Yaesu FTdx3000 front panel.
The only interface between the radio and my laptop is a single USB cable. This allows for full control of the radio and takes advantage of the sound card built into the radio.
For what they’re worth, here are my menu settings where they are different from the default:
Menu 038, CAT rate: 38400 (must match how the COM port is set)
Menu 065, PC Keying: RTS (again, must match the digital mode software on the computer)
Menu 067, Data Mode: Others (means it doesn’t force PSK-31 mode, and allows any soundcard mode)
Menu 069, Other Disp (SSB): 1000 (allows the receiver to display data mode frequencies correctly)
Menu 075, Data In Select: USB (this means using the USB cable instead of RS-232)
Menu 076, Data Mic Gain: 25 (though I use 15 for fldigi – depends on the software)
Menu 077, Data Out Level: 10 (again, dependent on software)
Menu 116, HF PSK Shape: Soft
Menu 117, HF PSK Slope: Gentle
All other digital mode settings are at their default setting.
I welcome any suggestions!
You can adjust the power out either on-screen at the right or on the radio’s front panel–just look up how to change power out.
How is the transmitter output adjusted ? what menu does that my output on FT8 is 5 watts of FTDX 3000
I have had my ftdx3000 for 3 weeks now and still i cant set it up i can get it to go on ham radio deluxe latest version also wsjt-x but my problems are coming from the settings is there any one who can send me there settings wish i had never purchased the pile of SORRY CANT SAY IT GET MY SELVE IN TROUBLE ANY HELP APPRECIATED.
still no luck here with MMSSTV it works fine with WSJT and MIXW does not work with MMSSTV I repeat MMSSTV, Thanks for any response, all settings in menu have been
checked and rechecked.
Go to menu 103, change default ‘front’ to ‘USB’, unit should now transmit by computer control. When you go back to using the mic to transmit, change the setting back to ‘Front’
Ive set up my ftdx 3000 as suggested trying ft8 and have no problem getting the test cat to work. Good signal input. My problem is when I go to transmit my SO/PO meter pegs to zero and I dont get out. My time clock is in sync I just dont know what my issue is. Any suggestions welcome. 73
I have been successful using my FT DX3000 with HRD, FLDigi and WSJT-X. What I would like to use is EasyTerm for HF Packet. EasyTerm is normally used with the UZ7HO software.
I cannot get this to work no matter what change or try.
Bill Burek
Hi Guys,
does anyone have any experience with FreeDV and the FT-DX3000, especially how to setup?
Stefan, Df6vi
Cliff, in fact I just changed computers. The same setup works for both WSJT-X and fldigi, though I do need to use the companion flrig when I use fldigi to control the rig. 73, Dave
Do you (or other followers of this site) run both fldigi and WSJT-X on your 3000? If so, do you use the same computer, and again if so, do you have to change settings in either the computer or the rig after switching between the two programs? I can operate fldigi just fine to the 3000 with the single USB cable. I love the simplicity. However, I am having fits trying to get WSJT-X (the newest version 2.x) to work. I never had any luck with the earlier WSJT versions either with this rig….or my 857D for that matter with a Signalink. I’m running Windows 10. Any help would be appreciated.
73, Cliff W3KKO
The setup for CW is a little different. I’ve never spent any time on it, so can’t help. Sorry.
Hello Dave and other HAM friends,
I,am well pleased to find this story about the settings because I hgope it will help to make more from the hobby and the Yaesu FTDX 3000.
I have a Yaesu FTDX 3000 and a PC programm Ham Radio de Lux.
I will try the settings as you write above.
If you like to hear how this will works I will tell you ?
Greatings from Dirk
Thanks so much for the help, I am now having a lot of success operating in various digital modes with no problems. My next question is if I can do CW using FLDigi and just the usb cable into the radio or If I still need to use a straight key? When i switch both the radio and fldigi to CW mode and press transmit, the radio switches to TX but the power output sits at ZERO.
this did not work for my 3000 the only menu setting I didn’t use was 65 as it won’t allow MMTY to run rtty, but I set the software to the setting I left it on. I’m acticating the codec sound card in the computer using the 5000 as a radio choice and I still get the hamlib error. this has been very frustrating to me to the point I may just continue to use the rigblaster advantage and just run it the old fashioned way
I use the Yaesu driver for the FTDX3000 (available on the Yaesu download page). I use flrig with the rig set to FTDX3000 baud 38400, ptt via cat, and serial port com3 (the enhanced port). I use fldigi. Hope that helps. The config will not work unless flrig is used.
This thread is almost a year old but hopefully you still check in… I have the same radio (in fact we shared a QSO right after I purchased it) but have had a struggle gaining full rig control. What software are you using? FLdigi doesn’t have the 3000 as an option, just the 1200 and 5000. Also, my primary computer is a Mac, which I know is going to be a challenge but even with my older PC, Im still having a issue using FL digi.
thanks for your advice and all your videos.
– Banks kk6ubw
This is very important when you run FT8. If you have this shift set to default 1000Hz, you don’t have any FT8 signals under 1000Hz. If you set that to 0Hz, then you don’t have FT8 signals between 1.4k and 2.4k. My solution wast to keep the default shift value and then just tune the radio 1k up. After that I have FT8 signals 0Hz to 2.4kHz.
OK Dave, after doing some additional research, conventional wisdom across the masses seem to agree with your recommendation to set menu 069 to 1000hz. I understand why this is best and I’m onboard . . . Thx for your help.
Dave, I did a little more homework on the menu 069 question.
Apprently, when running DATA USB, Yaesu offsets the displayed frequency by 1000 hz as a FEATURE to force the center point of the bandwidth further up the waterfall. They do this because the transceiver (receive and transmit functions) will work more efficiently above 1200 hz on the waterfall.
Changing the default value of 0 hz on menu 069 to 1000 hz will allow the correct frequency to be displayed on the dial as opposed to the offset one, but it will shift the center point, thus you would see more signal traces occur below the 1,000 hz mark of the waterfall.
So, based on what I have found, I think I’ll leave menu 069 at the default value . . .
I would certainly welcome if you have a different take or opinion.
Thx and 73 N3PS
Thanks for your response re menu 69 on the FTDX3000. I “think” I understand the rationale, theory and mechanics behind your setting.
I use HRD DM780, and find that if I set 69 from it’s default of 0 to 1,000, it does moves the received signal traces down (towards the left) the waterfall a 1000 hz. It almost seems / sounds unnatural when the traces are below 600 hz (very low tones received and sent). Not sure if that is just the way it is to have the dial show the correct PSK freq, or if a setting of 0 is better with HRD DM780? At the end of the day, I guess the software at both ends of the QSO will be in sync based on click on the waterfall trace.
By the way, I really enjoy your videos. I got back into the hobby a few years ago after a 40 year hiatus and the videos helped clear away A LOT of cobwebs.
Tnx and 73 N3PS
Paul, they seem to be different for every software program I use. Look at the waterfall while you adjust settings so you can get something that creates some noise on the waterfall in addition to the signals, but not so much as to overload things. It takes a little fiddling to get it right for you.
I set it at 1000 so that the dial reads the right frequency when I’m using PSK-31. I never figured out their logic for having it offset in the first place.
Regarding menu 69, you indicate yours is set at 1000, but I have read where others recommend 1500. I can’t quite get my brain around what this setting even does, but why did you pick 1000 as opposed to 1500 or some other number?
Thx in advance.
Dave, I also have an FTDX 3000 and am struggling a bit getting DM780 set up for PSK31. I am using your recommended Yaesu settings, but find the settings within the windows Sound control panel also have an effect on the audio send and receive levels. What are your settings in the Windows Sound Control Panel that you based your Menu 76 and 77 settings on?
Hi Remy, I am not familiar with a “hidden” menu.
Regarding the sound card, there are many settings that have an effect. On my side, (dcasler.com), search for FTDX3000 and the top two articles list various settings I use. Hopefully something in there will prove useful to you. Be sure, of course, that you have installed the driver from the Yaesu web page first. Good luck! 73, Dave
Hi, just purchased a new ftdx3000 which is equipped with the latest software update. I’m very happy with ist.
Unfortunately I can not get into the hidden menu ( pressing CS and TXW while switching on. Any other possibility to get into the hidden menu?
I use N1MM to control the 3000 via the USB cable. When PC is on and I listen to a radio station ( via the internet) I face a problem when the 3000 is switched on. The soundcard is switched of (disabled) so I can not listen to the radio.
Thanks for the feedback.
73, Remy PA3AGF