Colorado Fall Color Season Arrives

Fall color at Buckhorn Lakes

This is Buckhorn Lake #1, looking east with the setting sun behind me. The color season has arrived! I love the reflections in the water.

Loretta and I were in Wyoming for almost ten days and while we were gone, the leaves here in Colorado were changing color. Our Colorado color comes mostly from aspens, and that’s what you see in the pictures. The picture above was taken last evening during a motorcycle ride at Buckhorn Lake #1 from a place that often sees lots of campers—indeed, someone had set up shop right around the corner. I’ve included some more pictures below.
Color on Buckhorn Road

Fall color along the road up to Buckhorn Lakes.

The aspen belt starts around 8000 feet above sea level and Buckhorn Road starts below 7000 feet, so it’s quite a ways up the road before running into aspen. The shot above shows that the color turn isn’t quite complete—in fact, there’s quite a bit of green.
Fall color along Buckhorn Road

Here's some more color along Buckhorn Road. The leaves stay like this for a couple weeks, then drop.

There are two lakes at Buckhorn. Lake #1 is shown in the top photo. Here’s another photo, this time of Lake #2. I love the reflections in the water. The dark things are islands showing because the lake level is low.
Fall color at Buckhorn Lakes

Here's Buckhorn Lake #2 with more reflections in the water.

Let me leave you with one last, this one taken along Ouray County Road 4 looking east toward the cliffs that are part of the Cimarron Range. Note that the yellow aspen leaves are sometimes downright orange.
Fall color in the distance

This shot looks east from Ouray County Road 4 toward the Cimarrons.

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2 Responses to Colorado Fall Color Season Arrives

  1. dave says:

    Stephen, 550 is the right route. I always tell people to plan for best fall color the last week in September. Last year we had an extended color season–very unusual. The color on 550 usually peaks about a week prior to the color along Last Dollar Road and the highway through Lizard Head Pass, but that’s just a guide. If you’re on a street bike, Last Dollar is not a good idea. Of course, Mother Nature can have other ideas. Hope that helps.

  2. I am a motorcyclist and ham, KW5V. We are planning a trip to Durango area for some motorcycling in Sept. of this year and would love tips on timing for color and best routes for color. Want to do the million dollar highway from Durango, but open to suggestions. Maybe three days of riding.
    FJR 1300
    Austin, TX

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