Fall Color Report: Red Mountain Pass Approaching Peak

I hopped on my motorcycle yesterday, Friday, September 14th, to check out the fall color. I did the same thing last week. Wow! What a change in a week! It’s not at peak, but if you want to see the Red Mountain fall color, now is the time to do it!

Note that most of the color is in Ironton Park, a hanging valley south of Ouray and just north of Red Mountain Pass. Since US Highway 550 runs right through it, you can get there in any vehicle. I also took a detour up to Brown Mountain to get some views you can’t get from the highway.

I also went over Ophir Pass, which has some nice color in spots on the western side, from there to Telluride on Colorado Hwy 141, which is starting to show color, and Last Dollar Road, which is just beginning to show color. Usually the Telluride side shows color about a week behind the Red Mountain color. I’ll keep an eye on it and let you know.

P.S. I was too quick the first time I posted this – and hooked it to the wrong video. Let’s hope it works this time!

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