Wednesday and Thursday of this week, I was up in the Ironton Park area, about 7 miles south of Ouray, where the color was at its peak and quite spectacular. Also, some great photos continuing south up to Red Mountain Pass. There’s not much color of any kind on the southern side of Red Mountain Pass.
Today I checked out Last Dollar Road. The color is yet a few days away from peak. This is normal—the Lizard Head Pass side is usually several days to a week behind Red Mountain Pass area. I would note that Last Dollar Road, normally pretty tame, is rutted and there are rocky places I sure wouldn’t take our Prius!
I also went up Dave Wood Road from CO Hwy 62 to Divide Road. The color is a bit past its peak. I took Divide Road onto Uncompahgre Plateau, taking a couple trails along the way, returning via Montrose CR 90. The color atop the southern end of Uncompahgre Plateau is a mix—a fair amount is just past its peak, some is at peak, and there are still some green leaves that will be turning very shortly.