically. The cable comes from the antenna to the lightning arrestor, then goes inside the house to your station.
Congratulations on your upgrade!
Thank you for the Amateur Extra videos on YouTube. You, sir, are an excellent and engaging teacher. I sat for (and passed) my Amateur Extra exam today. On more than a few questions I could recall your explanation of the fundamentals and was able to work out the answer.
Wow David, your knowledge is amazing! I feel foolish asking you this but here goes …
I finally received my HNT miners and antennas . Can I screw my lighting arrestor (with a female end) directly onto my antenna (with a male end), and avoid breaking the run and order two separate cables. or dose the lightning arrestor have to be a certain distance from the antenna?
Thanks . Aaron Ursulak
I am studying for my general license and having trouble retaining it do you have any tricks or suggestions ? Thank you Dean Morin KC0HJE
I appreciate your opinion, but having a fan dipole that works, I must disagree with your thesis.
73, Dave
Sorry, please tell me which video? I’ve published many videos and the one you mention does not come to mind. You can find J-pole instructions on many websites. 73
Saw that special J Pole antenna you featured on YouTube, but I cannot find the advertised dimensions mentioned at the end of the presentation, could you please publish the link?
Thank you
You’ve mentioned a “fan dipole” on yoir You-Tube channel made up from EFHW’s or similar.
It won’t work in any kind of manner people would understand and would be almost entirely unreproducable if you did get it working in some way.
The reason is rather simple and obvious when you think about it. The fan dipole is a variation on a transmission line antenna that is like a LPDA it radiates from the lowest impedence dipole at the resonant frequency.
That way nearly all the power goes into the resonant dipole as all others are at a high impeadence and effectively draw no power from the transmission line.
If you use EFHW or other high impeadence radiator, all the non resonant lower impeadence dipoles will “short it” out and no power will go into it.
Regards, Clive G6TDI.
Dave: I am operating the FT-8 mode. I am using a TEN-TEC OMNI VII with a signalink USB interface. The WSJT-X program works great. I can receive signals well. The radio keys well thru the interface. However, when I transmit, my wattmeter kicks up quickly to about 20 watts then suddenly starts slowly dropping down and settling at about 7-8 watts. I have tried another radio, the IC-718 with exact similar results. So, the radio is fine. Normal output is 100 watts. SSB no problem. I can set the TX level pot and pot on the program to max with no change. Mic gain is “0”. No one has been successful in resolving my problem. What is your suggestion to try? Danny, AA4DM
Do you have a video on setting up the IC 7300 for PSK with fldigi?
Americo, the SDR I have in my station is the RSP1A. The MFJ loop is now repaired. I have not yet placed it outside due to weather. But I will put it in a fixed location as I do not have a rotator for it. Hope that helps and thanks for your kind words! 73, Dave
Hi, Dave.
As a shortwave listener, Ive enjoyed your youtube videos, reviews and advises. I always look at what you are reviewing, because I trust what you say.
I own a SDRPlay RSP1, a RSP1A and a RSPdx, as well as a MFJ-1886 loop antenna.
I saw once a video about your shack, where the viewers could see what equipment you had, and how did you distributed it in the room. I dont know where that video has gone!
Now, the questions:
a) What SDR receiver are you using right now? I thought that you have had a RSP1A that was changed by a RSPdx, but Im not quite sure Im right.
b) The MFJ loop antena that you repaired a month ago Do you use it in a fixed position? Do you rotate it?
Thanks for all your amazing work! Cheers from Uruguay!
The “loose wire” in fact is the fuel line which had just been run hours before. I took these pics while the aircraft was in the shop. They weren’t finished, but I will double-check it before using the aircraft.
I’ve never used a Flex radio. Way out of my price range. You can view them on http://www.flexradio.com.
Hi Dave – When you reviewed HF radios in 2019 I noticed the Flex radios were not evaluated.
As a new radio amateur and software engineer it seems like the Flex radios are quite nice. I especially like the idea of remote operations over the internet, as I live in the city yet hope to build a small remote station off-grid in Eastern Washington.
How should I view the Flex line?
Watched tubing vid. Miss use of aircraft or used radios is a hidden problem that newbies shouldn’t have to deal with starting out.
Your real problem is the experimental nature of your aircraft and the lack of regulations in technique and materials. Did notice to the right of the rudder pulley, a loose hanging wire. This might have been loosened during repair. If not, a wear point. Didn’t see an over abundance of Zip ties. Once you get things “up to code” it will provide good service. Rams has a good rep.
K. Carl N4KCM CFII/MEL&S Aerospace PE retired
For motorcycle you have to try the Tail of the Dragon, NC
https://dcasler.com/tip-jar/ or see https://dcasler.com/support/ —it’s the first item listed.
Looking for tip jar. Gone now?
Dave, Looked at your post regarding cables for btech and boafeng radios. I recently purchased a btech uv-5×3. I was having trouble with the download chirp. Had the cable with the FTDI chip. Tried doing it on two computers. It didn’t work. on your video you said it was a driver. I was not going to buy another cable if I could help it. I used a free software called drive booster from OIBIT. Been using it for years. It identified the missing driver and installed it. But you have to have the radio on and plugged into the computer through a USB port. All I had to do was click on it. I didn’t have to by another cable. it works. Thanks for letting me know it was a driver. Mark n8umx
A note of thanks, Dave. 65 years after my first license, it took YOUR show on coax to understand why different coax impedances were chosen for different applications. Listening to Eric’s QSOToday show with you, you have earned my adulation. May you be blessed to keep it up for many more years.
Yehuda 4X1TQ / K8HGZ / WQRS / WD2XEQ
Hi Dave,
I (KL4YI) and my son (KL4YJ) have benefitted quite a bit from your exam videos. Thanks!
You are showing your age as i am. The YouTube dated Jan 4, 2021 has a couple of missteps. There were a couple of time when you misstated things. They were easy slips. Some aplifiers and some radios [exciters] do not have an ALC connection. None [as far as I know] of Ten-TEC amplifiers have that connection. I am only offering this comment because there are sooo many new Hams who might take every word literally.
There was a question on 24th September 2020 by Larry about the Ringo style antenna and whether it is electrically similar to the j-pole. Yes, it is. This is a good description, from https://forums.qrz.com/
The j-pole is a vertical, and the mast below it normally has zero influence on “performance” at all. The only issue is decoupling the antenna from the conductive mast, to prevent the mast from actually becoming part of the radiating antenna system. SWR has nothing to do with it. SWR should be fine if you use a grounded mast.
But as noted earlier, even with a non-conductive mast, the coax feedline is still part of the radiating antenna system because j-poles are poorly decoupled antennas. Now, if you add a set of horizontal radials to the system, 1/2-WL below the antenna feedpoint, that can provide reasonable decoupling and improve antenna performance — this is exactly what Cushcraft discovered decades ago when they improved the “Ringo Ranger” to create a “Ringo Ranger-II” model that adds radials. The “Ringo” actually is a j-pole but instead of being formed like a “J,” using a 1/4-WL of parallel line to match the antenna, they wrapped the matching network around the base of the antenna to create a tapped transformer which does the same thing but is adjustable and takes up less space. That’s why the CC Ringo has been a popular antenna since the early 1970s.
The Ringo is also made of thinwall aluminum alloy tubing, which is very strong but much lighter than copper so while providing exactly the same electrical performance as a common copper j-pole, it’s about 1/4 the weight so it’s easier to install and keep installed.:)
The j-pole is a very old design that has been much improved by such techniques. Although it’s 3/4-WL long, it’s only a 1/2-WL radiator: The matching section occupies 1/4-WL in height without adding any gain or anything.
WB2WIK, Feb 22, 2019#4
And: mni tnx Dave Casler for his excellent series, 73 de Dafydd DJ0MZ
I live in a HOA.
After looking at the MFJ 1836H I thought that would be a good Idea.
After reading the instructions and watching your video on it . Which was very good like all the others.
I saw this coil up loop of coax which is not mention on the instructions. This is not going to help the stealth look of it.
I know what this is for but is this necesary?
Hi Dave,
I just wanted to thank you and let you know that thanks in a large part to your videos, I got my Technician license on October 10 2020, then my General license on October 23 2020 and my Extra class license today November 8, 2020.
Thanks again for your great videos. I also really enjoy your reviews and am using them to help me decide what to include in my new station build.
Hi Dave,
Got a Balun (Transformer) question.
Working with 43ft unbalanced vertical HF antenna. It came with a Balun Transformer with 2 62pf capacitors in series. I need to replace the capacitors. My question is since this is really not an electrical transformer does capacitors in series still work the same so 2 62pf capacitors give me 31pf, or does it work differently and add to 124pf?
I ask this because I assumed it worked the same as electrical but when I compared putting 100pf+100pf+150pf+150pf in series to come out with 30pf it did not work as well as a single 150pf capacitor. I found this odd. 62pf capacitors are hard to find, thats why I used so many capacitors on the first try.
However, neither combination would allow me to get swr low enough to tune on 80 meters, yet originally the 2 62pf capacitors did tune on 80.
I have found their is little information on balun transformers so I appreciate any info.
I’m not familiar with the Ringo antenna. I’ve seen them but haven’t studied them. I can’t say if they’re electrically equivalent but I think probably not.
Hi Dave
N1URE here. Question on an antenna design. Is a Ringo style antenna electrically the same,as a j-pole? Thanks for your thoughts. Larry
I have been working with a journeyman electrician to put in the underground transmission line, the grounding electrodes or ground rods and the wire connections for bonding.
I am using 2 inch PVC conduits with right angle bends of steel conduit to avoid cutting holes in the conduit at the bends when using string or rope- the steel conduit is not cut like the PVC, so less chance of getting water and soil into the conduit.
Some had suggested drilling holes in the PVC conduit and placing the conduit over gravel to drain water from the conduit. Doing this would allow soil and water to enter the conduit and plug it. The conduit is there to easily replace the transmission line without digging another trench.
When bonding, you said cad weld was not the best method for making connections. Why is this, and what do you suggest?
Hi Dave,
I could not get the normal Ask Dave page to work so hope you see this here.
I just bought an Hy Gain AV 640 and I was wording if I can tune it while it is still on the saw horses. going to be a pain to get up and then have to take it dow again to tune.
Thanks for all you great advice. Look forward to the live streams on Thursday and Saturdays.
All the best,
Jeff Wittern KE0KRO
Can you speak to our club
Please call me to work out details
thank you in advance for considering us
Mike sage
Yes, likely it will work file if it’s about 36 inches in radius or so. A smaller plate should also work.
Dave, brought a piece of brite stainless steel to use for a ground plane and a mag mount ant.
I find the magnet dosnt stick to this steel well, and only a slight improvement in match. Can this non magnetic plate still act as a ground plane?
I have the same antenna turner . Sometimes when I tune my antenna, the antenna knob well be on 3 ( for instance) and the transmitter knob well be on 5 or 6 why is that? should the antenna ,and transmitter knob be on the same number ??
good on QRZ
Dear Dave,
I am studying for the General License and appreciate your videos.
I want to study and experiment with auto patch and phone patch. Please let me know if there are any sources of information, links, etc. I want to learn how it works and what is required.
Must this be done by repeater?
How can I use a satellite for this function?
As I often live in an RV outside normal telephone service, I want to learn about this for safety and security. Meaning very occasional use.
I also would like to use satellite or any means to use internet by ham radio. Please recommend a resource of information if you know any.
Thanks for any help.
Paul C. KF0AJH
P.S. I am now in CO, where might I connect with you by radio?
Hi Dave,
I sure enjoy your amateur radio YouTube video series.
By way of furthering the art, I offer a cautionary note regarding the IC-7300, and damage possible from mis-steps involving use of the PTRX-7300. You may want to look at this interesting FB posting and its comments section, where the poster explains How his radio was damaged:
Cheers & 73
//Mike W7MDH
I know you have answered this in the past but I did not pay attention because there was no need for me at the time. Things have changed. What cameras and microphone do you use for your live streams. I really enjoy them and have learned a lot. Good luck with your flying.
ke0og.net/ask-dave is a web address not an email address. Click here: http://www.ke0og.net/ask-dave and fill out the form.
Dave I have tried to send an email to you but I keep getting put in a proper address I have put I ke0og.net/ask-dave and it doesn’t work
Hi Dave, I was wondering if maybe you knew the answer to this and would tell me. I’ve got Windows 10 and a Boufang v9. Ive also got an Icom Ic 7300. Ive got to download a usb port driver for my Icom to work with my PC. Your video for Chirp and Boafeng states I need a driver downloaded with a red cable I already have. Will my Icom driver work.
Thanks for you time. I’m “Jon” KD4LPH 73’S
Hi Dave,
Two quick things-
1) Thank You for your great YouTube videos- you have an amazing gift for teaching.
2) An anecdote: You give a shout-out reference in video #110, Antenna Modeling, about Ward Silver’s “Antenna Modelling for Beginners” book, and opine that it’s expensive at $34 but worth it. If you still have your copy, lock it up! I tried to order one tonight (based on your always reliable recommendation:-) and found the book’s out of print at ARRL. Used copies on Amazon & eBay are going for $85 to $130 now. You’ve got your hands on a rare classic asset:-)
Cheers & 73
//Mike W7MDH
HI Dave. My call is G4LD -licenced in 1981 in Dartmouth, South Devon,England in 1981. At that time I operated HF SSB/CW using a pair of Trio 599 Custom(M) specials. I also had a Yaesu FT290R working the RS Series of Satellites. I went QRT in 1986 for a private reason but returned to the hobby in 2017. Trying to catch up with technology has been a real task. I now operate HF, VHF and UHF – Yaesu Ft450D and a Yaesu FT991A. I use a OCFD Windom 80 through 6m and with a 4 element beam in a fixed position about 20 feet above ground. I have discovered your Ask Dave U-Tube series and I find them interesting and helpful particularly as you are a very good presenter with a great reasonant voice. This note is just to say hello
Good morning Dave,
I hope things are well. I just got my Tech License a month ago, before everything got locked down. I am really enjoying talking with the local Hams around my area when I am at work. However, I live a little too far away to reach the repeater from inside my garage. I would like to try a make a J-pole antenna, to help my handle reach the repeaters. I have seen people make the j-pole out of the 300 Ohm Twin lead, can I make j-pole from 12 gage household electric wire or 16 gage low voltage wire? I have more than enough of both to make one in my garage, or does it need to be Twin lead?
Joseph KO4CWF
Good morning/afternoon, I have a question I got technition license some years ago in California but recently have moved to Florida. And am considering getting back into to ham radio and get my general so my question in your opinion which band would you say is the most reliable coast to coast??.. Dave Yates KJ6JVW 73
As a new to HF Ham operator I’ve definitely learned a lot from watching your videos on YouTube. Thank you for sharing so much good information. I was really excited to hear you on 7.237 this evening from Arizona. Maybe one evening the band conditions will let us talk. 73s. KJ7KZJ
His antenna includes a matching device, providing the necessary reactance to get 1:1 SWR.
Dave “OG” , here is the youtube video of the “Half wave end fed vertical antenna for DX” by VK2PRC. He gets 1:1 swr. I would like your opinion of this antenna, if possible. Thanks, W9PTT, BarnacleBrad.
I just did a video on a reference mast system. Check that out.
Based on your recommendation, I purchased an MFJ 2100 Octopus antenna core and then added enough sticks for 10, 20, 40, 75 meters. I am in the process of setting up and tuning this rig in my living room on a short MFJ 1919 tripod. It will ultimately be installed in my small backyard (HOA community); My question is: what antenna mast should I use? You have sort of recommended galvanized chain link fence top rail (10ft sections); I am looking at aluminum 5ft sections with squeezed ends for concatenation up to 20 feet; I need to also figure out a base (the tripod maybe) and guy lines; what’s your opinion of the MFJ-1904HD telescoping (fiberglass) pole? How do you anchor this baby? It has a 2.5 inch base piece. Use Guy lines with base on a piece of wood as I saw you do with your Octopus in your back yard with surplus military poles? As you can tell, the mast is perplexing to me.
Dear Dave,
I really enjoy your videos. I have one of these antennas (please see below). I was genuinely pleasantly surprised by it’s performance. I’m just wondering if you would consider doing a review of it at some point in the future.
Harvest HVU-8 Eight Band base station antenna
Just read through your “40 meter dipole” post – It’s probably going to be my motivation to finally get a wire in the air for 40m.
I read at the bottom: “In another post Ill talk about trimming up that antenna so it has a low SWR, but with a simple 66-foot antenna, youll be close.”
Given that this was posted some 9 years ago, I’m guessing that the “trimming” update ain’t happening, eh?
So many books and videos skim over the science of radio, failing to connect the dots for real understanding. And outside the classroom and ability to Q&A as instruction takes place makes for a more challenged learning process; if not insurmountable.
I even struggled to find simple, basic examples of a cohesive ham shack with all connections as a “system” when I was putting my first shack together – made it much more difficult than it needed to be in hindsight. One simple visit to a club member’s shack and seeing it all together as a system answered all my questions – so fast, so instantly, over questions I was agonizing over trying to figure out – and I then knew everything I needed to complete my shack after one visit. All the books don’t seem to do that for the basic components of a basic shack, comprehensively as a system; fronts, backs, connectors, etc. in actionable detail. And all the books on various subjects from Grounding, to Antennas seem to be the same, speaking over the novices heads without connecting the dots in actionable ways at the basic level.
With that in mind, after watching your Chapter 9, Extra. I wonder if you’d consider something.
Would you consider a series of 3 videos. Starting with the first, take a deep dive into “every detail” of the science of radio related to the performance/design of a simple antenna solution of your choice, say a simple dipole. From transmitter output to antenna; the feed line to antenna. What makes it work, how does it work, what is happening from every aspect of performance and nature.
Cover all the jargon, everything that gets swapped in jargon in the ARRL Extra book, from volts, to impedance (the book even says at one point that impedance is defined as changing the ratio of voltage to current? – counter to every other definition of impedance in the same book, without explanation), closed loop, open loop, feed line impedance, where, how, what happens (when, where, why), every detail of what makes the antenna system tick. Include at the appropriate time in the video a model of the antenna?
For the second video, do the same thing, but for a different antenna, perhaps one with a balun, and go over the same information and how it differs from the video 1 antenna… not skimming, but in detail, feed point impedance, what the balun is doing, current, voltage, everything.
For the third video, you got it, the same thing, but for yet another type of antenna (case study) for contrast and to reinforce the dynamics of antenna system as knowledge.
That by going in to detail, and observing how the science of what is going on with one solution (Video 1 of the series) we learn also by seeing how it changes with changes to the antenna, baluns, or other factors in other case studies.
The goal is to get people to really understand the nature of what’s happening with the antenna system/solution. So much talk and jargon, so much skimming in books, but not seeing anything that really dives deep and covers this, and gives other examples (videos 2 and 3 suggested) to make sure we really get what’s going on – really helps us connect the dots, to be actionable for our knowledge going forward. Everyone I know struggles with this, “antennas are a mystery, just try it, see if it works.” Is it a mystery, or is it a science that can be understood?
I look at videos and text talking about the impedance mismatch between antenna and feedline and they say something like, “all you need to do is change the ratio of voltage to current.” No further explanation, leaving one to say, “what? It’s impedance, that’s reactance and resistance… what’s a ratio of voltage and current got to do with it, let alone solve it?” Never an explanation.
I really think someone knowledgeable demonstrating in detail, to tear down the entire performance/nature of a single antenna system from every aspect, and then do it again with another example, and another, would really go a long ways to helping people struggling. If you have some other way to tackle this, you’d know better. But given I’ve not found anyone do this in text or video, just focusing on one case study, then another for contrast, leaving no jargon or element of performance unturned… practical, clear.
Please consider if this is in your wheelhouse. Best regards.
My Saturday live stream is on YouTube.
I am currently using a simple ladder-line thin-jim j-pole for my 2m rig, which works quite well. We keep hearing about other antennas will much better gain. If I parallel several inexpensive thin-jim type antennas together would I get more gain?
How do I find your Facebook live feed on Saturday? I located your personal Facebook page but I have not been able to find the link to the other.
Yes. I’ll post them on dcasler.com
Would it be possible to get a copy of the slides you used for the APRS DMR video you did with the 878?
Anthony – KJ7ITE
Hi Dave:
I want the thank you for the considerable time and effort you have dedicated to your YouTube episodes. Ive been licensed fir some time, but find interesting insights and additional information from watching.
By the way, we have two things in common: were both Amater Extra license holders and both attended BYU.
Guy – AE6FE
No, this license does not permit use of amateur radio frequencies. For that you need a ham license. See Technician Class Ham License – On-Line Help for Your Self Study
Good morning Dave, i am currently studying for my Technician’s license and i have been searching the internet for software to use once i can legally use my radio’s, ( still in the box’s, well i did look at them lol ) i want to have compatible radio’s for my OS which is Linux. I downloaded CHIRP daily builds from ppa. I haven”t used software since i have no radio’s to legally use until i get my license. I use a antivirus called ClamAV, TK. I really don’t need it because the kernel doesn’t recognize virus or malware and cannot harm my computer. I recently did a scan and this is what came up. ( /home/user/virus/UV-5RTP. Win.Virus.Parite-7096471-0 . I have seen Beofeng”s all over the internet and so i recognize the name UV-5R. I tried to locate a email for CHIRP at the website, but could not find any. i replaced my user ID to just (user), just for privacy ! So i am wondering if people realize they are POSSIBLY downloading a virus on there Windows boxes. People use ClamAV because they may have dual boot with Windows and they can detect a virus on Windows from the Linux box via ROOT. This antiVirus will remove all viruse’s and malware as a admin. I have learned many valuable lessons from you and you have given me many valuable insights on becoming a amateur radio user. I have 2 Yaesu radio’s, FT60, 70 currently and the GD-77- which i will have to use my son’s computer since all i have is Linux boxes, due to your review. Anyway, thank you for your time and keep up the good work ! Yours truly, David
I currently hold This License. I believe its element 1. According to the school description.
Is this a license to operate a ham on a limited basis?
FCC Marine Radio Operators Permit Class – Course #130
This 34 hour course is generally offered as an evening seminar which includes an explanation and review of the operating procedures and regulations pertaining to radio usage. It is valid for Single Side Band and VHF Use.
Included in the course is the written examination for the FCC Element One which licenses you as a Marine RadioOperator. MPT will process all of your FCC Paperwork at no additional charge and your license will be mailed to you by the FCC within approximately two weeks of finishing the course.
Marine Radio Operators Permit is Required On:
All vessels with a length of 65 feet or more.
All inspected vessels carrying passengers for hire.
All vessels subject to the Radiotelephone Act.
All towing vessels 26 feet and over.
All vessels going out of the country
Yes, I’d be very interested. I can do a supplemental video.
I wanted you to know that I started my licensing journey in February (2019), earning my Technician license, then my General license in May, and just today (July 13, 2019) my Extra license. Your excellent, entertaining and informative Licensing videos were a key part of my learning process, clarifying key concepts and giving me the encouragement to trudge through the difficult parts. THANK YOU very much for all of the work you do and your dedication to the Amateur Radio community!
The CHIRP driver for the TYT TH-UV8000 series has just been released (7/12 build). I know this because I am the developer that wrote it!
In your online review of that radio there were a few settings that you mentioned you did not know what they did. After having gone through the radio in detail, I can now provide info if you have a means to update the video, perhaps just with text overlays. Let me know if you are interested.
Loved your review of the Vector Antenna Analyzer FA-VA5. You made assembling it easy. I’m not sure if you answer questions on this kit. It worked great until I tried to update the firmware to 1.09. I loaded the firmware and was getting ready to run it. I have the right com port as it asked for. Now I get an “ezbl communications error no target response”, and the display won’t stop blinking. I tried the forced reset to no avail. I’m stumped at this point, and don’t know where to go with it. I’m also running Java 7.0 on windows XP if that makes any difference. I’d appreciate any help you could give me. Thanks
Hi David I am looking forward to your review of the Anytown 878UV plus I have one and I am on my second push to talk button my experience with it is that the Bluetooth ptt buttons connection to the radio comes and goes and hope that you will give yours a good work out to see if it is stable thanks
The site really is https, but you have to put it in as a prefix because so much of the site was made prior to getting the certificate.
This is not a Ham radio comment but just a heads up. Your site is not https. which means it’s not secure. You don’t have SSL enabled. Google and other web browsers are soon to block sites like yours. And that would be a shame as your full of information that helps a beginner like me. Ask your web admin how to make your site secure. Good luck
Hi Dave,
It was a real treat to finally meet you at Hamvention in Xenia, OH last Saturday! I passed my Technician, General, and Extra License Exams in large part due to the course videos you produce and of course, your “Ask Dave” series. I now serve as President of my local Radio Club, (Radio Amateurs of Greater Syracuse). We regularly recommend your course videos to all of our members studying for their license upgrade. Thanks Dave, for all you do for Amateur Radio!
Barry Burge KD4MCB
Hey Dave,
I see that you are somewhat of a train buff. Did you see they (U.P.) has refurbished the BIG BOY Steam locomotive engine in Cheyenne, WY and will be sending it back onto the tracks from their to Ogden, UT? They will be having a ceremony of some sort tomorrow morning and it will hit the tracks stopping at bunches of spots along the way for the next several days.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0S7P51PFm0
I enjoy your ham videos. Keep up the good work.
Glen, W8YP
Just an FYI, the etsy 3D printer gent you mention in the video about inexpensive morse keys (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Omz54912qk) no longer recognizes the discount code you show in the video.
Keep up the nice vids!
It’s not that simple. Look in the ARRL antenna book for the formulas.
Hi Dave!
I have a question about how to tune / trim an “Arrow J-Pole” (Here is a link to what I had copied/built):
My question is how do you trim / cut it for a different Frequency range? This antenna is designed for the 2m ham band 144-148 MHz, I want to center it in the Railroad range 159.8100 Mhz – 161.5650 MHz. (actually I’m shooting for 160.4100 in my area).
I know I can use the formula ” find the minimum SWR Frequency and divide by the desired operating frequency, and then Multiply the present antenna length times the result which gives you the amount you mus remove from the antenna length to give you the desired 1.0:1 SWR at your desired Frequency.
Example: Measured SWR 1.0:1 @ 155.5000 MHz, and a desired SWR of 1.0:1 @ 160.5000
155.5000 / 160.5000 = 0.969
Present antenna length 19.250″
19.250 x 0.969 = 18.653″
19.250 – 18.653 = 0.597″
Cut 0.597 off of your antenna and you should achieve a 1.0:1 SWR @ 160.5000.
So, the question is, do I trim the same amount off of both the short and longer elements, or do I just trim the shorter 19.250 element?
Double-check all the connections to look for shorts or opens. The way you describe your system it should work. Have your friend go through it with you–it helps to have an extra pair of eyes. Good luck with the exam!
The transistor 1500w amps are new, so I doubt you’ll find much on the used market. They’re pricey. The technology for high powered amplifiers is undergoing change, and there are still some great tube amps you can buy with lots of bells and whistles for less money than the transistor amps. Take a look at the entire field and check reviews.
Hi Dave,
Just a short note to sincerely thank you for your website and the countless hours you have spent making your instructional videos. The ARRL manuals are great but for those of us with a non-EE background, watching your invaluable videos made the lightbulb come on more times than I can count. So many Ah-Ha! moments when a particular concept finally clicks. I really cant thank you enough-I recently passed my Amateur Extra exam and can honestly say I could not have done it without you. You are a true credit to the Amateur Radio Service.
Thank you so much and 73s sir!
Ted Jacobson
Hi Dave,
I would appreciate any recommendations you could offer to help guide my selection of a new or gently used amplifier for my Flex Radio 6600 with GPSDO. I am looking for a 1500 W PEP linear solid-state amplifier with automatic tuning that is under $4500. I would like to avoid amplifiers that contain tubes because of the potential difficulty of finding replacements as time goes by. Please let me know if you think of this concern is causing me to overlook some excellent amplifiers. Thank you for your help.
Hi Dave, sitting at home going over ques. and ans. for the General exam tomorrow. Thanks to you and a lot of information I’ve picked up on U tube shows I think I’ll be o k. Got the manual just about worn out over the last month. I have a question about a home made J pole ant. I have it mounted about about 20 / 21 feet to the J part. I have a $25 Boufang right out of the box. A friend of mine talked in the yard on simplex with stock ant. and we could talk. I hit the repeater about 12 mi. from the house o k . and could here him on his base. I hooked up to the J pole ( which shows about 1.3 swr) and went through the repeater to his base but could not hear him at all on my radio. I’m wondering if my ant. is not good or the radio is not working any more. I haven’t talked to another ham but him on my handheld. If I get my general tomorrow he will let me borrow a good radio to try it out. Also I will get me a good multiband ant. to set me up a home station. Hope to catch you tomorrow on live chat. Wallace KI5DER, Biloxi, Ms.
Thank you. Good luck with your studying! 73, Dave
Hi Dave,
It looks like you just hit 50,000 subscribers on your YouTube channel. Congratulations, and keep up the great work! Im a new ham already studying for my extra license and your video is what got me to take the next step.
Hi Ken, sorry to hear about the radio. Have you tried the factory reset instructions from the manual? If you are still able to program the radio, look to see if the function key got defined as something else, and program it back to be the function key. Good luck with your radio! 73, Dave
I recently purchased a tyt 8000 D.
After my neighbor programmed it the function key stooped working. Please help us reset the radio. Btw I’m a big fan.
Thank you
Dave, I just used your information and that from W4EEY to pass my General. I held a Technical Plus (or at least that’s what it used to be called indicating I passed a 5 wpm code copying test) for many years but wasn’t very active on 2m. Actually I do mostly SWLing.
I am on fixed income, so my funds are not infinite and I am careful as to where I spend it. I have found your information to be more than worth my time in helping me in my “ham path”.
Mr. Casler,
I just wanted to drop you a quick line and tell you thanks for your many wonderful, informative and educational videos you have posted on YouTube. They have been a great help to me not only in rekindling a long held interest in this hobby but also for the education I’ve received through the Technician and General class license course series. Today I sat for my exam and not only passed element 2 but went on to pass element 3 in one sitting! As I only have just passed the exams today, I have no received my call sign from the FCC yet but I am looking forward to that as well as the Baofeng UV-5Rx3 that I ordered this afternoon. I’m already looking forward to diving into the HF bands soon but I have a little more research to do before that jump (as well as another paycheck or two). I also joined the Lewisville Amateur Radio Association (W5LVC.org) and I’ve already met many wonderful people and gotten a ton of great getting started help there.
Thank you again for all you do for this hobby and hope to see you on the air soon.
Mike Weston
Lewisville, TX
David, good luck with your studies. The choice of a handheld is a highly personal decision. See what your local club members are using–if you get something like that, you’ll have others around you to help you with the rig. 73, Dave
Hi Dave,
Working my way towards Technician Test next month – Using your videos and the ARRL Manual to study. Do you have any new recommendations for a starter HT radio? The TYT UV 8000E you reviewed looked good. Is it FCC certified? The 8000D seems to be . . .
Is there something newer, better that I am missing? There is so much out there. DMR, GPS, etc.
My first ever “73” is offered to you, David
Kenny, you might be safer to transmit into a dummy load, then have a short antenna on the radio under test. I don’t trust attenuators unless they’re lab grade with lab grade cables and everything perfectly grounded. Not much signal needs to find its way around the attenuator to completely overload the receiver. Hope that helps. 73, Dave
Hi Dave……I can’t afford to purchase a real comm tester unit, way too expensive for my budget. I need a way to generate microvolts for testing radios. I was wondering if using a HF radio (power output 1 watt or so) fed into a variable attenuator (adjustable 0 – 82 dB) and then fed into malfunctioning radio, might work? Would this be safe and also generate the microvolts needed for testing? As long as I can get an acceptable input level, I suppose it doesn’t need to be exact. I just need to be able to trace the signal through the radio. Any other suggestions for doing same would be greatly appreciated, too!!
What you are seeing is the factory calibration mode. Contact hfsigs.com using the email address on the page and ask what to do to get it out of calibrate mode.
Hi Dave I saw ur video about the bitx40. I’m wondering if u can help me. I put mine together and the display say calibrate when turned on, any ideas what’s causing it.
Try one of your suggestions and see how it works. When you have multiple factors present that can affect antenna performance, often your best bet is simply to try things.
How are you, Dave? ANOTHER Q for ASK DAVE..
So. our house has a metal roof. on which a short (~1.5 m ) TV-mast is mounted (sans antenna) at its peak, at about the roof’s center; there is also a chimney (not yet used).
My (still flexible) plan is to:
1. mount a (6 m – 23 cm) discone atop that mast… &
2. find ways to ways to use it to also support 1 end of an HF wire antenna, eg:
– a Sloper: HF wire would extend over the backyard, eg, down to 3-conduits, duct-taped together – over their entire length (= 4 m) to form a “DIY vertical support,” secured to a well-planted metal fence-post, w/ guying to keep it from bending / falling L or R, in wind..
BTW, I could replace the 3x conduits with 3x larger-dia. 6 m drainage pipes (also PVC) & similarly duct-taped ’em together, to get the back end up 2 m more than the conduits would.
Alternatively: A shorter Inverted-V with its center atop that mast: 1 leg to a tree in front yard; the other to a metal shade-cloth frame, between back of house & back yard.
What would you do, in a similar situation? Any other comments welcome.
Thanks, Dave & 73
Dave I want to thank you for all of your efforts in advancing the hobby for newcomers like me. I was able to successfully complete all three of my tests, in one testing session, thanks in great part to your training videos. I combined them with hamstudy.org and the ARRL manuals and pass. I have also learned a great deal from your “ask Dave” series. Please keep up the great work and thank you!
Hi Dave!
I used your videos a couple of years ago to study for my technician and general class license. Thanks for everything that you put into those! I know for sure when I decide to work on my extra, I’ll be back for more of your videos!
I remembered you are a motorcyclist as well. I saw your video going over Engineer’s Pass.
I am back on two wheels myself finally after 10 years of not riding. This time I’ve found myself on a Vstrom 650, and have quickly learned that I want to do more of this adventure riding thing. What better way to combine so many hobbies all into one?! Riding, camping, hiking/exploring, and now I’m adding radio on top of it all. I’m wanting to do things like SOTA, APRS, Winlink, and maybe even limited voice contacts through my Bluetooth helmet system too.
Have you done any motorcycle mobile installs, and/or made videos about it?
Right now I only have my new Kenwood TH-D74 to experiment with, but I plan on building a com box for the bike with my TM-D710, and eventually a 857d for HF too. Though the HF won’t be a bike mounted antenna, just along for the ride and used as a portable field set up at campsites and the like.
Thanks again!
Based on the information you’ve given, it sounds like a great price!
Hello Dave,
I think I recall you saying you once had a TenTec Jupiter. I have an opportunity to buy one bought new in 2002 from the original owner. He only ran CW except once to test a desk mike he built from a kit. He set it up for me and all functions work fine. (The demo lasted an hour. ) It’s cosmetically perfect, well cared for.
My only hesitation is with the age of the radio. The owner is an older gentleman and everything he owns is immaculate.
His asking price is $300, far below any other I’ve seen.
Any thoughts, caveats you can offer?
I do watch and enjoy your UTOOB channel, thanks for the great info.
Chuck Kelley
Hello. I just wanted to thank you for your great Youtube channel. As a creator myself (www.youtube.com/c/learnelectronics) I know what tough job it can be. I have learned a lot from you. I got my tech and general in March of this year. By watching the heck out of your videos, I took the extra exam in September and only missed 4 questions. I couldn’t have done it without you. I call you my long-distance Elmer.
If there’s anything I can do to help you out, I’d want you to know that I am at your service.
73 my friend from WW8PR
Dave, I received my Extra Class license a while ago but have not been on the air much. I stumbled upon your videos and will make a concerted effort to participate. Thanks,
Interesting post! I sometimes read your blog and find out
for myself something new. I think I need to share this in facebook.
My friends will also be interested. Thank you.
In your video showing how to manufacture a 6 meter wire antenna, you mentioned shortening and lengthening the antenna. What does the end of an antenna look like which allows lengthening? Does one loop the end around an insulator and then wrap the remaining wire around the antenna wire running the end back toward the feedline?
Hi Dave ,I enjoy and have learned much from your videos.I have a question about station grounding. How far from the wall ,where my antenna and ground come in can I have my 2meter radio ,I have a copper bar on the back of my desk to connect radio and such to with that connected to my ground wire coming in through outside wall.
Thank You
Yes, there are several schemes for how to phase them together to provide directionality.
Hi Dave, big fan here. So my question is about antenna arrays. Can you get better reception on hf be setting up some sort of multiple antenna system?
Hi Dave
I have enjoyed most of your videos but 2 of them have me worried just after the fcc Dropped the code requirement I started working on my ham Lic and have been lic since 2008 I Remember years ago there were plans to build a launcher ( using a tennis ball Cannon ) making a video of that would be great if you have that info
I Have a Question about 2 of your videos on YouTube you had a guest talking about coax said his website was usacoax.com He says Chinese Coax is no good and talks about Times microwave is good American coax so I went to there website well at the to of there page they say click here to visit are site in China it sounds like there coax is also made in China also and all this was a sales campaign
I Hope you will responded to this and leave it on your website but I’m expecting its going be deleted
I am using you as my teacher as I study for my Tech test June 2nd. I am cramming quickly, and not as prepared as I would like to be. I grew up watching, and listening to my dad be an excellent ham. He was a very quick study, and spent hours having fun on projects of all sorts. There was nothing that he could not accomplish. Oh, yes he was also an engineer who enjoyed the beauty of a challenge. Maybe that helped too. My dad and I talked about the someday when we would work on my ham license. But time ran out about 10 weeks ago, and now I am working solo in his honor. When I pass my test I will carry over his call sign.
Your videos have taken the place of finding a real person to study with as everybody here is too busy, or too far away.
Now, I am hoping to get my license if I can get this studying down. There seems to be so much – and I have no experience with math, circuits, etc.
So anymore ideas you can give me is very much appreciated.
To the item Hazardous material – aluminium
or as You say it Aluminium – is Bauxitoxide
Al2O3 and Al2SiO3 and is poisonous. You get the same sympthoms as the welding on zink plated metall (galvsnisated steel/iron )
Bauxitoxide (Al) was suspected to trigg s.c Alzheimers decease (discuss is still actual)
Never touch aluminium if it has larg oxide
on it – and be sincere to wash You hands and
face before eating! If You get sick of Al203
Bauxitoxide – you get like a flu and severe headache. So beware of You health if You
touch or handle Aluminium metal!
Precausion is the Best!
Then You mentioned BeO2 Beryllium Oxide
if You get it into Your body – preferreably your lungs – since the particels is small and poisonous – cancerrisc.
labels that it contains Beryllium Oxide!
It is a carcinogen – It can and will cause
cancer in your respitorial system!
Places where it can be found Transistorized
HF Power amplifiers 150W/300 Watt f.i.
I follow all Your items on Youtube. I was
“licensed” March 9th 1983 VHF/UHF and
certified (certifiable who isn’t!) Sept 1st 2006
on HF – EHF without CW (I know other things
instead of that!).
You need NOT to mention my name just that You got a information of these substancies
73’s de Gunnar sm6oer
Carl-Gunnar Hillefors
Poetgatan 22
S42255 Hisings Backa
Gothenburg HNE
Ph +46 31 581447
Fax +46 31 581447
First, thank you for all the effort you put into your videos. They are great.
I just passed my Tech test last week so now I am researching radio’s and antenna’s.
My question is about antenna’s. I have room on my property for a long dipole. The issue is that the property slopes about 15-20 feet over a 100 foot run. So the question is: do I string up the wire to be parallel with the earth or parallel with the sloping land?
Thanks in advance for any thoughts.
Pierre, passing the tech should also give you General privileges automatically. If your VEs can’t answer your questions, try calling the ARRL. Good luck and see you on the air!
Sounds frustrating. It’s something in the settings in WSJT-X somewhere. Persevere!
Thank you!
First of all, many thanks for your contribution to helping me get my General Class and Extra Class Tickets.
Secondly, I value you so much that I became a $5 Patreon subscriber a couple of months ago as a way of paying it forward. I want to help others advance in the art of ham radio. I don’t know but I might be helping develop a radio communicator that may save a life in an emergency.
You are making an impact developing the ham community by grow its skills.
Dave, when I open WSPR 2.0 by K1JT it works as expected – I can receive and transmit. My rig is a Kenwood TS+480SAT and I am using a Signalink USB interface. However, when I open WSJT-X v1.8.0 by K1JT and choose WSPR as the mode, I can receive but not transmit. Any suggestions?
Beautifully taught lecture series. As good as my best engineering professors. Returning to Amateur Radio after a 25 year hiatus. I was an Advanced License holder and just past my technician. It is not clear to me if thi gives me General Class privileges. Can you clarify?
John, welcome to ham radio and congrats on your upgrade! Thanks for the kind words about the videos, and thanks for your continuing support on Patreon! 73, Dave
Hello, Dave,
I am indebted to you for helping me learn what I needed to get my ticket. I was a novice in high school and got my license around 1970. After several decades away from ham radio, I decided to get back into it around Christmas last year.
With your amazing video introductions and the ARRL study guides, I passed the Tech in January, the General in February and the Extra just today. Your commitment to being an Elmer to the world is a truly wonderful service to the hobby. I cannot imagine all the effort going into those videos and to revising them every time the study guide changes, but you seem up for the challenge.
Now that I’ve got the tests behind me, I dug out the old Heathkit code oscillator and J38 key (I did pass the 5WPM code test back then…) and will begin following your code practice sessions when I can.
Thank you for all you do. I’ll sign up as a “patreon” to help fund your new “not orange and not blue” shirt 😉
All the best!
The antenna pattern is not affected by the power fed to the antenna. The antenna you describe could perform better if you get that apex up to 33 feet. In the meantime, the pattern will be higher, but certainly not straight up like NVIS. NVIS is not practical on 20 meters.
I want to thank you for providing the videos on all the Technician, General, and Extra exams. They were very helpful in obtaining my Amateur Extra License this February. For all of you looking to get into the ham radio hobby, Dave have be a great “Elmer” for passing your exams.
Thanks again Dave! 73
Mike Weller
Hi Dave,
Just wanted to leave you a message and tell you thanks for the Extra Class videos.
I have watched them all many times throught and and have found them invalueable.
I passed my extra class license on February 13th 2018. I am sure I would not have made it with out you instruction.
Thanks again and 73.
Greeting Dave,
I love you videos. thank you for such a great resource! I do have a question for you.
I have a 20 meter inverted Vee antenna at about 20 ft in the air at the apex.
I believe it’s acting more as an NVIS antenna than anything. Does increasing the power help or hurt with an NVIS antenna? Will increasing power do more to sent signals out into space.
Granted the most I can transmit is 100 watts not counting for losses of course.
Thank 73
Luke – N5JHR
Great Videos on the Tube!
Just finished watching # 106 the difference between a Dipole and a vertical antenna.
I have had both all home brew.
But my question is this.
What is the difference on the antenna modeling software between an Inverted V and a Vertical. where the dipole gain is broadside to the wire in a flat top configuration.
I currently have up a three band inverted V ( Fan Dipole) 80, 40, 30 meters, with the feed point at 47 feet up the tower.
The angle is approx 45 degrees on the legs from the vertical.
Would love to see this addressed on your You Tube page.
Hi Dave,
About two lifetimes ago I had a 1st class FCC eng. lic. and maintained marine and navigation radio/radar equip. There’s a tiny island in Long Island Sound with a VLF radio beacon. The antenna was over a hundred yards long with the transmitter shack built on stilts in the middle of the antenna. The ends of the antenna were attached to wooden power poles concreted into the ground. To keep the antenna tight in all types of weather without exerting enough force to break the wire, they supported the wire with a leader run through a pulley and down to a 5 gallon plastic bucket with about a hundred pounds of concrete in the bucket. When high winds blew the antenna it would bow and pull the bucket up the poll. I’ve always thought this was a very simple and ingenuous way to keep a constant tension on a very long wire.
Hi Dave,
I am also Mormon and a new ham. I love your videos. The best I have seen. I have a TYT 8000e with a problem. Cannot get into VFO mode using the # key. It responds with “error”. Cannot seem to get a hold of the manufacture. Can you help?
I looked at the web page and have to say I’m extremely skeptical about their claims. If in fact their radiation elements are made of nichrome, you should know that’s what portable heaters are made of. Nichrome wire will heat up nicely and keep your room toasty. Of course, all the power that goes to heat can’t be reflected, so the SWR will look good.
I looked at the way the elements were constructed. Fishy.
I’d stay away from these people. Look at the Buddistick website or MFJ’s loops or Cushcraft or Hy-Gain.
Call DXEngineering.com. They’re really into antennas and can probably point you toward something good.
And don’t forget the simple dipole.
Good Morning, Dave . . .
I recent came across an antenna, described in the patent as a “Nichrome resistive active element broad band antenna.” It reported to cover all bands from 6 meters to 160 meters without a tuner and with a SWR of 2.1:1 or less on all bands.. The website is http://www.FatSpectrumAntenna.com
Would really like to see a review from you on this before I plink down $400 + shipping.
Thanks, Dave . . .
Robb, lots of hams use the RG6 cable because it is so much less expensive. It may raise your SWR some, but not usually too much.
Todd, congratulations!
Hi Dave
Great Videos, really inspiring
I passed my first test back in 2000, KB9YSZ, then moved over seas and obtained a call with all privliges A92GW, in Bahrain. (Still on QRZ.com) Since then my US Lic Expired and I did not renew, now looking to retest and get bk into the hobby…
Thank you for putting all this info out there and propagating the Hobby
I want to thank you for your excellent set of videos on the Amateur Extra Class series. I viewed and studied each video and along with Ham Tests Online I was able to pass my Amateur Extra Class test today!
Thank You,
hi Dave,
I have a question. I have been researching double bazooka antennas and am thinking of building one as outlined in http://www.hamuniverse.com/bazooka.html.
My question is: will the coax cable used for cable tv work for the double bazooka antenna? I believe tv coax cable is 75 ohms, but I often read that all dipoles are 75 ohm. I don’t know. It’s get confusing.
I do know the tv coax is double shielded and has a sticky substance coating each shield layer…it’s messy to work with. I’m thinking I can clean it up for soldering with alcohol, but that is yet to be determined.
I suspect the only way to know will be to try it. You present a complex scenario. I suspect you’ll find that your antenna does pretty well.
Hi Dave,
In your antenna video you emphasise the need to have an antenna as high as possible.
My antenna is mounted on a 10 foot pole which is mounted on the 3rd floor of my home.
How does one measure the height, from the roof level I.e. 10 feet, or the height above ground 24 feet down? Will the re-bar in the concrete roofs make a difference?
73s Chris de 9h1bw
I watched all of your videos to help me prepare for the Amateur Radio License Exam. This morning, I passed part 2, 3, and 4!
Thanks so much for your thorough and well produced videos!
Hey Dave. I would like to thank you for all your hard work in presenting all this imformation. Without you I couldn’t have passed my tech exam. That said, it’s now time for me to head up the upgrade trail and take my general exam which brings me to my question. While I’m studying, I’m also looking for a good HF rig to get me started. I’m looking at new ones because I don’t want to inherit someone else’s problems. What I would like to see is a video about choosing a first rig. There are so many choices I don’t even know where to begin. What should I look for/avoid? Thanks again for all your great work.
Jason, km4fpz
Hi dave, i moved and just put up my g5rv i am using a 1:1 balun between the window line and rg58 coax, but the anteanna wont tune up, can you tell me what you suggest, thanks,
You have done a very good job on the production of the videos. So much so that I will be using then with my radio club in the school {KN4LHS}.
Hey Dave, enjoy your videos, always informative. I’ve been playing around with using my gutters as a way to get on HF. My current set up seems to be working rather well. Have you ever thought of doing a video or series on using ones house gutters as a HOA HF antenna? Thanks and 73 de KD4CR
This concerns electrical grounding. Despite reading dozens of threads and watching many videos, I have not found a direct answer to this question. I do not want to be electrocuted. (Shocking, eh?) My station consists of a Powerwerx SS-30DV power supply (like yours) and a Yaesu 450D transceiver. The Powerwerx has a three prong plug and my house is wired to support the three prong system. Assuming everything is connected correctly, the three prong system on the Powerwerx should protect me from electric shock from the power supply. The Yaesu is connected to the Powerwerx via a 2 wire power cord. The big question: Can I run a wire from the ground post of the Yaesu to the (round) ground portion of one of my house electrical outlets in order to achieve an electrical ground of the Yaesu? Is there a compelling reason I should not do that? (I am using a balanced antenna – an Alex Loop – so RF grounding is not an issue, as noted at http://www.arrl.org/grounding.) Thank you for this and your excellent videos.
Hi Dave!
I got licensed on november 2016 and got ready to transmit a few months ago.
Tou have been so inspiring and your videos were so helpful! Your English is very easy to understand, even for an italian audience, and I just wanted to tell you that.
I just want to say thank you for spending your time helping other ham radio operators.
You make me want to go deeper and deeper in this wonderful ham-world !
Hi Dave,
My name is Ruel DW1VGX from Pasig City. I have been watching your videos all the time. I am currently a Tech and working for my General ticket. I find it very helpful to watch your videos first prior to reading the manual/handbook. Then watch it again after reading. The principles are all the same except for our rules and regulations. 73!
Roger, there’s an item in the menu to select audio input, either mic or data. Make sure it’s set to data, which allows the rear connector audio to drive the radio. Hope that helps.
I think I read somewhere that you are using your Ten-Tec Jupiter on digital using Fldigi. I am unable to control the transmit audio with my MFJ USB radio interface. Is there a secret? The control on the front seems to make NO difference. I have considered buying another sound card interface like SignaLink. I have tried changing the levels of mike, etc. Maybe I haven’t found the right combination or my interface is defective. CW works ok.
Thanks for any insight you may have.
I enjoy your YouTube videos daily.
Roger Ehlert K4ODC
Thank you and good luck in your studies!
Dave my name is Don i am work on getting my licence just wanted to say i love thr videos and all the info thank you very much
I passed both Tech and General Class exams tonight, 4/14/2017. I watched your videos after my instructor covered the material in a class room and between both of you it ready helped get the info into my thick skull. Thank you for all your work and I will continue to watch your videos.
Steve Rogg
Hi Again Dave! It’s been a while, about a year in fact.
I’ve gotten awfully discouraged in trying to get started with Ham Radio and I just keep falling into more and more frustration.
I got my technical and general tickets on the same day about a year ago. Boy was I excited. I took a month or two to research rigs for a simple home office setup. I chose a Yaesu 991, with and nice power supply. I also got one of those window pass throughs for my antenna…oh yeah THAT!
The next 12 months have been just heartbreaking. I live in a single family, single story house, in a residential area. We have no trees, only nice shrubs and plants. Standard lot size home pretty much in a 1970’s tract. Height on the house is around 20ft total. I’m up in years, so I don’t do climbing on ladders higher than around 6′. With all this, the antenna possibilities are just zero, it seems.
I’m thinking that my last option is a vertical that I might can just stand up in the back yard, much to the chagrin of my wife! I was thinking of something like an AV-640 from Hy-Gain. It “looks” like I just need to put something in the ground and then push that over it. It’s 25′ long, but I’m reading that you have to put it like 8′ above ground. There’s no way that if it falls it doesn’t hit my wooden fence or my roofline even if I put it smack dab in the middle of the back yard. No power lines though. I can probably guy it (though they say it’s good to 80mph without guying.
I really just want to talk locally on 2m/70cm and then probably on 40m. Would love to explore some DXing, but probably not with my restrictions. Would like to try my hand at PSK31 and integrating my Radio with my home computer.
I just keep coming back to that old thing that going high up ain’t gonna happen and I’ve been more than tempted now a few times just to sell off the equipment and try to recoup a little money back! HELP!
Hi Dave, I just watched your video on using the manual tuner. You are right there with Gordon West WB6NOA. I commented to Gordon one time and also asked Gary to do a video for Hamnation on using the 259 to tune the tuner without using the radio on the air for the initial set-up. I suggested using the 259 in place of the radio into the tuner which is hooked to your antenna. You tune the 259 to the frequency you want to tune the tuner to and then adjust the tuner for the lowest SWR on the 259. After I do this I remove the 259 and briefly hit the cw key and look at the SWR. All my tuners have a meter and doing it this way you don’t put a carrier on the air while tuning. I have done this when tuning Hustler or Hamstick mobile antennas. It also works great with the TarHeel antenna tuning it up and down until you get the lowest SWR on the frequency you set on the 259. I am an Extra and have been in Ham Radio since 1967. Your way is the way I learned way back when. Back before the 259 came about. I have several 259’s and now I added the Rig Expert AA-30 to my tool box. 73 and remember to watch Hamnation either on You Tube, Roku or TWIT.TV/HN Wed night at 1900 MST.
Kenneth, I haven’t done a video on power supply isolation transformers. I’ve never used one and would have to experiment for awhile before I’d have anything useful to say. Thanks for the suggestion. 73, Dave, KEØOG
Hi Dave,
I am confused. (That’s normal for me). I have been watching YOUTUBE videos about isolation transformers manufactured by reputable companies, which are recommended for use when trouble-shooting problems. It seems they (the companies) are tying the ground connections to the neutral connections inside the transformers. This, according to the movies, can be very bad if you are using oscilloscopes or two prong electrical plugs on old equipment and can cause problems for the ‘scope’ or your own person. They can be severely damaged and you can be electrocuted.
I have tried to find one of your videos on isolation transformers but haven’t been successful. If you have done a video on this, would you please give me the link so I can watch it/them. If you haven’t produced one, could you let me know if what I am saying is true.
I think your videos are very enlightening and I have learned a lot from them.
Keep up the good work!!!
Thanks and 73s
Kenneth Lung
Gordon, thanks for the topic suggestion. I’ll add it to the list. 73, Dave, KEØOG
I have been out of radio for years. Getting back in it and have a question about coax. I have old RG-8/U on my antennas that seams to be still good. I was thinking of replacing it and have received many different ideas from other Hams. I have my station in my back room. I plan on using 100w on HF using my Gap Titan antenna using about 60 feet of coax. Also I am using a Diamond X50 antenna with about 30 feet of coax. I have been told to use LMR 400, others have told me that is over kill and a waist of money. Can you do a video on what coax is best and adequate to use. I know there have to be more people like me.
Dave, I just finished you product review on the TYT U/V 8000E . What a complete job you did. Much praises for the completeness – you found a new job. I have a question regarding the TYT. I programmed our local repeater according to your directions and saw the red light go on followed by the green. However no voice came from the TYT. I checked the FM,ok, and then I transmitted and pressed the squelch button on the side and the repeater could be heard. tried several more times and the cw id came through. Is there a function tab or procedure the locks the tx speaker from being heard? The only support I can get is to call China , since the 400-699-8858 toll free US is not recognized by Verizon. Great review but a big minus on support. Can you help me/ am I missing something? Don
Just saw your first chapter on extra class and I would like you to be my instructor.
I’ve been licensed since 1975, but fell into inactivity for many years. Lately my interest has renewed and I’ve got the bug again. Your videos have been extremely helpful in my effort to relearn old things and catch up with some of the new angles. Keep up the good work. I really appreciate your efforts. WA4OKO
Interesting. I looked them up. For the times, their price was quite high. Also, Wikipedia has an article on the General Radio GR-874. Quite groundbreaking at the time, but no longer used. Thanks for the info.
Appreciated the video on RF connectors. Not all connectors though have a gender. The old General Radio Connectors are gender neutral.
Good suggestion.
New to HAM having recently passed my technicians exam and working towards my general license. Really enjoying your videos and I only have one suggestion. Maybe you could put the camera on yourself and your radio showing exactly what you are talking about. I loved your video on the 20 meter band, but how great would it be if you actually worked your way up the dial so we could listen in on what you are talking about.
Otherwise, great stuff.
Aspen, CO
I have waited a few months to send along this comment!!
After being licensed since 1976, I decided to finally go for the Extra Class license, after being a General for some time.
I signed up for a local Extra class & so began the 3 month journey. But, with the material that needed to be covered & only meeting once a week, I needed some extra resources.
One of my fellow students told me about your videos for each of the amateur licenses. I tuned into the Extra class videos & I was hooked!!! I started watching them every chance I got. This definitely helped me with the study material. It actually made the studying a lot easier.
This morning, I went to the local VEC, giving exams, to take the Extra exam. I passed the Extra exam!!! It was a great moment. What made it even more neat, was the instructor of the class was one of the VEs this morning & I was able to receive my certificate of credit from him.
There were about 4 of us that got Extra, as about half of the class dropped out in the beginning. We were truly “the class of 2016”, as the test questions change on July 1st. We were glad to get Extra before the next pool!!
So, once again, thanks for such great videos!!! I work with some guys that just got Technician & I will encourage them to check out your General videos, when they are ready to study. Also, I hope that you will go on someday, to do videos on the new Extra Class pool questions.
If you are ever around Melbourne, Florida, give me a shout!! We can do dinner.
Look forward to working you on HF someday…….
Walter, WB5ZGA
Your General and Extra Class videos are a very helpful introduction to the ARRL material. They really added another dimension to the written material. Last night I passed my: Technician, General and Extra Class exams.
John, E7C11 is a bit of a trick question. It’s covered on page 6-42 and 6-43 in the ARRL Manual. It’s a concatenation of two elementary networks, one with a capacitor in shunt followed by an inductor in series, the send with an inductor followed by a shunt capacitor. This creates a network that starts with a shunt capacitor, two coils in series (which add to form an equivalent coil with the two inductances added), followed by a shunt capacitor, which is a pi network. The key is to note that the two inductances are in series, and can thus act as a single inductor. Hope that helps. 73, Dave
Great site and your videos on Youtube are a big help. I have a question on the Extra exam.
30. Which of the following is the common name for a filter network which is equivalent to two L networks connected back-to-back with the inductors in series and the capacitors in shunt at the input and output? (E7C11)
(This is identified as the correct anwer) A. Pi
B. Omega
C. Cascode
(I chose this but is says I am wrong) D. Pi-L
I answered Pi-L because the description says “inductors” plural. I though that was a Pi-L?
Phil, insulated radials act like counterpoises, and have low voltage and high current near the base of the antenna and low current and high voltage at the far end. So, if the end of the radial can be touched directly, as is often the case with cut wire, then yes, there could be an issue, potentially causing an RF burn to the unfortunate toe. Also, of course, laying radials out on the ground is a tripping hazard too! If you have buried your radials, insulated or not, there will likely not be an issue. Of course, there can also be RF exposure issues if kids are near the antenna and you’re running high power. 73, Dave
Thanks for your video series “Ask Dave.” Have found the videos extremely helpful. I do have a question about antenna safety. When in TX is there any danger from the ground radials if an individual were to come in contact. I realize that the radials are part of the antenna and I am concerned particularly children walking across the area perhaps with bare feet. Should I be concerned?
Hi John, I’ll be getting the new ARRL book soon and will assess the videos for updates. Good luck with your studies!
Dave, The new Amateur extra question pool has over 135 new questions. I’m hoping you will be putting out a video covering some of the subjects of these. I’m currently working on my extra class license and your videos are an excellent tool to supplement my studies. Thanks for all your hard work to elmer new hams into the hobby. 73 John
Stephen, I don’t know much about it, but I’ll put it on the list. 73, Dave
Hi David Casler
Please can you do a video on DSTAR. or if you have please send me the link.
And thanks for all your hard work. it really helps us all.
Kind, Regards
Stephen Reynolds
South Africa
I just wanted to send out a personal thank you. I am sure you already know what impact you are having on a lot of peoples lives by sharing your videos. I have been a Ham for 44 years, and last fall I started in on your video’s for extra class. I hit the books hard over the winter and finally got a chance and I took the exam with the local VE’s here in New Hampshire last night. It really feels great !!!
Thanks Again
/Jim /N1CRZ
P.S. My daughter also lives out in Colorado (Boulder area). She hikes in the Flat Iron Mountains quite a bit. Takes her HT along with her as they are often out of cell range. Great for WX info on overnight trips, and she can normally hit some repeaters in case of emergency. I was the first ham in my family 1972, and now my son (Mineapolis), daughter, my Dad (now 85) and my father-in-law (Now Silent key) are all hams.
The first time my wife brought me home to meet her family, there her father was sitting at the kitchen table with a cassette player learning code. He looked up and acknowledged us and said he would be with us in just one minute as he was learning code (totally independent as I was meeting him for the first time). When he finished the random letter groups, I said to him (“I think you are confusing X and P”)… needless to say we became fast friends 🙂
Hello Dave.
Simply another of the many dozen’s of thanks for your video series and for the super teaching technique. I just sat for the tech (100%) and for the general (Uhg …. 97% but the one I missed was a question that was supposed to be removed Feb 2015, but okay). The point being you were THE go-to source whenever I wanted more than just a “right” answer.
“Extra”??? Not sure yet, but I know where to look for help when the time comes.
Thanks for giving to the HAM community.
Chris, you’re dealing with two things going on here. You’ll have to make do with a compromise antenna, such as something tacked to the ceiling. Second, the rig you mentioned is only 5 watts. Between the compromise antenna and the anemic rig, you’re looking at lots of frustration. I recommend a 100 watt rig as a starter. If you learn and use CW, then you’ll be able to have more contacts because CW contacts don’t take nearly as much power for the equivalent SSB contact. I remember putting up a 20-meter dipole in my apartment back in Tampa, FL, in the 1970s. It wasn’t really good but did work. With your antenna that close to you, beware of the RF safety implications. Basically, you won’t be able to do 10 meters without cutting power way back, but on 20 and 40 you’ll probably be okay—but check the calculations with the RF safety calculator I mention in the General RF Safety video. Be patient and persistent. As you learn more the initial frustrations will go away. BTW, I have a friend who, when faced with your situation, put an HF mobile station in his car. Then he’d drive to the park to operate. Good luck! 73, Dave, KEØOG
I just wanted to thank you.
Stumbling upon your videos made me interested in ham radio, then I bought a Yaesu VX8DR to listen in on repeaters and “collect” APRS packets as I drove around (could not tx, didnt have the license).
Because I used your videos I was able to get my tech and general in my first go (just today actually), the only one in the class that was able to do it. (I say class but in reality we just all showed up, talked a bit then took the test).
So now I have a tech related question for you.
I am going to start saving money so that I can get a Yaesu 817ND. so I can get into the large bands I have access to (I was not expecting to get general) I live in a studio apartment, and can not put ANYTHING up. Do you know of an antenna that could fit in a small (20×20) room that will let me listen in and respond to HF frequencies?
write me back!
Craig, indeed civility seems to be the issue of the decade. In my mind, since destroying things is much easier than building things, destroying is the thing lazy people do, and building is what the rest of us do. It doesn’t take any work or creativity to be destructive. Given the nature of radio, it takes a long time (sometimes a couple years) to track down the offending operator. Basically the FCC needs to catch him in the act. Good luck with your Extra! 73, Dave, KEØOG
Thank you, Dave, for sharing your wisdom and giving us that YouTube overview series of videos of the Extra Class license material. It is good for me to hear it broken down the way you do, in addition to what the manual says. The background info is good also.
In September 2015, I took and passed my Tech and General tests, and got my General ticket that October. Now I’m cramming for the Extra ticket, as more experienced hams advised, before the current exam structure expires this coming June.
One point of like to mention, that you brought up in video 3.1, I believe, is the responsibility of every ham to consider ourselves civilly and responsibly on the air. Having run 11 meter LSB for decades, and still using it while I’m researching and preparing a mobile rig, Over this past year, I’ve been noticing that there sound like a lot of hams using LSB on 11 meters, as a meeting place, and then they either dominate the frequencies around channels 36 through 40, or they jump over to 12 or 10 meters. I’ve heard them calling and setting the meets. One of the things that is happening as a result of that practice is that there is a while lot more hostility and outright nastiness like regular CB used to feature in the 70s. I went to CB sideband to escape the chassis and machines but now it’s killing 36 through 40 LSB certain times of day when propagation is highly favorable. Your discussion of responsibility and station management provoked me to raise this issue. There have been a few time in recent weeks that the verbal trash was so bad on LSB that I’ve even suggested that stations with RDF capability should initiate a foxhunt for the offending culprits. Too bad. As you were saying in your videos, the few Ron it for the many, unless we ask pull together.
God bless you.
If you need help let me know. We have resources on the east coast ready and willing.
(formerly KC3ASE)
Dave, thanks for the suggestion. I’m no expert on SSTV! I’ll have to study up on it. 73, Dave, KEØOG
Hey Dave! Great job on the videos.
I wonder if you’d consider doing something in your Ask Dave about SSTV? I’m an Extra up here in New York and I just can’t seem to figure out how to determine the modes properly to get anything decoded.
Robert, the short answer is that I don’t know. Search Google for one and look at the results. Single-purpose spectrum analyzers with wide frequency ranges are expensive. On the other hand, a lot of the oscilloscope apps you can use with a tablet will do audio spectrum analysis. Ham Radio Deluxe and Digipan both provide spectrum waterfalls. Good luck with your search! 73, Dave
Where can I get a good spectrum analyzer with waterfall display
Thank you Dave! A year ago, I tested and passed both technician and general in one night, due in large part to your videos that really helped me digest and understand the material. I had planned to take the extra test over the summer. Well, it took me twice as long as I thought to get ready, but last night I am happy to say that I passed the extra exam, and I learned a lot of the material again through your videos. I am very excited, and looking forward to getting out and using that extra bandwidth. Hope to see you on the air some day. 73!
Thanks Dave for the inspiring videos to help me pass my Technician License. Now on to my General License!
73, Robert KE0GTT
I just watched your “Station Grounding” You Tube vid and it was very nice. I did notice a couple things that seem to be contrary to what I have been taught and practice regarding “Bonding & Grounding”.
First thing is the safety ground. I beleive that the neutral and ground wire must not be bonded inside the breaker box. Rather it should be bonded at the service entrance, at the meter. The neutral must be isolated from the breaker box. The ground bus bar must be bonded to the breaker box, inside the breaker box. I am not sure why the NEC makes it like this.
Second thing is the use of additional ground rods. I have been dinged for this during my career. If there are additional ground rods for any other services, telephone, cable tv and antennas, they must be bonded to the electrical service entrance ground rod(s) with no less than #6 copper wire. Failing to bond the rods creates an elictrical potential between the rods and creates an additional path for electrical currents and can cause ground loops and noise.
As far as cathodic corrosion. It does not relate to ham radio, but here in SoFla, copper plumbing under many of slab homes fail because they corrode due to small electrical current, especially if they are not bonded to the building electrode(s).
Dave, thanks for your videos. I subscribed to your channel. Keep ’em coming!
Hi, Dave. Thank you again for producing these excellent training videos. I am proof that they work! I passed the Extra Class exam last Saturday with a score well north of passing. I owe a lot of my success to your videos and the knowledge and motivation they provided. I appreciate all the time and effort you put into making them.
73, Gerald, KD9EOR
Hey Dave! Just wanted to shoot you a “thanks”. I watched your Extra Class videos alongside my normal studying, and I just passed my Extra exam yesterday. I feel like I have a deeper understanding of the material thanks to your work. Keep it up and hope to work you in the future! 73, J.B., W8BZA
Dave, got your QSL card in the mail the other day — thanks! Also discovered your link here, thanks to daily stats on my own website. Thanks for the plug! 73, Jim Massara, N2EST, Lilburn, Ga.
Congratulations to all the new license and upgrade holders. I’ve also found Dave’s videos as some of the best available. Congratulations to Mr. Casler as well. Job well done.
Gerald, congratulations on your new license! I look forward to working you on the air! 73, Dave, KEØOG
Thank you for providing your Technician and General exam videos. I watched them and passed both exams last Saturday (after about 55 years of hemming and hawing). I have begun studying for the Extra class test and will watch your videos. Thanks again for all your efforts.
Hi Devin, there is some Mac and Linux software out there, but most is available for Windows. As a Windows user, I don’t know much about Mac software. You might try searching for “Mac software for ham radio” on Google. And good luck with your tests! 73, Dave, KEØOG
I just wanted to say thank you for all the work you’ve done on putting the training videos together. I’ve worked my way through the Technician class and am now steaming through General. I take my first test Thursday, August 20th, and I’m very confident that I’ll be able to ace them thanks to the extra edge your videos have provided. In many cases, just seeing what the end result was (packet and other digital modes in particular) helped the material in the study books go down easier. I’ve been wanting to be a ham since I was a child, and now it looks like I’ll finally get to be one before my 43rd birthday in September!
I do have a question — it looks like most of the software out there is for Windows. I’m a big Windows user, but I do have a spare Mac laying around underutilized and I was thinking that would possibly be a good computer to dedicate to the ham shack. Is there a good selection of quality ham utilities and applications for the Mac, or am I best to scrounge up an older Windows laptop to use?
Thanks again. I hope to chat with you on the air one of these days.
Devin L. Ganger
Monroe, WA
Hey Dave I think your videos are great. I was just checking u tube tonight for info on antenna analyzers. And found your video exactly what I needed. I do have many ham questions and look forward to your new series. I have go end my message shortly as watching your videos has drained my cell battery. Will reconnect at a later time when my cell is charged up again. Keep up the good work. Regards G o r d Evans VE3ODT “old diode tech”
I passed the extra exam this morning your videos were a great help
Wow! I wrote that a loooong time ago! I’m glad to hear it’s still finding an audience. 73, Dave, KEØOG
Hi Dave,
We found a copy of your “Fox Hunt” book at the Sunnyvale, California Ham Radio Outlet and the four of us read it out loud to each other in the evenings as a family activity. We have now passed it on to the other members of our HAM club located in Nanaimo on Vancouver Island. It was a fun read and we really enjoyed it.
Hi Mel, your best bet, of course, is a dipole or inverted vee. Perhaps you can get a local ham club to help. Short of that, you might look at the Buddipole antennas. They’re quite portable. Your KX3 is only a few watts, so combining that with a small, compromise antenna could be challenging. Also MFJ makes an antenna that can be connected to a balcony rail. Good luck and 73!
Earlier today I published some thoughts about my need for help on an antenna to get my KX3 on the air. I’ll shorten it. I am Mel Leader, KB0QFP, in Colorado Springs, beginning work on my Extra. Appreciate your excellent videos. I’m 84 not very mobile because of a stroke four years ago. I live in a one level house, with a concrete patio with steel railings on three sides. My need is a simple antenna that I can set up and handle myself. In 1951 until 1955 I was a Navy ET (no digital gear, only vacuum tubes) so dealing with the KX3 is a real challenge and not mastered yet. Appreciate your suggestions on an antenna. Thank you, Mel
I wanted to thank you for all the time and effort that went into those great videos.
I watched them all multiple times. and passed my Extra class exam Last night.
Earned my Extra class this week! Thanks again for the videos.
Hi Rob, I’m glad you found the videos helpful. Once I finish the Amateur Extra videos, I will reassess. The Tech videos need refreshing. Also, I want to improve the production values and rearrange the presentations. My goal is to teach more than the test, but also provide a deeper understanding of what’s going on. Regarding the UK license, I haven’t seen any videos, but I’ll keep an eye out for them. 73, Dave
Thanks for the videos. I know they took alot of work to make. I found them after I took my tech and general, I am using them now as a refresher and to study for my Extra.
First off, thanks for the credit for finding NS6T’s azimuthal map (full credit goes to the actual creator, of course).
Second, thank you for posting the license class walkthroughs. Although I only currently have my Tech ticket (and UK Foundation ticket), I’ve ordered, and am awaiting, my ARRL General book and have already watched your General Class videos. I’ve even progressed to watching the Extra Class videos.
Next, in addition to the “walkthrough” videos have you considered at all doing actual classes for the various license levels? To clarify, more along the lines of helping us “learn for the hobby” as opposed to “learning for the test” if that makes any more sense.
Lastly, despite looking all around Google and YouTube I have been unable to find any videos for progressing through the UK licenses like you have graciously produced for US progression. Are you aware of any?
Thanks for taking the time to read, think and respond!
Rob, M6KOT / K1TAN
Thank you for a wonderful video series. i studied for my Technician class along with your videos for about a month and passed first time around with 100% passing score and completed the test in 12 minutes. My VEC team was blown away.
Studying for general which i will attend this summer and may also go for extra so i may share my knowledge with younger Hams such as myself.
Thanks again, hope to QSL and 73!
Hi David just wanted to drop you a note after using your videos and the ARRL EXTRA CLASS MANUAL which I had from the library I just wanted to say thank you for you and your videos I just passed my Extra class test this past Saturday 21/March/2015 so jst wanted to drop a note of thanks for you and your excellent videos de DAVID PETERS KB9EWG/AE
Thanks for creating your ham radio videos. I just passed my Technician test yesterday, and am now studying for the General. Your videos added a visual element that can’t be provided to visual/tactile learners like myself can’t get from a book. Thanks!
The Baofeng uv5r-2 works on two bands: 2 meters (144-148 MHz) and 70 cm (420-450 MHz). I agree that a radio can be quite confusing the first time! My suggestion would be to contact a local ham club (see here) and ask if others in the club have the same radio. Good luck!
I’m sure that will be possible. Please suggest times available to you by using my contact form here.
Mr. Casler: The veterans here at Ohio Veterans Home formed a ham club and would like to know if you would do a ten or fifteen minute talk via skype or youtube on how and why ham radio is important to you. Thank you.
Along with all previous posts to your website, YouTube, etc., I would like to add my many thanks and appreciation for all the time, effort and work you have put into your video training sessions.
I decided on Jan 1st this year to upgrade to Extra Class. After a brief search on the Internet for material and YouTube for assistance I was fortunate enough to find your videos and subsequently your website. I obtained my Tech + license back in 1988 and upgraded to General in early 2000.. My main purpose at that point was to have access to Winlink on my sailing excursions. After taking delivery of a replacement boat and starting the process of installing my ICOM802 I decided to upgrade and take a more serious look at Amateur Radio as a hobby. Your enthusiasm has been very infectious and I am pleased to say that I passed my Extra exam last night – with ease… in large part due to you. I will see where this hobby takes me but am now looking forward to spending more time on the air.
Again, thanks for your help.
formerly (KE4AOJ) now ???
I passed my Tech exam and waiting for my License to post. I have a Baoefeng uv5r-2 radio and how do I put in the 6, 2, 1.25, 70, 33, 23 meters? Book study and actually holding the radio are two different animals.
Craig, good luck in your studies. I recommend putting off a purchase decision until you have your license in hand. In the process of preparing for the test you’ll discover things that may change your decision on equipment. I recommend that a ham’s first radio be relatively simple. 73, Dave
As someone completely new to the world of Ham radio I found your Intro to Technician level video series extremely helpful and insightful. I so appreciate you putting those together and making them available to us non-engineer types. They are a big help. I actually watched the videos first prior to reading the book. Looking forward to my studies and getting my license. I think the Yaseu FT-60R HT looks like a solid first purchase. Would you agree? Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks!
Hi Keith. A number of people have requested a playlist. I shall have to dig in and see how that’s done. In the meantime, the complete list of General videos is at http://www.ke0og.net/general.
Hi Dave,
Just a request, I’m starting to study General Class so your videos are great. I can work and watch as well as just watch as needed. A big help would be if you had a play list for each of the license classes.
Would be just a click and go.
Thanks for the training source.
Dave: Came across your videos on Youtube and gong to be taking my Extra next Month in Feb. 2015. Thank you! Joe, KB3LUE.
Jim, thanks for the kind words. I’ve been improving the production values a bit at a time with each video. When I get done with the Amateur Extra videos, I’ll go back and redo the Tech for the updated question pool. 73, Dave
See http://www.ke0og.net/training. The video explains the process.
i need some avice on get my ham thay hate cb er were i live can you email me were i can ask you a few thang
After years of “someday I’m gonna do that” I buckled down recently and studied for my ticket. Your videos were extremely helpful! I appreciate not only the subject material you present so well, but having done quite a bit of media production, I really appreciate the high production quality of the videos you create as well. This past week, I paid my $15, and passed the technician exam, then passed the general exam, and since I had no reason not to try, I took the amateur extra exam as well, even though I hadn’t studied for that one at all. I didn’t pass it, but I did score 26 out of 50, so I feel like with some study and preparation, I can go back soon and successfully complete that one as well. You can be sure that I’ll be watching you extra series videos, and I’m anxiously awaiting them to be completed. Thanks again. I hope to catch you on the radio one of these days!
Great videos I was able to get my tech and then generals with the help of your videos in less then a year and planning on extra next year.My 9 year old son was able to get his tech with your videos as well and hope the wife will follow. thanks alot. jason kd8ymd 73s
Barrett, thanks for the kind words! I’m glad you found the videos useful. 73, Dave
No questions – just a great big thank you for the vast amounts of knowledge and time you’ve poured into your videos. I sat for the Tech last month, the General last week, and am hoping to have a /AE by tomorrow night. The background and context you provide have served as the latticework that connects the information the ARRL guides provide to the real world.
I don’t see the Extra as the finish line, but rather the trail head for what I hope to be a long, curious journey. Thanks again for helping get me there…
Hope to bump into you on the air or the trails someday!
Barrett / KG5DZD
You’re welcome!
Thank you Dave. Your videos helped me get my upgrade to the General’s License this past weekend. I got a perfect score on the test. I’m going through your Extra class license videos now, hoping to do the same for the next test. Thanks again, 73s, Gary
No problem!
I found your training site and thought there was no need to re-invent the wheel so I’m linking to your site from mine. Hope that is OK. Thanks for such a great job. 73, Kyle N4NSS
Nick, thanks for the kind words. I’m retired now, so I have more time to work on them. And, yes, they do take time—lots of it! Regarding the radials, assuming you’re talking about a ground-mounted vertical, the answer is that the length is not critical—make them as long as you can up to about a quarter wavelength at the lowest frequency. If you don’t have space for that, just make them as long as you can. Conventional wisdom seems to be that about 30 radials is a good idea if you can do that many. That’s a lot of wire! If you can only do ten, then that’s the right number! I’m currently renovating a Butternut HF-9V antenna, a ground-mounted multi-band vertical, and I’m increasing the number of radials from eight to 32. I don’t know how well it works, but I suspect it’ll be much better than the poor installation I had before. Good luck! BTW, if you’re mounting the vertical in the air, such as on a rooftop, then you will want resonant radials, at least two on each band (although the 40-meter radials will also take care of the 15-meter band). I once roof-mounted a Hy-Gain 14AVQ and put up four radials: two for 40m/15m, and two for 10m. I had good results. 73!
great lessons on YouTube- Where do you get the time?
My real question is – Can you provide any thoughts on the length of radials?
I understand the more the better and spacing concepts, but if you have a broad band antenna what are your thoughts on the length for each band or does it not matter if they are all long enough?
Dave – Thanks for posting these WONDERFUL ham radio training videos! I wish that they were around when I was preparing for my Technician and General licenses. I am now using them to prepare for the Extra exam.
I don’t have any questions – yet. But, I wanted to let you know that the videos are appreciated.
73 – Keith
Hi Dany, I have almost no experience with HF mobile, but you can check out Lew French’s station, included in the video found by clicking here.
Hi Dave –
I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your ham radio video series. I am very happy that I found your videos on youtube. You helped me to achieve my Tech license in November and my General license in January. I also upgraded to Extra two weeks ago. I like how you summed up each chapter section and provided very good visuals to help me understand the concepts behind the terminology. I had no knowledge about electronics, radio, or antennas before I began my amateur radio journey. Now I have the highest amateur class, a great understanding about capacitors, inductors, and resistors, and I have made my first slim-jim antenna. I have gained so much appreciation for amateur radio that I have pursued becoming a VE and eventually teaching a free radio basics course at the local community college.
Thank you and please keep up the good work!
Hi mr Casler,Dany here,I really enjoyed your videos on ham general class.I`m your working on getting mine.I`m canadian,although the requirment here are little different your videos were very helpfull to me.Unlike most operator,my first rig is gonna be mobile;being an over the road truck driver traveling all over n.america and not spending enough time at home to invest in base station.What would you recommand for mobile hf and rugged antenna to whitstand all driving conditions.. thank you
Hi Tom. I’m glad you found the videos useful. You remind me that I need to write a few pages about my experience when I was in Boulder. We went from nothing to having a very active set of hams throughout the area. We developed a close working relationship between the LDS hams and the Boulder Amateur Radio Club. We taught classes and held exam sessions. We had a weekly on-the-air net and a simple net script every week. We passed around the job of net control so everyone could get a chance to participate. It was all very positive. I moved away from the area ten years ago, but it’s my understanding that the nets and training classes continue. 73, Dave
Dave your website is fantastic. I really enjoyed your video’s for ham radio. I just passed my General last week. I am a member of our Stake ERO and we had approximatley 15 members take and pass the Technical 2 weeks ago. Any iformation and experiance you can give us on how to best to use Ham radio for our Stake ERO would help us out very much. We are located in Charleston, SC. – Tom KK4WWS
Obed, thanks for your comment. I’m almost done with the General videos—only 2 to go. My intent was to start right into the Extra Class material, but maybe a few videos along the lines of what you suggest could be done. Any other suggestions? – Dave
Hello Dave,
Thank you, for posting the technician instructions videos, It was a helpful tool in my studies and I was able to pass the technician license exam….I was wondering if you would be able to post a video demonstrating on how to setup a basic ham radio station.
Thank you,
I found your videos to be extremely helpful!.I am currently taking the ‘Technician” Class
license,and “General”class license exams on 02-13-14.I cannot thank you enough for your
I have registerd to volunteer at the July Convention in Hartford,Ct..Perhaps we will meet at
the event,if you are planning to attend.Thank you again!.-Denis
P.S. Dave,you are truly an inspiration!.
Dave, thanks for doing the Technician and General license series of videos. They are great! I am 76 years old and just now getting my Ham licenses. Passed the Technician test easily and now studying for the General. I’ll take it on Dec 21. Your videos have been very useful in studying and understanding the material. 73
Hey Dave,
First of all, I hope your arm is continuing to improve and second I wanted to thank you for your Tech License study video series. I passed my Tech license exam tonight and it was in part due to your explanations on the covered topics in the video series. The videos made learning the material so much easier. I am not one for just memorizing the answers, I wanted to know the hows and whys. I am going to order the General Class Study Guide and get started with your videos so I can take my exam for the General Class next month. Thanks again for the awesome videos and website. – Steve
Thanks – fixed!
Dave: I found your extensive website during a search on TenTec Jupiter. Very nicely done and reflects a lot of time on your part. I wanted to comment on the the piece “Bob Schaeffer, KJØD, recalls early history of Montrose Amateur Radio Club.”
I’ve known Bob for over 30 years and have always enjoyed visits with he and his wife, Connie, although I have not seen much of them since I retired 12 years ago and don’t travel through Montrose often. One thing: it’s an interesting report on the MARC but Bob’s callsign in shown as KJ0D and it’s actually KJ0G.
Nell, thanks for your comments. While summer lasts, most of the posts are about what I found riding my dirt bike, but as the weather gets colder, I’ll turn more attention to ham radio. I’m glad you’re enjoying the site!
I found your site by accident. I really like it though. What drew me to it was your mention of Ham radio. My husband and I lived in that area for a few years back in the 1980’s and both got our Ham radio licenses there. That was when we had a repeater up on Castlel Peak. I love your beautiful photos, interesting blogs and ham radio information. Thanks, I will be checking in from time to time.
A thorough job of it, Dave. Nicely done. This will be a great resource for new and existing hams. Keep up the good work. -Eric