Per request from KEØKRO, here is the chart showing the derivation of the formula that the length in feet of a dipole is 468 divided by the frequency in Megahertz.
Also, you can go here for a higher resolution PDF for printing the entire presentation.
This appears in the video “Frequency, Wavelength, and the Speed of Light (Ask Dave 358)”.
Silver, W. (2010). Where does 468 Come From? Retrieved March 20, 2020 from
Check out the ARRL Antenna Book for formulas regarding making Yagis.
Only been licensed since 72, traveled for 37 Years so no much radio action.
Retired at 73, now 77 and attempting to build a 3 el. 10 mtr. short boom
mono bander for the upcoming 10 mtr. contest. Wish
I had a reliable sourse for this antenna that works well.
Just trying to get more active on the radio now that I
have more time for the worlds best hobby.
Thanks for being there with lotz of great info.
Leonard WD5CAY