GoPro HD Hero2 First Video: Diversions along Lower Powerline Road

Woohoo! My birthday present is a GoPro HD Hero2 helmet-mounted camera. Needless to say, it was mounted on my helmet even before I left Highland Cycles of Montrose, CO. What you see here is the first (successful) video, taken last Saturday, showing some fun diversions from Lower Powerline Road. Note that I did not create these trails, nor are they new—I’m a firm believer in using existing trails. Yes, this is BLM land, but that still means “stay the trail!” But staying on the trail can be lots of fun!

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2 Responses to GoPro HD Hero2 First Video: Diversions along Lower Powerline Road

  1. dave says:

    No time lapse. What you see is real time!

  2. Arlo Jones says:

    Yow! I know it was time lapse, but my brain wanted to prosess it in real time.

    Throttle… Break… Throttle… Shift…. Break… Break… Throttle… Slide… Throttle… Jump! . Bend the knees…

    Then again I remember chasing you on your 125…

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