This is your video introduction to Section 4.1 of the ARRL General Class License Manual. After you have finished the video, you may return to the list of videos by clicking here. And special thanks to our instructor for this lesson, Lew French, KC0UER!
(Modified 14 Mar 2015 to point to an uncorrupted version of the original video.)
The old corrupted video is still on the YouTube playlist on your YouTube channel ( If you get a chance, it may be worth updating the playlist with the new video.
Thanks so much for the videos!
Thank you for doing this. Many will appreciate it.
Hi Peter. I looked and had trouble with it too. I’ll repost. Give me a few days, though – I need to find the original file. 73, Dave
Dave, video for General Class License lesson 4.1 still very poor. Image breaks up and occasionally also the audio. Hard to watch. The same thing happened in some of the Ch 3 lessons but not anywhere near as severe. Content is valuable. Thanks for these.
Timothy, thanks for the feedback. I alerted YouTube.
General Class License Video for Lesson 4.1, Electrical Review
had bad video—- good info