Here’s your introduction to section 3.1 in the ARRL General Class License Manual for Ham Radio. The video provides background and some discussion of the material to help you understand section 3.1 better.
In the video I mention that FCC Part 97 is online at ARRL. You can find that information by clicking here.
I also mention hidden transmitter hunting, often known in ham radio circles as “fox hunting.” You can learn more by visiting my fox hunting page, which has links to additional information both on this website and on others. If you want to be the fox, consider this post about the PicCon fox controller. If you’d like to find the fox, there are myriad different methods. I use my Fantastic Fox Finder, which you can read about here.
Once you have finished with this video and studying the section in the manual, you can return to the video list here.
Good catch – thanks! I made the correction. 73, Dave
your webpage on 3.1 General test Prep talks about Part 95, I believe this should be Part 97. the web link is current and takes the viewer to the ARRL part 97 area